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Roop Thong (Thai Series) [Golden]

This web series was a bit of a joke and b that I mean, the story, the direction and the slight OTT acting was too much to handle for me. i think having recently seen some really good Thai BL stories, my expectations were high and I forgot how most time you need to keep your brain and emotions aside for such stories. This series could never make up its mind on whether it wanted to be a family daily soap where all women are manipulative or wants to be a gay love story or a revenge story or a love story. It was all over the place.

Suer and Moo are brothers. The parents separated when they were kids and Moo stayed with his father and Suer with his mother, who is in police department. When the father dies Moo comes to live with them but for some reason (never explained), the mother is not fan of Moo at all. Suer is seeing a successful girl Khao, who is not very much liked by his mother. Suer's best friend is Rob, who is gay and is very much interested in Suer and even tells him. Unsure Suer finally gives in and finally realizes that maybe he is indeed gay. But his mother is so dominating that Suer has no choice but to do whatever his mother asks him to do. When Khao finds out about this, there is a cat and mouse game between Khao and Rob as to who will win Suer's love. When the mother finds out about Suer and Rob, she cant bear the thought of her son being gay and forces Khao to push pressure on Suer for marriage. In all this, Moo first pushes Suer to become Rob's lover, because he knows this will hurt his mother but eventually wants to help his brother. Just when Suer decides that he wants to be with Rob for good, Khao becomes pregnant (or was she pretending all along) and the mother forces them to get married. Heart broken Rob shows up at their wedding with intentions if killing himself but in a tussle, its Suer who ends up firing a shot thereby killing Rob. Moo takes up the blame on himself. Guilt eventually catches up on Suer who wants to protect his brother by telling the reality and finally the mother comes around to loving both her sons.

I have never seen such extreme of dominating and manipulative characters as this show. Starting right from the mother who makes everyone else around her do things that she wants them to do. She really doesn't care for Suer's happiness in my opinion. She cares for her status and image in society. And why the hell does Suer have to listen to all that crap. I understand Asian culture has immense respect and responsibilities for their family but come on, this was totally extreme. Suer just didn't seem to have a mind of his own. He would easy so easily get manipulated by his mother, girlfriend Khao and even boyfriend Rob. Coming to the latter two, they are no joke either. Neither of them actually cares of Suer's wishes or what he wants. They are both too occupied in making Suer fall for them and in turn play all kinds of games. I feel makers were trying to show genuine love between Rob and Suer but I don't agree. Rob was very manipulative in creating situations to make Suer fall for him. There was no way I am willing to empathize with a character who manipulates in the name of love. Coming to Moo, we are never told of what his real purpose is. After a very dramatic first episode, moo just takes a backseat to just become a sounding board for Suer's problems. Acting wise Suer does a decent job as a confused man but his character graph is so bad. He has just no spine to standup for himself until the very last episode. And rest of the others are too busy overacting.

Decent story but a bad execution. The version I saw had some bad subtitles but I was still able to get a hang of what's going on. There are many more good love series out there, some of which I had reviewed recently. This one is strictly ok to watch only if you are trying to check off the list but other than that, its easily avoidable. (4/10)


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