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F. est un salaud (French) [Fögi Is a Bastard]

Someone has said it rightly that when you fall in love, you really can't see anything else. Love sometimes has the ability to give sense to an existence which has no meaning. Some love stories can be dark, disturbing, sexy and damaging but you ask people in the situation they will tell you a different story. This film from almost 25 years ago is one such story of first love, first sex and also how love can manipulate you.

The story is simple. A young fifteen year old Beni is infatuated with Fogi, the lead singer of a rock band. When Beni confesses his love to Fogi, he takes Beni along with him on various road trips for band performance and also seduces him sexually. Beni's first love and sex with Fogi is like a dream come true and Beni is madly in love. But Fogi is a drug addict and also sleeps around. Beni, hurt initially, soon gets used to the arrangement. But slowly, knowingly and willingly (as a minor), Beni also starts getting deep involved in drug abuse. When Fogi's career starts going south because of drug overuse, soon Beni starts prostituting himself to pay for Fogi's drug habit. Beni's youthful innocence is destroyed in a milieu of sex, drinking, drugs, and rock-and-roll.

The whole relationship between Fogi and Beni evolves very interestingly. Beni is initially a fan, becomes a lover and eventually becomes a slave to his master in some very degrading scenes. When this emotional degradation is something that Beni likes or is he doing this because Fogi wants that arrangement is not very clear. Beni is so dependent on Fogi's love and drug use that he has no idea what's going on. He, also doesn't mind prostituting himself to older men, while Fogi sits at home doing nothing. The film is disturbing in many ways. I feel this scenario is totally possible, especially when you are at such a young tender age and idolize someone so much that you fail to see their errors. Even in the end when Fogi loses his life to drugs, Beni blames himself for not doing enough to save him. Its an independent film that can easily get boring because for almost half the time, what unfolds in front of you is downward spiral of Fogi and of Beni because of him. The two actors do an absolutely great job of their character and suit the part from looks and acting wise. I wish the screenplay had slightly more to offer and the pace of the film was better. There were times when I wanted the film to show something more. Nature of love when mixed with drugs will never lead to happiness, and if anything, the film just reaffirms that. (6/10)


Miisu said…
After reading the synopsis of this film I postponed watching it quite a few times. Somehow it seemed to be full of triggers for me and I wasn't sure I'd be able to watch it until the end.

I agree, the main idea is presented really well (what can happen when you get too close to your idol) and it reminded me of Ikaros flying too close to the Sun and burning his wings, although it was the "Sun" who died at the end, but "Ikaros" was also burned badly and would probably never be the same person again. Yes, fan-idol relationships can end in a happy marriage, but they can definitely end like this when there are drugs involved and everyone who actually could help slowly become co-dependent. Since the film was made in 1998 when rock bands lived by the slogan "live fast, die young", it might have been written to show the dangers of such lifestyle to the teenage fans and groupies of that era. Maybe.

Since I'm working through recovery process after a very narrow escape from a narcissist, I saw the same scenario in this film. The victim gets the idea that they're the only one able to see the true nature of the toxic person - their vulnerability, gentle side, whatever you name it. From that idea they derive the conviction that they're the only one in the world who can see the "real" person behind the turbulent negative character the others see. And when the toxic person gives a slightest hint that they "need" the victim, it's hook, line and sinker. The only way to get out is to have an outsider telling the victim that this relationship is poisonous, he's consuming you, you're being manipulated. But Beni didn't have anyone like that... which made me even more thankful for people (complete strangers, btw) who helped me see the shit before it hit the fan. (As I've mentioned in my previous comments somewhere, talking about personal stuff is not a common practice in Northern countries, we are more of a "I thought you thought I shouldn't meddle in your private matters" and "she didn't look like having any emotional trouble, she was always so happy, energetic and smiling all the time", so no one really says anything the right time - we seem to be born with the PhD in hindsight :D )

