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SOTUS: The Series (Thai Series)

I am surprised that this didn't hit me until I was midway into this show about the BL dramas that I have been seeing of late. Most BL dramas really focus mostly on love. It's not about sex or physical compatibility or what others would say. I noticed in some of the other shows also that quite a few characters don't want to label themselves as straight or gay. For most, its about the person that they fall for and love. Many times it happens to be of the same gender as they identify themselves with. Sure love soon follows and that is what these dramas focus on. No one wants to talk about what will happen when physical intimacy starts? Where will things end? We know bad sex can make or break even the most loving couple. I am not complaining. Its just an observation or something that stuck me while watching this show. 15 episodes of about 40 minutes average duration, you can imagine that I spent almost 10 hours in total on this.

Story wise SOTUS is pretty straight forward. SOTUS focuses on the hazing practice that most of the engineering students may have experienced. The hazing is done by third year students led by the head hazer Arthit. As you can imagine freshmen are all scared and do whatever is asked of them but we have Kongpob who stands up for himself or his classmates when he feels unjust is being done. This really irritates Arthit since it undermines his authority and then the duo start a longterm stand-off during their hazing sessions. Somewhere in all this, Kongpob starts having feelings for Arthit because somewhere he sees that behind that serious and angry persona lies a boy with a good heart and good intentions and someone who loves pink milk. Sometimes directly, and sometime indirectly he lets his feelings known to Arthit, who is very confused being propositioned by a man. At first he agrees to hang out with kong and even kisses him, but somewhere along the line he starts pulling himself back. Unable to understand what's going on Kongpob tries hard to reason but constant snub from Arthit breaks his heart and eventually he starts to keep his distance. This changes when Arthit confides in one of his friends on what's going on and finally realizes that he is thinking too much about future and why he is not the right person for Kongpob, when truly the man loves him. Arthit then publicly admits that he is indeed dating Kongpob thereby bringing a smile on his face. In t he last episode we see some background of Arthit's growth from his first year to becoming the head hazer.

Almost 10 episodes focus on different aspects and stages of hazing. It also briefly touches upon why it is done and how it helps freshers. Whether hazing is needed or not is a debate that will never end, so let's not go there. Focusing on our two leads, I have to say as much I mostly liked the chemistry and their approach, I do have a few issues with the whole treatment. I totally believe that sometimes you can fall for a person irrespective of the gender, so no issues here. But my problem is how Kongprob approaches Arthit in the whole situation when Arthit first kisses him and in next few days starts snubbing him again. I felt that Kongpob's character suddenly felt as a needy person. I would have expected him to completely ignore Arthit, thereby forcing Arthit to realize how much he also loves Kong, the same way Kong loves him. There is only one scene where Kongprob confronts Arthit that he cannot just take him for a ride and lead him on when he doesn't mean to. Also I wish the love story started a bit earlier. There was way too much focus on hazing. There were many individual scenes that brought a smile to my face. Every time Arthit would have a smile and would try to hide it behind his stern demeanor was hot. Arthit's reaction when his senior tells him what does it really mean when someone gives them their gear locket, the glance and nod for approval that Kongprob looks for everytime and of course everytime that Kongprob would take a stand and annoy Arthit during hazing sessions. As actors I just saw Kongpob is the show "He's coming to me" , so I was well aware of him but its my first show for Arthit, who was definitely so cute. And both of these guys are good actors too. I wish the other characters were slightly more developed. Especially Waad from the junior batch, and the senior who would always shout at him and later help him in a fight. I think there was some potential there. But besides that, the gradual love and respect that our two main leads grow over a period of time and evolves past college time was beautiful to watch. I would have also liked to see a little bit more intimacy between them. Just 2 kisses was not enough to visualize them as a couple. They looked more as close friends. Like I said earlier, good intimacy can make or break things sometimes.

Watching such long shows is not everyone's cup of tea and given that these are long series, you can expect that there will be plenty storylines just for the sake of it, not adding really to the core plot. These are the times that annoy me and I wish that everyone would just focus on main storyline, but thats just me. This was still as good as some of the recent BL dramas that I have seen. (7/10)


sanhop said…
"But my problem is how Kongprob approaches Arthit in the whole situation when Arthit first kisses him and in next few days starts snubbing him again." This is because the actual novel ends at episode 13 when Arthit and Kongpob order each other's favorite drinks. The "snubbing him again" and announcement happen in episode 14, which is originally a standalone special chapter.
Golu said…
Interesting! I didnt know about the books. My guess is they didn't originally plan for a sequel, so they thought maybe its best to make it as a part of the whole series. And here we are :)
After watching Tharntype, which instantly became my all time favorite, Scotus did not give what I expected. Although I should not compare, and despite kongpop being cute as Hello, I am still wondering if these two ever slept together. No adult material here and I guess this is how it was meant to be.
This being said, the very good acting of the lead protagonists and their chemistry made me wanna stay and watch more. Love seems to blossom everywhere, shy and untold, leaving the viewer in a state of constant lust for more. More kissing would have made this show a very good one. A pretty damn good one
Golu said…
I can imagine why after watching Tharntype, this show will not feel upto mark. I'd say this show is more about engineering students and their trials with a short BL story. the love story didnt feel the main attraction here. Still the production quality and acting were all pretty good
Like you said, the show is more about the hazing... The positive side is that it's new and quite refreshing, and nothing's really happening in the US right now in terms of romcom. So thaï it will be.
Also compulsive watching is not good, especially when you've just finished a really good show. All that comes next seems so average that we'd better have a break or watch lame stuff on purpose so that our hearts and mind are ready for the next roller coasters !
Golu said…
Exactly! Couldn't have said that better
Sailor Maan said…
Truly loved this one and couldn't review it better than you did. Romance starts really late but before I was hooked by the hazing story. Like they said it was a bit exagerated but I totally felt what I lived in my engineer hazing experience back in the days. Some scenes were memorable and at the same time I couldn't deny they were exacly like how I remember them. Happy memories :) Kongpop and Arthit have a crazy chemistry. Special mention for the fantastic music too (Harry Angstrom had been in my playlist ever since).
I may have watched this after a lot of other BL, I still got hooked and I totally understand why it got so popular back when it was released and why it was considered a renewal in BL shows.
Golu said…
OMG! I can't believe that you had not seen this series till now. In fact this is one of the few BL shows available on Netflix in US
Sailor Maan said…
I know! I kept posponing watching this one because watching the 2 seasons takes so much time. And I was fearing the comments rightfully saying it takes a lot of time for the romance to start. I just hadn't expected to be hooked right from the beginning XD. I've seen some other BL with an endlessly dragged romance with just a kiss in the end, really boring. Sotus is definitely different, now I feel bad I set it aside for so long...
Golu said…
well at least you eventually got to it.
If I am not wrong, this is definitely one of. this emore popular series that Brough Thailand to the forefront where it comes to BL stories
Sailor Maan said…
Yes I've read the same thing about SOTUS being the first real BL hit, and kind of changed the BL world. I was no expert of BL series before but the few I tried were not good. They felt like the old yaoi mangas (which makes sense since BL comes from yaoi...) that were quite different. A lot more toxic, lots of rapes, top/bottom were more like master/slave relationship and I never could appreciate the genre. I was just limited to what was published in France so I could be totally wrong here but that's really how I felt about yaoi for a long time. Now they feel more healthy. I would find interresting to know if BL haven't actually influenced yaoi in return! Speaking of which, I've seen they made a manga version of sotus haha
Golu said…
Manga version of SOTUS? are you serious?
how do I get more time in the day to watch all this? My work is also getting so busy these days.

:sad face:

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