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Papa & Daddy (Taiwanese Series)

There are very handful of series/films in queer space that show gay parenting. They can easily be counted on hand. So, with a title like this, I was actually really looking forward to watching this series. Unfortunately, this mini series from Taiwan is less of a parenting drama but more about the couple who happen to be raising a child. I am not sure if it will make sense to you, unless you watch it, but from, I was expecting more about parenting issues, challenges, pros and cons about being gay parent, but the series actually was more about the couple as a unit, who also just happen to have a child.

Jerry is a young, ex famous you-tuber, stay-at-home dad who has been taking care of his son Kai for the past three years. His husband Damian is a successful restauranteur and the primary breadwinner of their family. Now that Kai is growing, Jerry wants to revive his YouTuber career by sending Kai to kindergarden. Damian is initially reluctant but eventually gives in. The discussion of who he is to Kai, becomes a topic of discussion amongst school moms. Interestingly Jerry is also not out to his parents, so in a span of 6 episodes, we just see six different slices of the couple's life which involves pride parade, Jerrys coming out, The couples chemistry with their lesbian friends and the our ours and gossip around Kai having gay parents. Jerry constantly faces pressure from his meddlesome mom, who wants her son to find a nice girl and get married already. Neither of Jerry’s parents actually knows that they have a grandchild. He intends to keep this secret from them for as long as possible.

I have already mentioned my personal big issue with the series, but keeping that aside for now, I liked the fact that Jerry and Damian had old chemistry. Despite being together for 6 years, they encourage each other, express appreciation, and engage in physical intimacy frequently. They have a close knit circle of friends and they both are doing a good job of balancing their work, love and parenting life. As an actor, Jerry is extremely charming which also justifies him being a successful YouTuber. I wish Damian's character ws slightly more developed. The series ends with a twist, which is a bit hard to digest but then its also the sort of prelude to make a follow up season. Also, I find it extremely hard to believe that Jerry's parents won't know about their son being gay or the fact that they have a grandchild. I mean, even if a child is scared to come out their parent, that person will very unlikely take big steps like marrying and having a child. This portion for me stood outline a sore thumb. The series deals with issues like homophobia, child bullying, and adoption even in today's age, but neither is given the proper attention and discussion that they deserve. Despite all this , the series definitely deserves a watch for its realistic portrayal of a gay couple and their life. Just keep the expectations around what the series should be, a bit different. At 6 episodes of about 20-24 minutes each, the series is an easy breezy watch. (7.5/10)


Sailor Maan said…
I liked this series a lot but have the exact same analysis as you. Given the subject, I was thrilled and impatient and had really high expectations to have a series with gay parents. The fact it deals more with the couple and less with the parenting got me disapointed, but once again it's mostly because I was expecting something else. At least I was happy to watch a good couple life, and some episodes were really good (the pride parade episode had us traumatized lol). Saddly, we couldn't identify with the characters on many aspects. Perhaps because of cultural differences for sure but... not being out out to your parents while having a kid, seriously? And the final twist was even worse. Still I'll be very happy to watch season 2 that might finally happen! It was supposed to be cancelled but finally looks like it will continue. So I'll keep my fingers crossed, series dealing with gay parents are indeed rare. And precious.
Golu said…
You have echoed pretty much all my sentiments. The show was good but its the mismatch of expectations given the title of the show. I am also waiting now for season 2. The twist was a surprise, but just like not coming out to your parents, having a son from before and not telling your partner of 6 years just feels too wrong and almost impossible situation.

PS: I saw a short story today with the Gameboys lead. "How to die young in Manilla" . Not sure what do I make of it yet!!
Sailor Maan said…
Yes I'm intrigued too of how they'll solve the hidden son situation in season 2. Don't see how it can be sloved so please surprise me here lol.

I'll go and watch the short with gameboys leads! As to what to do with it... Maybe mention it in the gameboys page? (you're doing so many reviews already, if you do all shorts as well you won't have enough with one life ^^;)
Golu said…
hahahha.. true. I will probably have a summarized review of a few gay short films coming up soon.
Just not enough time on hands right now

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