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Gay Short Films : 92

Imperdonable (El Salvador) [Unforgivable]
A ruthless hitman for the 18th Street gang deals with his sexuality inside an evangelical Salvadoran prison, where he is not just guilty of crimes, but of an unforgivable sin under God and gang: being gay.

Broken Youth (China)
Li Yang has been the victim of campus bullying since the news of him falling in love with the class leader is revealed. A kind boy Feng steps forward and helps. The two became good friends who talk about everything. The appearance of Feng rescued Li boy from the abyss, taking him to the light.

The Only Gay on the Estate (UK)
First time director Michael Ogden's journey back to his roots as a closeted gay teenager on the Wythenshawe estate in Manchester, and to find his childhood best friend, David, a boy he bullied for being gay. Michael quickly discovers that it’s not the past he needs to confront, but the present - his family still doesn’t know he’s gay.

Find You in the Crowd (China)
A young teen is madly in love with his friend from his childhood, and he keeps following him. The friend likes the attention but is confused by how own feelings towards him. A girl who's likes the guy asks the stalker to leave the boy alone, only for the other guy to realize that in fact he also misses his friend and wants to be with him.

Secret Roommate (South Korea)
Yeong Min, Yeong Hoon's younger brother, suddenly comes to the house where his brother and secret lover Tae Ho live. The couple hurriedly covering the traces of their relationship, anxious that Yeong  Min might discover it. Can Yeong Hoon and Tae Ho pretend to be roommates until the end? Or is it that the brother is here to confirm his suspicions of them being a couple?

Hotel Paradijs (Germany)
Every day Paul crosses a canal that separates the Amsterdam city center from the north side, where his lover Christiaan lives and waits for him. A dear routine for both - until one day Paul meets Claire, who starts seducing him into her very own universe, the Hotel Paradijs. Claire makes Paul the audience of her own play: a play where the roles are reversed and into which Paul is undeniably drawn.

Verführung von Engeln (Germany) [The Seduction of Angels]
A young man cruises through the nightly city. He meets people, silhouettes, strange and scary. They all end up in a dim night club.

Tango Apasionado (Germany)
Two men struggling with their relationship. We don't know much about them - all we get is a glimpse of their desires and routines. We might find out that they are only part of a game we call filmmaking. Yet our watching their little dance is all too real.

Summerdaze (Singapore)
A beautiful silent short about young teenage love between two boys over a summer. A journey of discovery through Jeju Island in search of themselves, and ultimately love.

Beautiful Stranger (France)
Romain, in his thirties, has just been dumped by his boyfriend. Lonely and romantic, he tries a dating app and will make two surprising encounters in a two-star hotel.

Journey to the Shore (South Korea)
Min Ha and Sang Bum are a gay couple in high school. They go on a journey to the shore for their 100th day anniversary. Min Ha does not care what other people think and exhibits his affection towards Sang Bum in public. On the other hand, Sang Bum feels uneasy about this. That night will change things between them forever.

Birthday Time (USA)
Tom, a married closet case and parent who trolls gay bars for sex on the sly is placed in charge of his friend's teenage son, who is dealing with his sexuality and desperately wants to be kissed before he turns 18. He is on a mission to seduce the older man.

Love Advisor (Thailand)
The story is about a guy who can predict a person’s future by patterns of tea leaves. Our fortune teller is in love with his best friend, but unfortunately, he’s stuck as a love advisor for said friend.


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