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Don't Say No (Thai Series)

You probably remember the characters of Fiat and Leo from the TharnType series. Fiat was this cute guy who literally forced himself on Type. The series focusses here on relationship between the playboy Fiat and his lover Leo. This series is actually true blue romantic series, which is a bot of gamble, which we will talk more about. The show is about 12 episodes each 45-55 minutes.

The very first episode starts with Leo proposing Fiat to be his boyfriend. Their friends record the clipping and soon the entire university knows about their love, which they are both ok with. The first few episodes focuses more on the awkwardness of the 2 people who are gradually turning friends to lovers. They are both shy, awkward, nervous to make the first move and insecure in their own ways, on how to get into physical intimacy. The next few episodes focus on their love and relationship being tested by Fiat's past constantly interrupting their life. Since Fiat used to be a player and would sleep around a lot, some guys from his past manage to break the love but with the support of his friends, their love withstands. We also have the storyline of Leon, Leo's younger brother who shares a very love-hate relationship with Fiat. Leon also manages to find love with the orphan kid Pob and their parallel love story is cute. A lot of you sis also given to the families of both Leo and Fiat. While Leo's parents have been super accepting of everything and accepting Fiat as their own son, Fiat's family has all kinds of secrets that he is dealing with. He doesn't share a warm relationship with his father, who he thinks wronged his mother. Its only towards the latter episodes we find out that Fiat's mother had mental issues and she filled Fiat's mind with hatred as a child. And finally we have the big basketball game, where again the idea is to do anything to make the lovers quarrel but come what may, Fait and Leo's love eventually wins.

The fist ting that stuck with me while watching the show was the whole soap era-sh direction that the show has. Actually thats probably true for most Thai BL shows but having seen Bad Buddy recently, this glaring gap I becoming even more obvious. These shows really stretch out a simple story into multiple episodes of long duration which make you stay on and watch them. Secondly, how cute was Leon (he is not the lead). Although I can't say the same about his chemistry with Bob. Thats seemed a bit fake, but regardless the charm that the actor brings to his character is just too good. Now lets talk about Leo and Fiat. The series could have been a simple yet engaging love story but the down to death scenarios of intimidation, assault, previous partners etc make it gimmicky. They are just cheap ways of making the show more angsty, and one of the lead characters to be either jealous or protective. The dynamics between Fiat and Leo were interesting enough to fill the screen time without adding that dark past. And this would happen every couple of episodes, which clearly tell you that you just keep throwing rocks at the couple and see how they fare; and thats all the show wanted to focus on. The only thing that I enjoyed about the show was Leo's parents and their acceptance of their sons and Fiat. It was natural, refreshing and without any unnecessary drama. Same cannot be said about Fiat's family though. The whole mental issue thing was totally unnecessary was seemed like something used just as a filler for no reason. Leon and Fiat's love-hate relationship was the best and both the actors do a good job of portraying it. Acting from most folks is as expected, though I have to say that Fiat was the weakest amongst them all. Some of his expressions were way over the top.

Honestly, this was not such a bad series as you may think from my review. It started off well and would have been better if it stayed a cute little romantic love story. But it just goes into the rabbit hole of one toxic trop to another which makes the viewing of the whole thing quite frustrating and all you are left with eye rolls and wondering when is this going to end. (5.5/10)


Sailor Maan said…
A good BL with everything you would expect coming for tharntype world, good and bad (did you say toxic?). I hated Leo/Fiat in Thartype and unexpectedly found myself enjoing them a lot here. And Leon is definitely one of the cutest thing ever.
There is one thing that kept me laughing: Fiat's "I've had many partners before, I'm a horrible person". You totally are Fiat, you are the lowest, how can a slut enjoying sex for fun ever dare of having a romantic relationship?! Oh, wait, BL directors never set a foot in the real gay world, did they? XD
The 13th-special episode doesn't add much except for more cuteness, which is always good per se. Thank you Golu for the review :)
Golu said…
You are welcome my friend/
Oh ! the world of Thai BL, never ceases to surprise and amaze me. I started watching Lovely Writer now. Notmuch different from the usual saga. Hopefully the reviews will follow soon.
Sailor Maan said…
Haha you're so right, thai BL is a world on its own, for best or worst.
There is a small thai series -only 4 ep.- that you may find interesting : Grey rainbow. It is not perfect but I think it was good for the most part, and is has a different feeling than other thai BLs.
Looking forward to read your review about Lovely writer. I feel I have a different opinion than most so I'm really curious abour yours.
Golu said…
Sounds good. adding it to my list right now
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