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From Zero to I Love You

There are a lot of gay romantic stories out there. So when you see another one of the similar films looking to exploit gay audience, you go with a bit of skepticism. In that sense, I was taken by surprise because this film is actually not bad. Handled with maturity in today's time , no character or scene goes overboard (takes a sigh of relief!), but it does have its shortcomings which we will discuss further.

Jack is happily married to Carla with 2 daughters. After a casual fling with a waiter at a friend's party, Jack finds it hard to control urges to be with a man and starts frequenting the gay bars of Philadelphia. He meets Pete there and they both have a great time. We find out that Pete has a knack for falling for married men and getting his heart broken. Pete's supportive father dissuades Pete from repeating his mistakes but Jack professes his love for Pete and vice versa. Jack's commitment to his family, makes him stay away from Pete, who knowing that this affair may not go anywhere start seeing another man and they eventually get engaged. Carla, who has been suspecting of her husband possibly having an affair, is shocked to learn at an art gallery opening that his affair is with Pete, another man. Pete is clearly unhappy in his new relationship and has been cheating and one day his fiancé eventually finds out and asks him to leave. By then, showing a very matured relationship, Jack and Carla also decide to separate. Jack's best friend and Pete's father eventually take upon themselves to reunite the lover boys.

The story is straight forward and simple. The guys act alright but there was something hugely missing in the film, and I am having a hard time pointing out what really that is. The problem is, at any point I wasn't able to connect to either of the 2 leads at emotional or personal level. Jack is happy with Carla but he makes mistakes. If he is bold enough to talk about his gay escapades to his friend and even his wife's brother, why does he hesitate to do that with his wife? Also, Pete seemed a very confused guy. Whoever shows a little bit of love to him, he goes with it. He starts seeing this new guy while he is still with Jack (agreed they are probably not exclusive), but he is obviously a confused man. Which is ok, but its not explored correct. Then there is the race angle, which was ok because it was never talked about, but then the film gives 2 different references around it and it doesn't get explored at all. It’s laudable that these conversations are flagged but they are so fleeting, it becomes frustrating that these ideas aren’t extended. Pete has these exasperated expressions throughout and his acting felt very rehearsed to me. He doesn't come out as a natural. Jack is much better actor, probably too young for the role he was playing, but I don't see much chemistry between the two and hence its hard to want them to be together as an audience.

The script and acting both needed work and definitely slightly tight editing. The film is an honest attempt at a genuine love story but sadly these work when the leads have crackling chemistry amongst other things, something sorely missing in this film. (5.5/10)


Hedgehog said…
Can you please recommend me a gay film with the storyline like this : gay (closeted or is still doesn’t know his gay) secretly fall in love with his straight guy bestfriend ( similar to summer storms film). Hope you could read this. Thanks in advance.
Golu said…
oh! Thats a hard one. May have to think more. But, if I hear you right, you mean something like what happens here?
Hedgehog said…
No, just that kind of plot. Nothing have to do this film.
Golu said…
I have been trying to think hard on this. Only one film that came to my mind was about these 2 friends who would meet every year, year on year, and have sex and relive their days. Its called "The Last Straight Man"
Hedgehog said…
Thank you so much. I’m gonna it check it out..
Miisu said…
The title of this film feels deeper than it looks at first. Jack has been hiding his gay side from everyone and especially from himself. And he finally realizes that there's no point and goes "from zero to full blast". But since he has too much to lose,there are periods of him holding back. But then there's too much to hold back, and he opens up again.

I really love the scene when he's in the steam room with his best friend and tells him that he's gay and he's in love with a man who makes him laugh. The way his friend reacts to that last statement actually made me think of reasons why people laugh. OK, when something's funny or joyful, or when a happy accident happens to themselves (or an ugly accident happens to their enemies) - but there can be other reasons, too. Relief for instance. When you are made to wait for the results of some medical tests and they come back negative, meaning you're OK - then the first reaction is to laugh. Jack probably feels relieved, free, "himself in natural light" when he's with Pete, and that makes him laugh.

The second thing I like about this film is the way the men speak about Carla. They say she's a hottie, she's the hottest girl of the class etc. And she's not a "legs up to the ceiling and ass like a plum"-type of trophy wife, she's a hard working woman with full figure and almost everything beautiful is her own (nails, lashes... OK, her hair looks dyed, but at least she has her own hair, not extensions).

There are some really good lines and dialogues there, I'd say. "Don't be iStupid" :D And of course: "Does Carla know?... Trust me: women always know!" Indeed. We do know. Even when the men think they're not iStupid :D
Golu said…
The laugh IMO, is more of an awkward laugh than a relief laugh; but like you mentioned, there can be many reasons.
And yes I agree that Women always know. Always!!

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