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La folle histoire d'amour de Simon Eskenazy (French) [He's My Girl]

This film was actually a very pleasant surprise that Iw wasn't expecting. I did not know much about the film, so sometimes that helps. But some very charming actors, a decent storyline (which is probably not taking it too seriously) and a duration of under 80 minutes, this film was a lot of fun to watch and I had this happy smile to my face which hasn't happend for sometime especially while watching a film.

We meet Simon, a clarinet player and openly gay man. He is having an affair with his 'straight' student Raphael and they meet secretly, but he is also seeing French-Arab cross-dresser Naim on the side and he enjoys both their company. When Simon's mother breaks her hip, she has to come live with Simon, who actually doesn't care much for her and is very self centered. Somehow Naim makes hey way into Simon's house as the mother's full time nurse pretending to be Habiba. They get along really well and somehow Simon's dwindling intimacy with Naim gets rekindled. During this same time, Simon's estranged wife gets back to town with their son. Life is good and the son enjoys his father's company alongwith his friend Naim. But soon Naim is given an ultimatum that he needs to change his 'lifestyle' if he wants to continue to see his son. Simon thinks about this, but by then he is too much emotionally and physically invested in Naim/Habiba/Angela that he will have to make it work.

The first thing that stays with you while watching the film is how charming is the character of Simon. He is charming, has a naughty look on his face, he plays around, two timing Raphael and Naim, a man who is very sure of himself after his broken marriage. And the actor who plays this character does an amazing job. And then you have Naim, who plays multiple roles during the course of Simon's life and forces him to reevaluate his life's priorities. Their relationship is complicated because Simon is Jewish and Naim is muslim, but their constant comic banter throughout the film about their cultural heritage keeps the film very lively. The makers have tried to keep everything very light, drama free. Even when Raphael shows up with Simon is still with Naim, he never gets distressed of anything. He is man who is slowly getting confident of what he wants and chooses Naim, even though Raphael has just broken up with his girlfriend. Being with Naim also reminds him the value of family and being with loved ones. Sure the film might be full of cliche's and it never really delves into the hardships that Naim probably faces in his everyday life, but this film feels somehow a celebration of love and family. There are many tiny little moments that stay back but Noether is overly done. Neither the happy moments, nor the sad ones and the movie keeps going at a very rapid pace and not leaving anytime for you to think. Sure there is bigotry and double standards for family, because they are happy to see Simon with Angela (Naim in his cross dress avatar) but somehow his being gay is still frowned upon, but neither, Naim or Simon are ever really challenged enough in ways that bring out the complications of their characters and relationship. And that was fine with me, because it gave me an opportunity to actually enjoy and celebrate love. The film stays in safe and comfortable zone, and thats ok with me. Not every film needs to go into the reality zone. I enjoyed the film and had a god time and I think you would too, if you take it for what its is trying to be. (7.5/10)


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