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Gay Short Films : 33

Nubes Flotantes (Mexico) - They swim and dance in water like wandering clouds.

Maremoto (Brasil) - Two childhood friends head to at a deserted beach, to surf. When they get there, however, the sea is flat. As they wait for a wave that never comes, one of them decides to make a revelation

MUM (USA) - In this nearly wordless short, a deaf swimmer—a regular at his gym’s pool—tries to attract a guy he has his eyes on, but wonders if his disability may get in the way.

Manifesto (Spain) - A free adaptation of Mario Benedetti´s poem with gay snapshots.

Katie and Arin (USA) - Set against backdrop of conservative Oklahoma, two transgendered hare their stories.

Hercules & Love Affair ft. John Grant (USA) - A musical video “I Try to Talk to You”

First Time Gay Sex (Germany) - 10 things you shouldn't do... when you have sex the first time with another man.

Battlefield (Australia) - Two young gay men embark on a one night stand. Both with very different understandings of the situation, they struggle to realise the true connection they long for.

We Are Fine (Australia) - A lyrical celebration of the male body in all its summertime glory.

Mudanças (Brasil) - Two apartments. Two changes. Through a forgotten book, a meeting.

Dreamboat Jesse (USA) - Jesse goes through sequence of dreams after moving into the new house. Is someone trying to get to him. Where is the thin line between paranoia and reality.

Models Hit on You (USA) - Models talk about pickup lines… on helium.

Todo queda en familia (Spain) - If the father is a man of traditional morals, a suspicion like that can turn a pleasant family day into a private hell in which this man will discover how far he’s willing to go for his son.

Placer (Spain) - Two friends realise that losing interest in same porn may not be very different from losing interest in having sex with same person.

Rugburn (USA) - A young painter works up the courage to contact the collections agency that has been hounding him and gets embroiled in a more personal confrontation than he bargained for.

Une sensation de vide (Spain) - What happens during celebrations and parties: love, brawl and more.

Puertas adentro (Argentina) - During Summertime, Nahuel moves to his friends to spend vacation time together. Between drinks, weed and foolish games, sexual tension starts to raise, but none of them dares to take the first step.

El rosario de la aurora (Spain) - A religious mother confronts her transgendered son after years of the kid abandoning her.

Hincando (Spain) [Having Sex] - A new promotional 3D glasses show you what you miss the most. Our protagonist sees himself having crazy sex.

Perky Little Pornstar (USA) - From the musical ‘Naked Boys Singing’

Audition (USA) - A young man auditions for a role with requirements he was not expecting.

Dol (USA) [First Birthday] - A gay Korean-American man yearns for a family life just out of reach.

The Queen (USA) - A Korean-American teenage outcast works at his parents dry cleaners. When the prom queen and her boyfriend, stop by with their dress and tuxedo, he has his own prom to remember.

Rabo de toro (Spain) - A accident meeting with his secret lover while celebrating two year anniversary with his life. What would happen once they finish dinner?

Alone Forever (USA) - Oliver can't help but wonder if his new tattoo is the cause of his recent spate of romantic bad luck. Gay and single in San Francisco, he spends a lot of time out and about meeting other like individuals.

On The Nature Of Hotness (USA) - The nature of 'hotness' is explained in 9 minutes via one man's sexual and spiritual awakening. The film uses a variety of story telling techniques including animation, montage, narrative, and lecture.

Labels (USA) - An interracial couple get into a witty debate when one of them decides that he no longer wants to be labeled “gay”.


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