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Present Still Perfect (Thai)

Its fun to watch a sequel of a film immediately after you have seen the first one and not having to wait for a few years. Present Still perfect is a beautiful sequel to its predecessor, and a worthy film. Interetsingly, its one of the few sequels that in my opinion are much better than the original. Be it acting, direction, the natural beautiful landscape and overall presentation. The two major themes, according to me that are handled in this film are that Love hurts and also that Love is about forgiving. Not sure if the makers had that in their mind, but at least that's my take away.

The film pretty much is set right after Toey and Oat's chance meeting at airport and them connecting through facebook. Oat has sent a few messages to Toey but still heart broken, he is ignoring those messages. He has just arrived in a beautiful resort for a holiday which is owned and managed by Jen. A Japanese tourist Kenta also arrives at the same time in the resort. He eyes Toey with a certain level of amusement and curiosity that somehow unnerves our hero. Jen confides in Toey has her ex husband cheated on her and that she will never forgive him. SO next day when Oat shows up unannounced in the same resort to woo Toey, he is shocked and scared of himself. He fights with Oat, but eventually decide to give them a chance and spend 3 days together for the sake of their love. The two have the best time but Jen keeps reminding Toey of why he should not be the person spoiling someone else's family. On their last night together, Oat tells Toey that he wants to be with him, but in a very emotional outburst, Toey refuses it. He says that he will not be the person who is known for uprooting his family, his wife and son and asks Oat to leave the next day. When Oat reaches home, his wife eventually makes him admit the truth about his love for Toey and surprisingly she is very supportive of it, because she wants to see him happy. They both immediately leave for the resort to convince Toey, Oat proposes to him and eventually they get married.

The resort where the film is shot is a near perfect backdrop for this cute love story. Yes. it is mostly serious but thankfully Jen's character continuously provides some light relief and smiles which is actually much needed in this film. It is very evident that Toey is still very much heart broken and in love with Oat and cant forget him and even his Japanese friend Yumi tells him to stop running away. The two men, when they meet reconnect beautifully and are very much in love. They share an excellent chemistry. The intimacy they exhibited in one crucial scene was a clear highlight that the original movie did not have. Somehow Oat got hotter and Toey has become a much much better actor. His outburst, his fear, his want for love, but also morally doing the right thing; he does a beautiful job of showing all these emotions. He is really good. The outburst that Toey has on their last night together is something I never expected. Right from writing the scene to directing and performing; it is a beautiful scene, that will stay with me. Love hurts but you also want to do the right thing and that's a dilemma in which most of us will probably fail to make the apt decision. Jen was a fun character, something I thought would become caricature-ish but thankfully it did not. It was funny but still with emotions and love. Oat's wife was surprisingly very supportive. I had expected bit of drama but this shows the maturity of the script writer. At some level, we all want our loved ones to be happy and sometimes to do that, you have to take a step back. The film is still a bit slow and I wish there was a bit more character development for the Japanese tourist would be only constructive feedback.

You don't have to have seen the prequel to understand and appreciate this beautiful film. What a contrast between over the top That web series v/s a beautiful emotional and sentimental thai love story. And did I mention, how beautiful the location of the film shot at is. (7.5/10)


OMG !!! You said it all in this perfect review. I had never watched a thaï movie before and this is definitely going to change. I was in tears several times and that unexpected but happy ending leaves me with love in my Heart. At the end of the day, love is universal, whether gay or straight. I really loved the movie and I will watch it again. Anyone like me, who's watched pretty much every decent movie should give this one a go. One of the best I was given to watch in months.
Thank you once again for your quality reviews.
Golu said…
I was wondering how come i havent heard from you in a while. lol
I am glad you liked it. It was actually a very pleasant surprise. I just thought itwould be strictly ok but my god, it was wonderful. And yes, Love indeed is universal
Well, busy with work... Believe it or not, I watched this movie again tonight.This time, I could enjoy every bit of it, and also the wonderful music track that beautifully supports every scene. Loved how Toey is always so shy, even at the end. He has suffered so much some part of him is still wondering whether he can trust Oat this time, even though his heart belongs to him no matter what. The filming, acting and directing are just brilliant. The chemistry between the leads is just magical. In my view, except for brokeback mountain, the forever number one gay themed movie, only call me by your name and god's own country did better. From the moment Oat gets to the resort till the very end, despite their hesitations, their fights, their love is like everywhere, surrounding them, even overwhelming them it just can't be helped. Those two were meant to be together and a different endind would have just killed me..
I guess I just found my very special almost favorite not everyone will agree with me but I don't Care movie. It means as much for me as big Eden means for you.
Golu said…
Yay!! I am so excited for you. See, we all need that one movie that becomes our movie, that extra special that we connect with. And there doesn't have to have a reason specifically for that and thats what makes us all individuals with our own likings and dislikings. the guys indeed had great chemistry and Toey's struggles were realistic and they came out as such in the film. It is just brilliant.
Sailor Maan said…
Awesome chemistry, breathtaking location (I sense a Thailand trip coming), not stereotypical characters, quite a beautiful movie! It was also very funny at first. Then it gets a little bit too sentimental for me in the last part (not to call it a crying festival). I loved how Toey wants to morally do the right thing yet can't help but desperately be in love with Oat. And when he runs away after seeing Oat's wife, you feel so much for him. Oat's regrets are quite touching too. My main problem was with the credibility of "being madly in love for 4 years" after having spent only 3 days together and not even staying in touch. Oat's wife was also too good to be true, even if we would all hope it could always work like this. But as a whole it was definitely a good movie.
Golu said…
I agree with being madly in love for almost 4 years. I feel these things made sense 20 years ago, but in todays fast changing world and everything instant, I really doubt that its easy to maintain love and dedication for anyone in their absence, especially when you know that love will not be reciprocated.

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