A campy horror-comedy would be the best way to describe this film. The tagline of the film says “she’s here, they’re queer, get used to it". You should ideally know exactly what to expect from the film. Camp laughters an nothing more, nothing less. You it totally depends on your taste whether you will end up liking this queer over the top comedy or not.
The film begins with Larry being abducted by his three other friends for his bachelor party in upstate woods. They have managed to get a haunted house and while all fun and games are going on , they have deiced that they will summon the spirit. Rumor is that an old lady killed her son there in the house. Things are just progressing when unannounced, Larry's fiancé's brother shows up. He is clearly ex-military and the straight man to the queer quartet. As strange things begin to happen around the house they all slowly discover that they aren’t alone and perhaps what was meant as a spooky night of fun is slowly turning into a serious situation. All of this leads to a fast-paced third act where the problems need to be resolved. How the military straight brother comes to become a part of the group, the truth behind the spooky story and all that.
This film is completely banter based comedy where characters throw witty one liners and insults. So, if witty gay banter, between some super-flaming characters, isn't your thing...you are probably going to want to pass this one by. Not that I enjoyed this film completely, because campy gay films are not usually my forte but I have to admit that I wasn't even bored in this film. At a run time of just about 75 minutes, the film very quickly goes starlight into the story it wants to tell. The actors deliver what they were supposed to and they all do a decent job. It is one of those low budget films that is trying to say something creative. You can either like the film or not and that will completely depend on your personal taste. The backstory of the mother and the son got a little confusing for me in the way finale was handled and I think I would have liked to see a little more of that. Anyway, this is one of those mindless comedies which you will either laugh out loud or just watch while judging every single scene. I was somewhere in between. Not really my cup of tea but do give a try. You may actually enjoy it. (4/10)