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Y-Destiny (Thai Series)

Let's say as it is: at 15 episodes , each of at least an hour, this was a complete waste of time. Focussing on a group of friends, there are seven stories of seven best friends whose personalities are based on the Thai description of characters associated with a particular day of the week. Each character gets 2 episodes for their story and then a rocking (read disappointing) final. And surprisingly for whatever reason, it doesn't even go in the order of the days of week. Argghhh!!

Tue is an aspiring Muay Thai coach. On his very first day as an assistant coach he meets an old enemy and they have a faceoff. During their sports camp trio, the coach makes Tue and Ake room together to teach Tue patience so that he can be a better coach and to keep Ake in line.
The actors were good and portrayed a good love hate relationship, but the story was a bit let down. I wasn't really able to connect.

Sun agrees to help out his friend with a tutoring assignment for Nuea, who is rich, popular, and seems to have more on his mind than studying and has a crush on Sun. The date of Nuea's interview approaches as well as the final teaching session with Sun.  However, things get rocky when Sun sees Nuea cuddled up next to another man, Team. 
Again a very average story dragged beyond what it was needed. Thankfully, no one raped when one of the guys was drunk, which I have seen norm in Japanese based shows. Guys were cute (they all are), but an average at best,

Mon meets Team at play rehearsal and is quickly enchanted by his charms and good looks.  Later at a club, when Mon admit he is a virgin, Team challenges himself that he can sleep with Mon within a week. When Mon's friend tells him to not take Team's advances seriously, he begins to avoid Team until the night of the play. 
This was the most forgettable story of. The whole. This just did not make any sense whatsoever.

Thurs is posing as a fortune teller to earn some money when he is approached by an actual ghost, who he names Pao, seeking his help. As the two grow closer, Thurs' classmates grow leery as they see him seemingly talking to himself and exhibiting strange behavior.
An interesting storyline and at times quite funny as well, and just slightly better than what we have seen so far. The ghost was cute. I am still not very sure how the ending came to be and how was Thurs able to get Pao to salvation.

Puth and Kaeng balance their relationship as friends with benefits until Puth begins to fall for Payu.
Puth is attempting to build a closer relationship with Payu at work, pushing Kaeng to take on a substitute position as well and quickly open up about his more serious feelings towards his friend.
I am not sure why this story was being termed as one of the best BL stories to have come out of this year. There was absolutely nothing new or novel either in story or acting. If anything, Just don't like the idea of someone forcing themselves on the other person to be their bf.

After Sat makes a wish to be 18 & hot, he wakes up the next day finding his wish came true. to discover his wish has come true!  However, he cannot remember the past 7 years of his life and seeks out an old friend, Choke, to try to help fill in the missing pieces. Choke reminds Sat the real reason they stopped being friends as kids.  Despite their connection, Sat struggles with his inability to change his past behavior. 
If anything, I think this story had some meat. Sure its ripped off from a few Hollywood movies that we know up and you can see many loop holes in the plot, but there was some sort of genuine chemistry between the two leads.

Masuk struggles to cope with the loneliness after his partner Tir dies. He looks into the past to see how Tir passed away.  Jia seeks to support Masuk after his loss. 
To be honest, by the time I reached here, I really couldn't care less of what this series was even trying to say and I was beating myself up for wasting so much time on this crap.

In the end, all the boys and their boyfriends take a vacation together where they reflect on the changes and growth that have occurred over the past semester. I would not recommend this series or even the individual episodes at all. The stories are lame, stretched beyond they need to be and just a huge waste of time. (3/10)


Sailor Maan said…
Quite avoidable. Some stories were better than others but as a whole it was not good. I think that when they have like 4 couples in a show it's already too much. So seven (mostly) unteresting ones... Too bad because some couples are really cute.
Golu said…
Totally avoidable. Its too much mess in one single show.

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