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War Of Y (Thai Series)

20 hours of my life (or anyone's time for that matter) that we are never gonna get back. 20 full episodes, each of 1 whole hour, four stories of 5 episodes each, trying to expose the Y industry in Thailand. Although to be honest after first two episodes, I started to watch in fast forward motion, because my intuition was telling me that this will be an ordeal to watch, and man was I right!! But what a mess this was. With a plethora of characters introduced in the very first episode, I was so confused as tow hat really is going on, I had my head scratching. The show is a huge mess in more than one ways, the excessive length being definitely one of it. Also way too many characters, who suddenly disappear for episodes at large only to reappear. There is no way anyone can keep up with this show. And I am shocked beyond words that the series has received generally a favorable review online. Either I am missing something or I have completely lost my taste for content consumption.

Story 1- New Ship
Before the ship, it wasn't easy. But this new era is even harder. In this first story of the drama one of the managers all but prostitutes their actors and goes behind their backs striking deals left and right with only their own wallet in mind. This effects the actor who feels trapped between their manager, an upcoming ship and his ship-partner, with who he develops feelings, but who gets better career opportunities which puts strain on the relationship. The actors mental state is getting more and more unstable until he chooses himself over his career.

Story 2 - War of Managers
The story of a shipped couple who are privately a real couple. Managers and drama clash until the couple is forced to separate. I'm sure some managers do try to exploit or benefit from rookie actors who get poor advice from them but the way this was portrayed in these 5 episodes was quite exaggerated and 99% of the things we saw would merit some jail time for so many criminal acts. 

Story 3 - Y-Idol
A reality search for new actors—who can sing, dance, and act—and the chaos of the Idol Camp. The plot revolves around 2/3 aspiring BL couples. Nobodies' motives are clear, everyone has an agenda and honesty to another or even themselves seems non-existent. This story wanted to highlight the obstacles some of the trainees (in this case, trainees for a BL series) might face like a bad or mismatched partner, a non-approving family, producers/networks who prefer a specific trainee over another, etc., but all these issues were poorly acted and not explored that much because of all the other drama they had to fabricate.

Story 4 - Wife
When one half of a shipped couple has a wife, will their future in this industry be ruined? So what does happen when 1 shipped partner is in love but the other is already in a relationship? 

By the fourth story, I had almost lost my sanity and desire to live and watch anything ever form This Bl industry. This show is sooooo bad. I understand the intentions are maybe novel on trying to sort of expose the behind the scenes and things that possibly happen in the BL world, but man, I have not seen something so stretched and elongated just because to fit in someone's whims and fantasies of making the greatest BL show ever made in the history. I mean, how can one make such a messed up series? Also how much of what is shown in really true or made up or something else, the audience will never know, but just focussing on the subject of this show, it is a HUGE no from me. I just feel I will need the longest break ever from Thai shows to recover from this long running torture that took forever to end. Please have some mercy on your audience. I am so angry, mad and upset and all these new feelings for me while writing this review. I mean there are bad shows but they never claim to be extraordinary, but the audacity of this series is they think its masterpiece in the making, a history for future but instead its a shit show. (0.5/10)


Sailor Maan said…
I'm so relieved I'm not the only one not liking this one at all!
Honestly I've only watched 1st season when it came out and felt time had stopped. Horrible characters, horrible plot and how it's told. And the way they think they are doing something great just by it being hard... Just tried second season last week and quit after 2 episodes, thinking I might save it for latter (the last 10 days were rough personaly, thought maybe it was me who was not in the best condition to enjoy it). Now Golu you know you have saved 14 hours of my life, thank you again! And I feel bad I couldn't warn you... Especially if I kindda understand fisrt season was the best (Or should I say less bad?)
It's rare seeing you that angry at a show lol. But then I only did 1/4 of what you had, I don't want to imagine after 20 hours. I feel for you my friend.
If I can save you some time, you can skip the third season of 2moons. Unless you really want to know what happens to all those characters you loved so much :p (who you'll barely recognize anyway as they changed the whole cast again, and more annoyingly characters personality too).
Golu said…
u r right my friend. This show did make me extremely angry.

And are you serious about 2 Moons 3. Have they changed the cast again? Unbelievable !! I was secretly hoping that the show might be decent given the predecessor, but thats a shame to know. I still at some point may watch it though, because I like to torture myself . lol
Sailor Maan said…
I'll be looking forward reading your thoughts then! You survived watching all of War of Y, nothing can scare you now anyway lol

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