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Gay Short Films : 07

I Want Your Love
2 close friends one night in drunk state decide to get physically close to each other. The film focuses on how the rest of fight plays out. I think the 2 main guys acted very well and were very natural in all scenes. (7.5/10)

The Golden Pin (Canada)
Set in Canada, Long, an only child, has kept his homosexuality a secret from his parents. Under pressure from his father to continue the family line, Long proposes to his long-time girlfriend Vanessa, much to the chagrin of Long's swim teammate Ryan, who confronts Long about his true feelings at their next swim practice. Sensing her son's growing distress, Long's mother tells him about a painful choice she made just before she married his father. (7.5/10)

Al Buio (Italian) [In The Dark]
Another beautiful film. This film shows relationships between 2 room mates. One of them is about to go out with a girl for the saturday night and the other one wants him to stay back. They get into this heated argument of why he never goes out and everyone thinks he is weird to which he replies he just loves him. And how can he forget how they have been engaging in physical relationship every week albeit in the dark. You can feel the struggles of the 2 guys in this film. Good one. (7.5/10)

The Love Permit
This film is set within an alternate reality where it seems you have to get an official government permit before you can dare to fall in love with someone. Individuals are constantly monitored and only if they have been successfully following all the protocol, will they get the permit. The Love Permit takes aim at laws preventing gay marriage. The film although futuristic or unrealistic is a little scary just to think 'what if' this really happens. (6.5/10)

Dear Friend (UK)
Christian and James are bestest of buddies. Set in 1965, we see how Christian is falling for James and one night, when he can't control, he kisses James who completely freaks out. They have a huge fight and James calls him names. Knowing all this Chris' father interrupt and asks him to see a psychiatrist. He decides to leave home and cant take it anymore. We see them now both playing as happily they did when the film started. Guys looked super hot. (6/10)

Oranges (Australia)
This film shows the awkwardness of 2 teenagers exploring their homosexuality. After a cycle accident, a guy is taken in by his senior in school and he starts boasting about girls. The elder guy is eating orange but the younger one refuses since he has braces. They are hanging out and end up kissing each other. Things are back to regular routine. The senior guy ignores younger guy but now the young boy is eating oranges because that is the only way he can still feel the kiss. (6.5/10)

Trevor (USA)
When Trevor realizes that he might be gay, suddenly kids around him somehow seem to know and begin to mistreat him. At the same time, his parents refuse to really talk about it and send him to talk to a priest. As a result, it's no surprise that Trevor is on the brink of suicide. Presented by Ellen DeGeneres and brilliantly acted by the lead actor playing Trevor, to successfully manages to entertain the viewer at the same time. (7.5/10)

Boys Grammar (Australia)
Gareth attends a private school and is attracted to Nick. When Nick and others see him ogling at jocks naked bodies, they end up raping Gareth. Gareth and Nick meet again at a private dinner where when Nick provokes Gareth asking him if he has become a man, leading to them hugging and crying. I guess Nick was himself dealing with his own demons. Nice acting and very provocative. (6/10)

Mormor's Visit
A Swedish man living in New York City gets a surprise visit from his senile grandmother, who has escaped from the nursing home and literally flown to freedom. He has no idea what to do with her or how to explain that is a naked man in his bed. It is a very touching and beautiful story. The connection between a grandmother and grandson is so beautiful. I had a smile throughout while watching the film. (7.5/10)


Amy said…
If you ask me, I didn't like the short film "I want your love" Every relationship is special and a friend? never. Hey I suggest you should watch "Memories in March" Indian movie.
Golu said…
I have seen 'Memories of March' and i quite liked it. I must have missed reviewing it on this website. It was a very very interesting film
ceridwen said…
I really liked "I want your Love", thanks for the review. I don't know if it could be seen as a porno but I surely would like pornos to be more like this one. They can be so boring and repetitive! And the corny expression!Eww What is sexy about that? :)
ceridwen said…
oops I meant *cocky* not *corny*
condemi said…
Let's not forget they are not just roommates and by chance lovers. Very hot for a Vaticanistan ,pardon Italy, movie.

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