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Gay Short Films : 73

Gabriel (Spain)
Gabriel, a 32-year-old Spanish man lives in Germany with his boyfriend, far away from his conservative family. Time and again he remembers his childhood in daydreams, especially when his mother was concerned when she knows about his sexuality.

Sweater (USA)
Corey is having a bad day and just then gets a free coffee taking him to a musical number of bkliss. Lovely!

Omar (France)
A young gay teenage loved by family and neighbors alike. But he is under pressure because he has fallen in love and cant tel anyone he is gay. When his secret is revealed, he takes the bold decision to leave the place and go where he will be accepted for who he is.

Pig's Bay (Spain)
A young wanna makers dilemma on making a gay erotic film with a posh Catalan accent

High Rocks (USA)
On a routine hike, two lifelong best friends are interrupted by an univited outgoing girl. The problem is that one of the guys was hoping to use this opportunity to come out to his friend, and now he has to wait.

Cake (Australia)
A late night Internet hook-up awkwardly transitions into a neighborhood BBQ. Trapped amongst the oldies, they discover what they're actually looking for is same.

Dentro (Brazil) [Hurt]
2 brothers reunite after a while to celebrate on of their's birthday. During the conversation old memories are talked alongwith wounds that were left behind. Its the forbidden kiss that abruptly breaks the chat.

The Last Party (UK)
On his birthday, Jesus will prove how nothing could be more wrong during his last chance to admit that he is gay, in a journey into self- discovery.

Julian - junge liebe anders (Germany Web Series)
A short 10 episode 4-5 minute webs series, shows the story of teenage Julian. He has a girlfriend but a chance encounter with a gay teenager makes him think his own sexuality. His best friend stands by him like a rock during this time of him coming out, dealing with school and friends and most importantly with family. Eventually Julian meets a nice guy his age in a gay bar and the series ends beautifully with Julian and his best straight mate going on a double date and just enjoying and having a good time. A sweet and a good series.

Chicken (Ireland)
Adolescent males sometimes redirect their feelings of affection for each other into often violent or competitive activities such as games of chicken.

Wer Wir Sind (Germany) [Who We Are]
Jonas is bullied at school. But he tries to ignore it. But when the relation to he boyfriend starts to be affected, he has to decide between standing up for love and staying a victim.

Fast Forward (Belgium)
A story told in fast forward about a lonely gay man as teenage, adult, growing and old obsessing with a young man who he can now have only by paying money. Is the film saying that gay men don't grow up?

Then You Can Be Free (Germany)
2 friends are talking where one convinces the other to feel free to come out to his family, because only then he will feel free and be able to show your love.

Anniversary (Singapore)
Wai and Juston are approaching their anniversary but Wai is hiding his past. He used to be very promiscuous and has just found out that he could potentially have the virus. He needs to either walk away or come clean.

Bad Boy Date Night (USA)
Daddy Scott is waiting for his date during which he is constantly interrupted by the hot duo BJ and Jim. Hilarious. Some one-liners are awesome.

Lost In Expression (USA)
After discovering his boyfriend's infidelity, unexpected events and repressed childhood memories force him to face his erupting emotions and the decision between saving his collapsed relationship or let it disintegrate.

La Mirada de las Fotos (Spain) [Staring Pictures]
Carlos can't have sex with his bf while fotos in the room are staring at him. His bf makes fun of him, but some months later he is the one who feels the picture's gaze.

Leather (Spain)
Josemi is 30, submissive & insecure trapped between an overbearing mother and a competitive work environment. A chance encounter one night gets its hands something that will encourage you to enter a gay leather fetish club and change the course of his life.

The Secret (Germany)
Julian is in a dilemma. How does he tell his girlfriend that he loves her less than his best friend.


Hedgehog said…
BJ: could we watch Coco
Jim: That’s the movie
I never see that coming 😂.. Hilarious.
Golu said…
yeah. this short ws the funniest of all. i went and saw the rest too but not as much fun as this was
Hedgehog said…
Bad boy Group Session is good too.
Golu said…
i liked the therapist in there. She was funny

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