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Honey Sir (Chinese Short Stories)

This series is actually a collection of 7 different stories of about 18-20 minutes each. Each story is with different actors but the idea behind all of them is love. This is a good mix of stories to be honest and a very easy watch. I was able to actually relate to most of these stories and I think that's a big win. The themes are different – there is an office romance, a long distance relationship, stories of loss and growth. It’s all part of human experience, only told through the lens of homosexual relationships

Coming Out: Why do two people need someone else’s consent to love each other?” Chinese net celebrities Tu-do-Chun-yi-lang and Jun-yuan-bai are a pair of gay lovers who are planning to come out to their families. Their plans seem just a little away with the fairies; can their dreams of becoming ‘a family’ come true?

Secret Crush: “Having a crush is like holding an orange in one’s hand--- you can watch it rot, or you can peel off the skin and say hello.” How does an orange spark a boy’s first crush? He’s secretly watching him, and secretly feeling what he feels. Back then, love had to be kept in the dark for that handsome boy sitting next to you in high school…

Misunderstanding: “Puppy love is essentially an orgy of endlessly saying ‘I love you’—over, and over again.” Liu-bin and Zi-jian are a couple who are so madly in love, they simply can’t have a meal without kissing and can’t watch the television without holding each other in their arms. Everyday is as fun as the first. One day, however, an unexpected phone call and a ring disrupts their puppy love…

Lost: “A lonely person in our world may feel that the earth has stopped spinning. But love is something that pumps through our veins and never disappears.” He remembers every moment of their time together. How they hugged as they played the guitar; how they had loads of fun as they folded the clothes. But everything about Zhang Jia-hang is fading away from Yang Yi-yi. Today, Yi-yi decides to mount his motorbike and ride through that long, long tunnel.

Apart: “Long distance relationships aren’t for everyone. Love is not about biting off more than you can chew. It’s about finding what’s best for yourself.” Will our love be defeated by the long distance? Must love fade over time? Zi-sen left Lin-min to work; one lives in Beijing and the other in Nanjing. Their love breathes through their phones. With their care for each other fading every day, how is this relationship to survive?

Meet: “Some sparks, spark at the very moment of encountering. It is then verified through a series of tiny details, until it lights up in each other’s eyes.” Lin-min is a rookie in his department. He is the adorkable kind who can’t help himself from making little mistakes. Thankfully, the devil-like manager always manages to come to his rescue. As diabolical as he may seem, he sure has a pair of broad shoulders--- something that Lin finds irresistible.

Home: “Anywhere is home when I’m with you.” Zhuo-fei and Wang-kai are a bear couple who are out in the open, happy, and blessed by their families. One day, they are asked to take care of their niece. Two men and a kid, a situation that brings them to consider the meaning of ‘starting a family’.


Sailor Maan said…
Watched it a few months ago and I thought it was just ok. In all honesty I don't remember it at all, and that maybe is the best sign it wasn't that good ^^;
Golu said…
it is definitely one of those shows, which have really nothing to remember or talk about !!

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