What watching gay-themed movies has taught me in a rather short time is it's pointless to sort people or give them labels, so it was easy to think along the scenario, but with other characters. Men, women, even people I actually know. I wish I'd seen this film a few years ago.
Golu said…
Thanks for sharing personal anecdotes with us Miisu. Its never too late to watch such films. I strongly feel at that different points in our lives, our ability to interpret things constantly changes. I am sure had I seen this film 10 years ago, I would have not like dit one bit. I probably would have given it very low ratings. But after being exposed to a lot more international cinema (both queer and otherwise), now I am much more aware of how to look beyond what's being shown to us and also lok for hidden messages that probably the film makers are trying to show.
Miisu said…
That's a very good point indeed - the fact that our own age and experiences change the way we see and experience the world, including the films. The 1998-me wouldn't have liked this film at all, but the 2012-me would have been utterly grateful for the message it contains. The 2021-me is simply thankful for the film confirming that I made the right decision (and had a bit of sheer dumb luck for a change). But all these "me"-s are feeling deeply sorry for Beni and his broken soul.

P.S! Have you seen "Eyewitness" yet :P ?
Golu said…
I don't think so. Can you send me an imdv link for it?
Miisu said…
Golu said…
I had no idea about this show, but something tells me that this is probably a. remake of some Scandinavian show which the American's have butchered.

Some of my all time fav shows have been from that region:
Bron/Broen (my fav all time show)
The Killing

Thrillers is my fav genre. Do recommend if you have more please
Miisu said…
If thrillers are your genre, then you'd probably like the US version of "Eyewitness" a teeny bit more thant he Scandi original (Oyewitne) or the French remake (Les Innocents), because the latter ones have less serious wounds and less dead victims. Although the protagonists survive in the end of all those, the US one gave me most intense chills and I was actually afraid for the two kids, although I'm perfectly aware it's "just" a TV-series with a happy(ish) ending (I checked first :D ). I sent you a link of the US version to your e-mail a while ago, hope it still works.
Golu said…
I haven't received th email , but I am sure I will find it somewhere. Thanks for the recommendation. But part of still feels that I should check out Norwegian original version. I like the whole dark genre that they make
Miisu said…
Sent it again. Maybe landed in the junk folder. This time I linked the Norwegian original, too.

I don't know about the darkness in this one... it seems more like "we'll manage somehow, as always"-style when compared to other Scandi crime series. Perhaps it's the pre-programming our brains receive here due to Astrid Lindgren's books. In her books the children always manage to get out of trouble, especially the boys. The Scandi children are like Pippi Longstocking, Ronja the robber'd daughter and Mio or Kalle Blomkvist. The American kids seem more vulnerable. But for the audience that hasn't been so close to everything Scandi these series may seem a lot different. Looking forward to your reviews :)
Miisu said…
Asked a friend ( = megafan of nordic noir, both books and visuals). Here goes:
* Wallander - Swedish version is best, but the British with Branagh is OK, too.
* Män som hatar kvinnor or The Girl With Dragon Tattoo Swedish version - NOT American version! (her exclamation mark)
* Deadwind - Finnish crime, pretty heavy stuff
* Trapped - Icelandic series
* The Valhalla Murders - also Icelandic
* Borderliner - new Swedish police series (she hasn't seen it yet herself, but says it's kinda promising)

And with regards she sends a suggestion to read Yrsa Sigurðardóttir's crime novels, these are available in English and the most noir of the Scandi noir genre.
Golu said…
Thx for these wonderful suggestions. I have seen the dragon tattoo series way back when it came (all 3 original), Valhalla murders and bordertown.
Deadwind and borderline sound interesting. I will look for them.
Miisu said…
The Scandi-noir-friend says hello and sends another suggestion - "The Chestnut Man" series, season 1, is available and looks promising (the book is also very popular here already).
Golu said…
I already finished that series last month. It was quite interesting. I also finished watching US version of Eyewitness
Miisu said…
Lovely to hear that! Now I can tell her to go and watch "The Chestnut Man", and I'll add that to my own list as well. Many of my bookworm-friends have already read the book and seem equally mesmerized by it.

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