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Gay Short Films : 49

These are a few short films with great stories, done well and are generally above 20 minutes plus duration.

How Not To live Your Life - Don Goes Gay (UK)
This is one of the episodes from the TV sitcom. Don is forced to question his sexual preferences when he wakes after a night of heavy drinking to find himself sharing a bed with Samantha's brother Jamie. Unaware he is actually the victim of one of Samantha's pranks, he decides to open his mind to homosexuality, and asks his apparent bedfellow out on a date. Eventually Don realises he is not gay after Sam's brother performs oral sex on him. This episode was hilarious. All the small things that Don thinks on why he is gay was brilliant. I think I am going to use the term 'Gayman' going forward. Funny!

Tranny Trainer (USA)
An interesting concept and thankfully made into a short film. Forrester used to be an athlete and famous but is now old, down and out and works as a personal trainer in a gym. When nothing else works for me, a chance incident leads him to becoming a personal trainer for a transvestite and he leaves the gym. Next thing you now is that gym is getting calls after calls for this special program while Forrester finds his calling and trains the ‘ladies’ in the park. Each character has their unique identity. Alright but could have been funnier.

Invulnerable (Spain)
Elías is just beginning his career as a high school teacher and just beginning his relationship with Pedro, his co-worker. He just finds out that he's HIV positive. The film goes back-n-forth on Elias’ early life, how he met Pedro, his ex-lover and how possibly he got the virus. But now the big question is how will Elias tell the truth to Pedro and how is Pedro going to react? The film and the story was told in a light manner and I found myself even laughing at few points. Invulnerable came down as raw and honest but not overbearing.

Utopies (France)
Thomas is suspected to be gay, and mobbed by youngsters in his poor neighbourhood. He meets Julien, from a different social background via Internet, in search of a different experience. They discover the suburbs around Paris, utopian architectural projects from times where a better future for all was still an aim of society. These discoveries will nourish their own personal utopia. The film is ambiguous, albeit with a love story that preserves a form of innocence. Acting is good but movie is a bit slow paced.

Sex Chat with Pappu & Papa - Homosexualiy (India)
In the final episode of this Indian web series about sex education, Anand, the dad meets his old college friend after ages who’s there to get his gay partner’s fractured foot fixed. This time both his son and his father have some awkward questions this time for Anand about homosexuality. Anand patiently explains them about homosexuality and also educates them on it.

Panorama, The Orlando Nightclub Massacre (UK BBC Doc)
It's America's worst nightmare: an armed gunman on the rampage in a gay club going around killing people. Panorama reveals what it is like to be caught up in the carnage of a mass shooting, telling the story of the Orlando massacre from the people who were there. Like everyone else, I too had been following the news but this short 30 min documentary showed with graphics and interviews, how terribly scary it was for people to be trapped inside and really not knowing what to do. I felt deeply for the people so far but not to the extent that I did after watching the documentary.

Tonight It's You (USA)
Browsing profiles on his phone, handsome CJ arranges a late-night hookup with misfit Hunter, only to discover more going on in Hunter’s backwoods farmhouse than he bargained for. This is going to lead him to something much more sinister than he could ever imagine. Misfit Hunter is going to haunt CJ for a while and he will not be able to control. A gothic, sexy, thrill and horror ride. Ending was bit confusing but still at least something different from the standard run-of-mill stuff.

Statross le Magnifique (France)
This film is the first chapter of a trilogy about Statross Reichmann, an incarnation of the western world and all of its contradictions. Statross is a mixed-race baron who lives in a mansion haunted by the ghost of his father, a Nazi colonel. Statross is tormented by his identity and the past of his ancestors.I had to watch this film without subtitles, so most of it did not make any sense to me.

Alfa (Cuba)
Alfa Mendez, Cuban gay porn actor, has to face returning to a film set without Yerry, his boyfriend with whom he used to shoot a few years ago. Sentimental and artistic by nature, on his first day of shooting without him, Alfa tries to act as in the past but things can not be like before. He is having difficulty getting close to anyone or even getting it up to be ready for the shoot. The film shows that the loss of one’s loved ones is equally painful to any profession.


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