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Kiss Me, Kill Me

I am a huge fan of thrillers. Sadly not many gay film makers have explored the genre as deeply as it has the potential. This film had a good story in its hands, and to be honest, it was executed quite well to an extent but somehow this still leaves you with a lot to be desired. Hopefully by the time I finish writing this post, I will have figured out what was missing.

Stephen is a successful TV producer with a perfect boyfriend Dusty, who is a bit possessive about him. When Stephen's ex-boyfriend Craigery also shows up at his birthday party, it leads to arguments. Humiliated, Dusty leaves the party, walks down to a convenience store. Stephen follows; trying to explain the affair is over, but out of nowhere an attack happens. When he regains consciousness, it turns out Stephen has been killed and now Dusty is the prime suspect. But Dusty cannot remember what happened. The whole premise is filled with suspects and characters out of which anyone could have done the murder. We have an unstable female lawyer desperate for sperm for baby and best friend of Dusty,, a couples’ therapist, the jealous ex-boyfriend, Dusty's sketchy best friend, a resentful lesbian couple, and a drag queen hypnotist. A lesbian and a "straight" cop are trying to follow leads to identify the killer. Dusty is desperate to put the pieces of the puzzle together, regardless where the truth leads, even if it means he did kill Stephen.

The most interesting thing is that the identity of the killer is not obvious till more than halfway. everyone is shown to have few quirks which keep moving your suspicion from one person to another, which is a good sign. But somewhere the execution fails. The makers tried to stereotype a lot of gay lifestyle and culture which prevented me from being able to connect to any character. The clichés about the gay community are so 90s. Dusty is barely sad, for someone whose boyfriend was just murdered. He is already out and about hooking up with strangers, with therapist, with Stephen's ex etc.  They all continue with their fancy lifestyle, rich cars and houses and just gymming and clubbing. The lawyer seems to know everything but pretends not knowing. The therapist keeps pushing individuals to think harder. Everyone wants to sleep around. Lesbians are shown angry. The only decent character was that of drag queen, who sadly doesn't add much to the story itself. Some of the liberties and leaps in logic was just too much for today's time; anyone can just walk into a crime scene or a girl trying to get pregnant with semen wiped with shirt.

I wish more time was spent on proper research to make a nail biting gay murder mystery, rather than taking audience for granted. (4.5/10)


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