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Ossan's Love Returns (Japanese Series)

And we are back in the world of Haruta and Maki. I was so excited when I saw the first episode came out. This was definitely a show that I have enjoyed watching multiple spin offs , not just within Japan but also the Thai version. Although I guess since they came in quick successions, somewhere the novelty had worn off. I am glad that this well deserved sequel came after a gap, where people like me had started to miss the characters. And man this show doesn't disappoint.. In fact, I will say that the show has grown with the characters and in many surpasses the original. This 9 episode show of 45 minutes each was so much fun to watch.

Haurta and Maki have now been married for sometime and Maki is returning from his stint in Singapore. The couple will finally get to love together and experience each other's company. But with increased work pressure, how do they maintain. Enter the chief (remember him, the guy who was and still is madly in love with Haruta). Chief now runs a cleaning, cooking service , almost like a one man army. Maki is not sure to hire him but they eventually give it a try and of course it helps them immensely. Maki now works in head office while Haruta is still in his old one. He gets a new trainee under him who ends up living as his neighbor. There is something suspicious about him and we soon find out that this guy used to have a lover who looked exactly like Haruta, when he was in secret services. While all this is going on, we also see a couple of episodes of Haruta and Maki dealing with each other's parents and making them part pf their life and becoming part of their life. We have almost everyone from the original season reprising their role and in their own way becoming a part of life Maki and Haruta and completing it. We have the new station chief, who used to have a crush on Maki an dhow is he dealing with his single life. We have chief's ex wife who is now married to the younger guy and their life. We have the bartender / restaurant owner who still experiments with his cooking feeding his friends and more. Haruta and Maki bring tenderness in their fun ways. As husbands, they have dealt with and overcome so many problems, thanks to pure love and faith towards each other. Towards the end, there is another hilarious episode(s of chief getting health scare, how he makes everyone emotional and how it is all false. The show is just so unique in presenting us with such comical situations.

As we have talked before, the humor style of the show is unique and different. For people like me who have seen something like this before, it is awesome. For others, it will take time. The over the top, showing your feelings through expressions and loud humour just somehow works for this show and Haruta and the chief are clearly the two main experts of this genre. Each episode is a true work of craftsmanship with its chaotic plot and, to top it all off, a satisfying ending. Every time I think that the entire cast, both technical and artistic, cannot surpass the last episode, they do it effortlessly in the next one, reaching greater heights. There are so many things happening here. We are focussed on Maki and Haruta and their love and so many people around them but somehow you also feel that proper attention is paid to almost every character. The importance of friends and relationship is something that is a lot more emphasized in this season. I love how many genres they mixed in together, without it ever seemingly like too much. They covered every possible theme they could, from loss, to acceptance, spanning every kind of relationship and bond, narrating stories of confusion, happiness, satisfaction, anger and so much more. Each episode is chock full of thought and tear provoking quotes and at the end of the nine episodes, you come out feeling like a part of the family. The characters are so much more lovable, the conflicts as silly or as serious they are get resolved fairly quickly, respecting that all the characters are adults who can, more or less, communicate and solve their issues.

My one issue with the show is that between Maki and Haruta, their relationship feels more platonic and companion. There is no hint of sexual compatibility or closeness, which I have noticed in other Japanese shows too. Maybe this has to do with censor restrictions, but despite that I still appreciate how they grow as a couple. Watching Haruta and Maki figure out their lives together, what it means for them to be married, how to balance their personalities, talking to each other’s parents, where they set boundaries, what they want from a family together…it all felt very heartwarming and domestic. Even the chief's relationship with Haruta and Maki develops in a much healthier way, still being competitive to Maki, which is even addressed directly here. The last two episodes of the show were near perfect. How all the characters are brought together, respect each other for who and what they are the emphasis on this made-family over boron with family. I guess this is a goodbye to the series for good.  But oh man, what a show. This is the perfect dose that can bring smile and contentment to one's face. Highly recommend. (9/10)


Sailor Maan said…
I loved it so much... You perfectly said it Golu, at the end of the show you feel part of the family.
My main complain about 1st season was the lack of intimacy between Maki and Haruta and really see them as a couple. For the alternate season I thought it was too OTT. Well all of this has been totally remedied. First Haruta and Maki are definitely a couple. They kiss, hold hands, care for each other and fight like all couples. Ok there are no steamy scenes but it's still implied they have a physical bond too. All teh other characters were given proper evolution and interesting stories.
The first part was hilariously OTT (a little too much for my husband...). How can you resist Kurosawa evolving from love rival to mother in law, it was briliant! I laughed way too many times to remember all of them. Kurosawa and Maki increasingly fighting OMG...
Then the last episodes were more touching. To the point you just don't want to leave those characters. Which had me run through 1st season again right after XD

Golu you might be happy to know that after a HK version, we will have a thai version this year (with the actors from A tale of thousand stars and Moonlight chicken). Better do it right, japanese season 2 set high standards!
Golu said…
OMG!! I really hope they do it right. H version was ok and yes this follow up version from Japan has really raised the bar high :)

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