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Gameboys: The Movie (Filipino)

The Gameboys series was one of the first BL series that paved way for many more similar series to come out of Philippines. Needless to remind that the series was a huge hit with its two leading actors , their chemistry, the newly stylized direction and its ability to stay within then current pandemic limitations. Naturally, I am sure , like me, many others were excited to see the film. Thankfully the film carries on from where the series left.

Cairo is living temporarily for a few days with Gavreel in his house before he goes back home to his province. The newfound love between the two boys is at its peak and the boys are just figuring out how to take the next step of getting physical with each other. Out of nowhere, Terrence and Wesley (who also featured in the original series) end up coming to their house dealing with their own fights and trying to be there for each other. A surprise visit from Gav's Aunty Susan shakes things up in the house. She comes with his very conservative views of gays and gay men, which leads to passive insult of the boys at home. Out of respect, Gav doesn't say much but retaliates when she attacks Cairo verbally. A huge confrontation follows in which he is told that his Aunt , who has been trying to call him to come live with him in New York, has stage three cancer. The whole situation shakes up things badly. Our lovely Pearl arrives to the scene for her fundraiser and as expected continue to be that emotional rock that these boys need. Gavreel struggles between his love and the right thing to do and Cairo comes in as his rock support and convinces Gav to do the right thing for himself and his family.

The ending of the film was very touching. Clearly the boys have grown up as individuals and as lovers and supporters for each other. Their unshakable chemistry is still to die for and something that keeps you hooked to the TV. I was wondering in the beginning, where this film lead to, since the focus was on the love and their wanting to take it to next level. Even when the other two boys arrived, it was still in the romance space, but the single entry to Aunty Susan shakes things up completely. The confrontation scene between her and Cai n Gav was the single most important and heart wrenching scene of the whole film. Kokoy de Santos as Gavreel takes that scene to another level and so does the actress playing the aunt. She is so sure of her beliefs that she is not remorse. Instead she manages to make Gavreel feel bad and question himself of the whole thing. She deserves full marks as an actress because as audience you hate her like anything. And its interesting take because the old scars from childhood leave marks on one's soul; something that had happened with Gavreel as a kid. Wes and Terrence's character had further growth from the series but I think there is still more scope. The ever effervescence Pearl brings that much needed fizz in the story with her charm. There are so many good things about the film. 

So, this is how a sequel is made when you have genuinely something important to say. Watching some Thai BL sequels in the recent past always made rethink of why producers are wasting money just to cash in on the popularity. But then something like this film comes and your faith in good LGBTQ+ stories and film makers is restored. (7.5/10)


Sailor Maan said…
I was waiting impatiently for this one and it didn't disappoint at all. What an amazing sequel! It takes you to all kinds of strong feelings all through the movie. As you said, the character of the aunt is remarkable. The "first time" scene was quite well done as well. Then I laughted so much when Pearl arrives and it's shown like she is the actual star. Because yes, let's face it, she was the real star in 1st season lmao (too bad her own serie was not that good...). Now I am even more impatient for the apparently upcoming season 2!!
Golu said…
Pearl is absolutely THE STAR.
Are you telling me that there is a next season too? OMG!!!
Sailor Maan said…
I've just read season 2 is confirmed, and the movie is nominated at the Emmy awards! I want to see Pearl on the red carpet now lol.
Golu said…
Yay! exciting times ahead

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