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Sky In Your Heart (Thai Series)

A good change to see a Thai BL series set outside a Thai university where everyone looks and feels the same: the protagonists, the issues and even the story. So this feels like a welcome change. This series is supposedly a spin off front he show 'Star In My Mind', which I have not seen. But not knowing anything about the series, didn't stop me from completely appreciating this show. I feel like the show may just be a spin off of some characters and not the story itself, because this show felt pretty independent. Like most Thai shows, the episodes each run for about 45 minutes and this show has 8 of them.

Doctor Fat arrives in a village in the mountains to do some time for community service. We are later told that he was in a 7 year relationship with his girlfriend who broke with him because he was so busy and never had time for her. Since then he has commitment issues. On the wedding day of his ex, he gets too drunk and accidentally crashes his car, because of which this community service order. This location is so off-the-grid that it barely has a phone signal. Fah volunteers as a doctor for the villagers. Meanwhile, his buddy Mesa works at the school, while JJ helps with various maintenance errands. Here they meet Prince, a volunteer teacher in the village, who everyone adores; but there are some initial clashes between Fah and Prince and how they both approach things. Prince thinks the doctor is only here to goof off and doesn't take his work diligently, but eventually he recognizes Fah's sincerity and changes his perception of the newcomer. Fat is no angel. Initially all he wants to do is runaway, but he slowly starts getting attracted to Prince and is determined to make a difference to the village and his own personality. The relationship between Prince and Fah improve but they still have personality differences. Fah's mischievous cheekiness often rubs Prince the wrong way. But we all know where the show is headed. There is love, there are fights, there are misunderstandings but eventually the lovers unite, separate and then reunite. 

If you have seen the show 'A tale of Thousand Stars', this series will remind you a lot about that. Right from the village setting, to volunteer work, to the relationship with villagers, leads having their redemption story; there are many similarities. I guess the makers wanted to cash in on the success form that show. And it does work in parts. This show has a healthy mix of drama, love, comedy and romance and neither of these things is stretched unnecessarily. Although the whole story of Fah's brother and his love back in the city can be completely eliminated and removed from this show and it won't make an iota of difference. It just distracts us from he main story. But besides that, the series maintains a playful and easygoing vibe while exploring these thoughtful themes. Thankfully, the charming characters, amusing scenarios, and mischievous humour keep the mood lighthearted. Fah's cheekiness and Prince's sassiness create a lively rapport between them. As their bond develops, the funny banter transitions smoothly into flirty exchanges through a comfortable relationship journey. I can't remember if I have seen Fah's actor in another show (I think I have but can't remember), but the guy has a natural charm and enthusiasm and it fits perfectly for the role. What was not made very clear was Prince's background, why is he volunteering, why does he keep fainting etc. And that doesn't even get clarified. The supporting actors like  Fah's friends, the village chief's daughter add the usual charm and support that the show needs and thankfully add good lightheartedness moments in the show overall. The show starts well, but these BL shows really need to come up with something more creative. Nursing your broken heart from a previous relationship, love triangle etc is starting to get repetitive.

For a show that was doing very well all the way, we can't ignore what a mess the last episode was. The dup go their separate ways without taking to each other, do not communicate and in a very random inexplicable way then also get back together. I was like wtf is happening. The leads behave uncharacteristically, the conflict seems irrational, and the resolution is laughably contrived. I'm sorry to say, but this drama loses its magic after departing from the countryside setting. It was a royal mess. I am not sure who or why this ending was approved. Besides that, the show was still a worthwhile time spent with cute characters and overall a decent fun time watch. (6.5/10)


Miisu said…
Phew, am I glad you survived this one and even liked a few elements :) I remember commenting somewhere before that you probably wouldn't like "Star in my mind" since there are too many what-the-effs and why-the-effs :D Having read this review I still feel the same. The missed opportunity in the very first episode, the slow development of the following events, one step forward-two steps back, I want you/I don't want you/I take that back/blablabla :D... My main wtf was the storyline of the art class assignments that Dao secretly made for his crush Kluen. Khm, I've been a ghost writer for over 20 years, so I kinda know a few things about that kind of deals - like these projects always start from the object ordering a text or piece of craft from the ghost author, not the object finding that some unknown and very talented someone has done their homework.

Including the Dao-Kluen events in the sequel was probably for the fans to see what has happened to the younger brother of Fah, and his boyfriend. Having seen both these series it was kinda coherent since Fah and Dao as brothers were very close and supportive in the first series. (Both storylines are connected in the follow-up "Star and Sky: Special episode". Fluff alert!)

I join you in the meh-wth-wtf-feeling in the last two episodes. Everything was happening everywhere and people were so off their characters. Plus the "he probably changed his number" as a reason for losing contact with someone. Eem... there's this thing called internet that can assist you in finding anyone, including the people who don't wish to be found. All you need is their full name.
Sailor Maan said…
I'd say very classic thai BL in a more enjoyable setting (of course "a tale of thousand stars comes to mind). So you have what you paid for. Enemies to lovers, slow burn romance, funny support characters etc... I won't complain, I like them this way :) Except for those final stupid episodes...
I prefer this one than the prequel "star in my mind" (that I didn't really like btw)
We had seen Fah as one of the friends in "Dark blue kiss" ;)
If you want something different you can watch "Till the world ends". Far from perfect but worth a try just for its unique atmosphere. If you get caught in it you'll enjoy it as much as I did.
Golu said…
Agree with both your comments. (I was wondering where you both were. lol) Hope the new year 2023 is going well for you and your loved ones

Thanks for recommendation sailor Mann. I will add it to my list.
Miisu said…
Thank you for worrying - I'm right here, giving the Grand Darkness a few middle fingers :D (reading and watching some fluffy stuff and not looking outside, that is). While updating your list, I think it's OK to add "Remember Me". One word: rabbitholesnostalgiagalore :P Those Thai series can easily make me laugh, cry, cringe, facepalm, curse, or stun me to speechlessness, but this one is the first to make me blush. Not because of what's happening on the screen, but what I remembered because of it. Gosh...
Golu said…
Miisu and blush !!! WOW !!

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