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Lovely Writer (Thai Series)

Another day and another review of a new Thai BL series that Just finished. To behest, I have very mixed feelings about this show. At the surface, every series tries to show they are going to bring something new to the table, which in a lot of cases in not entirely untrue, but when you look at the execution, it is the repetition of the same hot messs that you have seen again and again and again. Boy falls for boy after some drama, then we find out some history about them, then they accept themselves, some external drama happens and they then get back together stronger than before. The basic outline of this story also follows the same pattern. For a change the series tries to show some of the dark sides of what actually goes behind the scenes of making a BL series from treating if cast members to some toxic environments (which I am guessing isa hint from some of the real life situations that have happened in the past), but still the story never bothers to lift itself completely away from just being the basics.

Gene, is young writer whose last BL novel was a big success and is being adopted as a series. His publishers want him to continue writing a new BL novel. While casting and auditions for this series is underway, the production company invites Gene for his inputs to the show. Gene is really not bothered till soon things change. Nubsib and Aey get cast as the lead actors of the show. For some reason Nubsib take s liking for Gene and through his agent (who happens to be best friend with Gene) manages to share Gene's flat while shooting of the series is going on. Nubsib does everything in his power to flirt with Gene and make him fall for him and eventually love does happen. We are then told how Gene and Nubsib have known each other since childhood when Nubsib was maybe 5-6 years old and Gnee was his neighbor and 5 years old, but soon they were separated and somehow Nubsib has always loved him and this is precisely the reason he goes straight for Gene. Once they are in love, they decide to tell their parents the truth. After initial objection, the parents also root for them. But when the pictures the duo spread online, both the publication and the production company go into fire fighting mode since the series has just released and everyone expects that Nusib and Aey would be a couple and if Gene is seen with Nubsib, the ratings will get affected. They are forced to take a break a break from each other for about four months, while Nubsib is still under contract. Of course, everything is back to normal at the end. Of course we have other characters like Nubsib's agent who falls for Aey's agent. Aey has his own story which is never really explored. He has some history with his parents but we don't know what exactly and why does he suddenly start liking Gene? Then we have elder brothers of Nubsib and Gene, who could have played some really interesting roles but were again relegated to the back seat.

As I mentioned before, when the series began, I was curious to see how they would expose the Thai BL industry, which does get mentioned in bits and pieces but eventually it falls flat and clearly its the same old thing about two men actually falling involve. Something you have seen in every other BL show. With 12 episodes, some of them going almost about an hour and half duration, the series drags so much at certain places. IT felt like there were a few directors directing different scenes and then they were all stitched together. It didn't seem one cohesive project. Some characters were so rushed like that of Aey while others were just dragged for no reason. They could have completely eliminated the love angle between the two agents. That was absolutely not needed at all. The end drama was also so meh. Sure they are forced to stay away and pretend to not know each other, which could have been an interesting premise to explore, but sure enough, four months just pass by quick and the lovers are reunited. I was like wtf! The climax was so damn lackluster. 

Lets talk about some points of story. The childhood connection between Gene and Nubsib was nicely explored and well explained. Nubsib's obsession with Gene made sense. I may morally not agree with every thing the they show but I do understand as a kid, you can sort of idolize someone older than you , someone who protects you and is there for you in more ways than out Human brain can comprehend, so I have no issues with that part at all, and I think that actually gave a solid background on why Nubsib would do anything to be with Gene. Even for Gene, who is almost sure he is not gay and in fact hates the idea of BL, eventually sees Nubsib for the person who he is and is happy to eventually be in love. To the extent that when they come out to their parents, they are both ready to fight for their love. My problem is at the whole story and plot itself. The plot crawled along at a snail's pace for the entire series. There are many, many characters that serve no purpose in the plot and just chew up time. And then our leads, both Gene and Nubsib are wealthiest at the next level. They don't have any stakes involved because of which they will need to fear anything at all. Despite it's purported critique, the series is utterly formulaic & predictable and loaded with tropes.

The actors do a decent job with whatever is given to them. There is nothing extraordinary special that any of them bring to the table. Talking of actors, damn, Nubsib's elder brother was extremely gorgeous and sexy. Now thats an actor I would love to see a lot more of. He was barely there in the show in a very few scenes but I could have totally feasted my eyes with his beauty. Everyone else including leads were all ok. There is nothing about his series that's gonna stay with me once I am done writing this. I can see this show getting all sorts of mixed reviews but these are my thoughts. I'd say this is below average. Given how stores and directions have been improving of late, bring the same old regressive school of film making is not what I expect in 2021. (5/10)


Sailor Maan said…
Definitely join you on your review. This show gets pretty high reviews, I was wondering if I had seen the same one... I felt sooo bored watching it. The interresting plot of what's behind BL industry totally falls flat, Gene aggressive personality became annoying, Aey and Nubsib's brother got started and immediately forgotten. But mostly, boy is it painfully slow... Then suddenly some episodes or ideas get very good and had me regain interest, only to fall flat right after. For example the ending could have been so funny playing with cliches, but it gets so dragged that you just wish it to end sooner.
I have to totally agree with Nubsib's brother being so goddamn sexy. Our wish will be answered, he will be starring in "The tuxedo" BL this year. Doesn't mean it will be good, but at least we'll have the eye candy lol.
Golu said…
Exactly! This series was all over the place and was just not consistent in its execution.
PS: So excited to hear about Tuxedo. Can't wait see more of that. gorgeous and hot man
Miisu said…
Well, not trying to sound like TV-shop commercial, but: that's not all :D There's a film following the series. Same sort of messy and "meh?", so full of my cringes that I felt I deserve a spa treatment after finishing it. Took me about a week since I just couldn't force myself to watch it in one go. Assessment: waste of ammo. Don't watch. (And if you dare to think to try and see how much wtf you can take - think "YYY". Masochist much :D ?)

The "Thai slow" definitely reached a new level here, at times it felt like watching paint dry or grass grow. The childhood scenes and protagonists-have-met-before trope held my attention, otherwise it was really difficult to concentrate. It took so much effort to FIND the story to focus on, the... eem... disunity?... was so all over the place. Not the first time I've kept watching, thinking "next episode will be better" :D
Golu said…
We are all in the same boat. We continue watching hoping that the next episode will be better but that better episodes rarely arrives. I am dreading watching the film version that you have mentioned. I hope it doesn't fall through the cracks and I actually end up watching it.

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