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Four Lives (Mini Series)

There is so much indifference to the safety of LGBTQ folks, how much ever the police may say otherwise. This recently released mini series shows us exactly that how few years ago, the Grindr killer was able to kill so many young boys who really didn't have to die if the cops did their job right. In fact the series at the end tells us that six of the 9 officers were in fact promoted instead of taking a disciplinary action against them. This is just so bad. Watching this series I snot easy. In fact it is unsettling and unbelievable to see what actually transpired and how things would have been way different. Oh! Did I say this is a true story of the "Grindr Killer".

Set during 2014-15 time frame, we met Anthony, a young full of spirit young boy, a budding fashion designer, who works as an escort on the side. After one such gig, he doesn't return home and his body is found 2 days later. The suspect Stephen Port informs the police how he found the boy. The cops do an extremely poor job of investigation and deem the death as overdose of drugs, especially GHB. The distraught mother doesn't know what to do and can't wrap her head around the extremely poor job being done by cops and social service representative. What follows on our screen is the murder of next three victims in quick succession and despite the fact that the murders are in same area, similar circumstances and style ; all of young gay men, the cops never bother to pursue the cases as related and just dismiss them as suicide and drug overdose. Thins change when the sisters of the Fourth victim wouldn't take no for an answer and demanding police take stringent actions. Surely, Port gets eventually captured, who was also the suspect initially but let go. After a grueling session at the court, Port is eventually given imprisonment for life.

The focus of the series is of course on the murders, but more importantly on the fact that it was the Met's failing as the safety provider to these young men. Had they done their job right, Port's killings of these young men could have been avoided. Watching the scene s unfolding of the actual killings itself is not easy, but what you get to see here is also what happens to the family members and how they dealt with everything that unfolded before them. How they are helpless and can't do anything and can't get any answers from the cops. Surprisingly, the way this series has been directed, of course you feel anger and repulsion for the serial killer, but its the fury on how badly the case was handled right form the onset and how the family members were treated. It was left to the relatives to put the dots together which should have been the job of the Mets. The distinctly homophobic undertones run through most lines of police questioning on topics of escorting, gay sex and drug use. As the audience , our perspective is driven mostly through the mother of the first victim. Her desperate calls with family liaison officer and enacted so well that you feel for her. Also the concerned man, who gave the love and support to a Slovakian immigrant also stuck a chord with me. We never go to see the psyche on why the killer did what he did, but that was never the purpose of the show. Even though, he was a person of interest from the very beginning, its just shocking how he wasn't considered dangerous from much earlier on. 

All the actors are spot on, and do an amazing job including the actor playing the cold serial killer. It would be unfair to single out anyone. Four Lives is not pleasant viewing. But its interest in the lives of those affected is touching, and, as we are shown, desperately needed after their treatment during proceedings. It is both shocking, brutally saddening, and a true embarrassment for the Metropolitan Police. Thank you BBC once again to bring this very important series for us. Highly recommend this show. (8.5/10)


Sailor Maan said…
What a movie. You quickly understand you're going to be heartbroken 4 times. And angered just as much (somehow more at the police than at the killer). All 4 parts were equally brillantly made, all the actors did a great job. The craziest thing here is you could think it happened a lot of years ago, given how full of prejudice the police is. But no, it's our current time and most of all it's based on real facts. Which is even more frightening, saddening and infuriating. One of those wonderfully made horrible series you don't want but have to watch, just not when you're feeling low. Thank you again Golu for suggesting this one (or should I say I hate you right now lol)
Golu said…
Oh ! You can hate me all you want cos I know u love me. lol

But its exhausting to know all this happened not too long ago that too in a country like UK, where you would think people have moved on and the cops are not as corrupt as some of the other places.

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