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Suk Suk (Cantonese ) [Twilight's Kiss]

We really havent seen many gay films that focus on a love story of elderly folks, forget 2 elderly closeted gay men. You can probably literally count such shows/films on hand. To that, this film gives us an insight into lives of gay men, that we don't really focus on. And to top it, when you handle such subject with the respect and sensitivity it deserves, you know you are doing the right thing and you probably have a winner on hand. Thinking that anyone even close to retirement age would possibly feel physical or emotional desire, unless it’s for comedic purposes; is a bold choice for a film.

Pak, a man in his 70s, close to retirement is a taxi driver. His son is married with a young daughter and his daughter is engaged to be married. His wife is very homely, the sort who always thinks of everyone else before themselves. Acknowledging to himself, that he is probably gay, Pak starts cruising in a public bathroom. Finding no takers, he chances upon Hoi, another older guy sitting in the park. Pak tries to be aggressive but Hoi suggests being friends first. After a bad first meeting, they eventually meet again and strike a beautiful friendship and then a romance sharing their life in secret in bathhouse, trying to keep it all a secret from just about anyone out there. Hoi is a divorced man, who single handedly brought up his son and currently lives with his son, his wife and granddaughter. Both are doting grandfathers who fear what would happen if secrets would come out. Hoi fears his Christian fundamentalist son, whereas Pak also has his whole family to loose. Ona side, we see some older gay men being helped by younger lot asking for a gay old age home so they can finally be themselves. Their love and very sensitive romance grows where they spend time with each other, cook and eat together; but both secretly knowing very well that there may not be an eventual future for them. Finally Pak decides to call it quits.

The best thing about this film is the way everything is so understated yet very clear in what's going on. The final breakup of the couple is as subtle as the romance started in the first place. A story told with hidden glances and understated expressions, some of the best moments of this film are quieter interactions between the leads and with their family members. They maybe secretly having an affair, but not once for a second they forget their family responsibilities. The moments of two men sitting at waterfront or in the bathhouse are some of the most poignant scenes in the film. Pak's expressions on his first visit to gay sauna were also cute. The director keeps the proceedings sensitive, and the audience can’t help but feel that there is something more than mere pursuit of sexual pleasure to this unusual couple. This combined with. very powerful performance by the leads takes this film to another level. by the way, I feel that Hoi's son has all along known about his father's sexuality but somehow fails to acknowledge. I felt thats especially when he shuts down his wife when she asks Hoi too many questions. But I could be wrong. The film provide an insightful portrait of homosexuality in a conventional Chinese society. The isolation these gay men trapped in traditional family units feel is something we cant empathize yet.

Suk Suk is bold, sensitive film and should be regarded as a respectable piece of film making focusing on a subject that not many people would dare think of. It's the daily mundaneness of life that makes this film special. I would highly recommend. (7.5/10) 


stephen lim said…

I am happy to stumbled your blog. This review is soothing and is full of respect as I feel this film itself
will be for closeted gay men. We have seen many gay stereo typing narratives in films which I have often felt
I will not bother to waste my time with.

I have not seen this film yet. Having read your review I will go and see it.
Golu said…
Welcome and thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. I would highly recommend watching this film. Do continue to post your thoughts on my other reviews as well

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