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Un Rubio (Spanish) [The Blonde One]

I should have known this while I was watching this film, but as soon as the credits rolled in at the end and I saw Marco Berger's name as the director, I exclaimed 'I knew it!'. Throughout the film i kept getting these vibes That this is so much like the films he makes and sure enough I wasn't wrong. Its surprising how you can start predicting the film-maker based on the kind of films they make. And if you have been a regular to my blog, I have mostly enjoyed all of his films and the underlying theme in all his films is the sexual tension he builds up. We have seen that in so many of his previous films and you wonder what he will do next but again, he brings us something new and fresh which you cannot take your eyes off.

Gabriel and Juan work together in a wood factory. When a housemate leaves, Juan invites Gabo, that blonde guy, to rent on the rooms in his inherited flat in Buenos Aires. Gabo is incredible shy and barely speaks anything but is very easily taken in by Juan's group of friends who regularly stop by to drink beer, hang out and watch TV. Gabo has an attraction towards Juan and he feels that Juan keeps teasing him. Juan has a girlfriend who keeps going in and out and Gabe has a 10 year old daughter living with her grandparents whom he meets every weekend. After creating plenty of scenes of sexual tension , the avalanche happens and the 2 guys have sex. After initial dismissal as just another event by Juan, the 2 men start coming one step closer to each other physically emotionally. Although Juan doesn't give up his lifestyle along with occasional flings with his girlfriend. Like a puppy Gabe is always ready whenever Juan makes a move but it feels Juan is using him. Juan feels bad but eventually tells Gabe that he wants a family for himself and there is now ay he can imagine a life for good with Gabe.

The build up of sexual tension takes forever. The charged gazes that the 2 men share, the lusty looks, its unbelievable the kind of atmosphere they create. I mean you can cut the tension with a knife. The kind of attention that the two leading men hold on the audience in unbelievable. Gabo has barely any dialogues to speak in the movie, but man o man, can he speak volumes through his eyes! What an incredible performance. The way he looks longingly towards Juan, he is trying to hide his desires, his attraction, and his guilt about his daughter. He is clearly craving for touch and love which he gets from Juan but he also takes it away every-time as easily as he gives it to Gabo. The internalized emotions displayed by Gabo is something only an expert actor and a very talented director can bring. The very first scene when Gabo dares to touch Juan while clearly Juan wants it too is electrifying to say the least. And this leaves us with Juan. Another amazing performance. A bisexual man, trying to keep his options open clearly feels lot more connected to Gabo than anyone else, but will never be ready to face the social wrath. He would rather have a family and kids and continue to explore his sexuality on the side, which eventually a brave Gabo refuses to at the end. The scene at the end when Gabo actually talks to his daughter about Juan was so heart touching. Something that he was fearing throughout his life is taken away by just one smile from his daughter and it feels as of all the burden on Gabo's head is taken away. There are some issues of course with constant repeated scenes with their circle of friends where nothing much happens. I understand they were probably to show the relationship between the two guys is evolving with time and how they treat other in public v/s alone but I think it got too much after a while. A lot pf those scenes can be trimmed which will make this film so much better than it already is.

Another great movie added to the repertoire of Marco Bergen as a director. I love his films. You have to be patient but watch them with feelings and you will be amazed how close they hit you as a viewer. (7/10)


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