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Die Beautiful (Tagalog)

Die Beautiful is one of the few films that really take an in-depth look into the everyday experiences, joys, and struggles of being transgender in the Philippines. It is rare in the sense that so far we have seen a lot of films where flamboyant gay characters provide a good comic relief especially in Asian films, so to see a film like this which gives the respect and sensitivity this subject deserves was very heart warming.

This is story of Trisha (born as Patrick), who has always had one dream: to win a beauty pageant. Shunned by his family for being gay, he is taken in by his best friend Barbs family. From hereon everything they do, they do together. The duo go internal pageant after pageant but never taste success but Trisha never loses hope. She also gets to become a mother by adopting a girl Shirley Mae and showering her with love and dreams that she never had. Trisha is now dead and as per her last wishes, Barbs is preparing her with seven different unique looks that Trisha always wanted of celebrities. It is between these wake ceremonies and through flashbacks we get an inside into Trisha's life. How she was brutally raped when he was still Patrick by various boys. At one point, she even meets possible love of her life as Trisha, but cancer takes that away too. Trisha eventually does win a beauty contest but collapses soon after leading to her death. The film shows how she has led a full happy life. The pageant dreams she spent her life pursuing are given a week-long final hurrah.

Trisha navigates everything in her life very sportingly and with able support from Barbs. Be it heartbreaks after losing pageant after pageant or being bullied at bars, prejudice at home, physical and sexual abuse, but there is always a hope that lingers with Trisha. The actor playing Trisha does an applaud worthy performance. He brings a liveliness, grace, poise and respect to the character. Whether rebelling against his father, offering advice to Shirley Mae regarding coping with bigots, or sharing his worst moment with Barbs, the actor imparts a balance of optimism and realism to Trisha’s many struggles. In any given scene, he movingly conveys both determination in his shoulders and vulnerability in his eyes. Same can be said for actor playing Barbs. Too good. The film is a lively medley of comedy and drama, portraying Trisha as a very human person in the face of her happiness and her struggles. A very good balance. The rape scene was heart wrenching and it sort of gives you an insight of how weak the marginalized communities feel. Trisha wonders that she was not forced to do things, nor was she prevented from walking away. She knew she had a choice; but she wonders why she felt powerless. The movie jumps back in present and past, slowly peeling off layer after layer of Trisha's past, which makes us understand how the characters come to life and how they deal with all sorts of conflict. The ending feels a bit abrupt though, and the duration of the film could be shortened.

Despite the very few flaws, Die Beautiful tells an amazing and beautiful story of how a transgender woman finds joy and fulfillment in the many things that come in her way in life, even in the face of abuse, despair, betrayal, and heartbreak. Highly recommended. (7.5/10)


Hedgehog said…
I really Appreciate your review Gulo, your thoughts about this movie echoes in mine. It’s a really great movie. The actor who play trisha perfectly fits the role. Paolo Ballesteros is TV host / actor for a long time and this recent years some speculate about his sexuality. Some believe it’s not true cause he has a daughter even though they’re not living together with the mother they’re in good terms . He’s quite about this until he had a boyfriend and that confirms it. He doesn’t announce it publicly, cause he thinks everyone probably knows about it. But seeing him now. he’s more comfortable in his own skin and he’s more free. By the way this man is very creative. He loves to paint and do Make up transformation. He done so many celebrity transformations and they’re amazing similar to original artists. That’s also one of his quality that makes him perfectly fit the role.

Ps: one of the important lesson this movie taught me is. Which came first, Egg or Chicken?
Golu said…
Chicken or the egg? hahahahhhahha
after reading your comment , I went and read more on the internet about the guy. So much talent in just one person. Good for him that finally he was able to announce it to the world. He really was just perfect for the role.
Hedgehog said…
I really want you to review this one "Bakit lahat ng gwapo May boyfriend?" (Why does every handsome guy have a boyfriend?). This is one my favorite movie of Paolo.
Golu said…
Oh yeah? I will try to get my hands on that one. Before that I wanna see "Born Beautiful".

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