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I Can't Reach You (Japanese Series)

Childhood friendship urning to love can be a fascinating story if done right. The names escape me, but I am sure I have seen many in the past that fall in this category. This show started off really well. Our protagonists and their friendship had some amazing chemistry. Clearly both care and love each other but neither can make up their mind or muster the courage to confess to the other which leads to indecisiveness and erratic mood swings. All the time spent in weird drama could have been instead channeled into romance which is barely there towards the last episode. The show is standard 8 episodes of 20 minutes each, so thankfully it is an easy watch.

The story is extremely simple and straight forward. Yamato and Kakeru have been childhood friends and are in same class. Yamato is a brilliant student, is a good athlete, is gentle and soft and good looking, so naturally all the girls are after him. But besides Kakeru, he can barely manage to chat with anyone else in the class. Despite their connection, Kakeru has a drastically different personality. From terrible grades to athletic ineptitude, he doesn't share his friend's talents. Yamato often helps mentor his buddy in their school assignments. But Kakeru is extremely outgoing, has many friends. When one of the friends invite the two to a couple's mixer, fir the first time Yamato loses his inhibition, but that is also the time he feels jealous that Kakeru may end up liking some girl. Turns out Yamato has feelings for Kakeru for a while now but he is very hesitant to say anything because that will disrupt their friendship big time. When one girl likes Kakeru,  Yamato almost confesses but backs out. Since this incident Kakeru starts wondering if his friend likes him romantically , but he cant ask because again this will jeopardize their friendship. This state of confusion fo both of them last for full 5 episodes when one day Yamato finally kisses Kakeru , who is shocked and doesn't know how to react. Anyway, with the support of Yamato's sister and a very cool and considerate group of friends who try to bring these friends to lovers together, the duo finally realize and accept that their feelings for one another goes beyond the boundaries of friendship.

The two guys playing the lead roles here were just perfect. Guy playing Kakeru was too good. He brings a lot of giddiness, enthusiasm, and funny responses. There's a bright spark to this young actor's charisma. He reminded me of the character from Ossan's Love. There is something about Japanese drama's 'awkward' acting that makes the scenes authentic.  They have definitely mastered this art. This is how we are in real life, and the way they talked to each other makes you really feel like you are watching the blossoming of love, the coming of age, raw and somewhat unscripted.  Yamato on the other hand is definitely good looking but somehow lacks the charm and the 'it' factor. Anyway, the show starts with some amazing and cozy moments of their friendship. You root for them and it warms your heart to see them together. I enjoyed th scenes where they share lunch and the silence with each other. But the facet of neither of them saying what's going in their head for fear of breaking friendship, even though makes sense, goes on for way too long. Each time Yamato appears on the brink of expressing his feelings, he backs off. His perpetual cycle of self-pity and indecision is tedious. I also grew tired of the discourse around his relationship troubles. Other characters encourage him to reveal his secret crush, but he'll mumble some pessimistic excuse. The relationship only really evolves mostly in last two episodes by which it is already little late. On a brighter side I did enjoy the friend who literally would use every opportunity to push the two friends together and make them see that they just love each other so much. I guess the message here is how important is to communicate and why it is really important to express your feelings sometimes. Nevertheless, the hidden teen girl inside me still enjoyed the fun short show. (6/10)


Sailor Maan said…
The hidden girl inside me enjoyed it a lot too lol.
As you said both actors did a fantastic job, be it the energetic and goofy one or the perfect on the outside shy on the inside other one.
Them confessing their feelings definitely takes a long time. At the same time, it must be near impossible to confess in real life if it's your best straight friend. Especially since Kakeru shows absolutely no sign of attraction towards Yamato.
Can I say this is also where you see BL are an idealized world. As much as I can relate with their situation trying with a friend at their age, we were not in love, we were just horny lol. BL are only about the romantism. Not complaining, I absolutely love it that way, it's just they never factor in the sexual needs of teenagers. At times it's funny to compare.
Golu said…
I agree. the world of BL is more focussed on romanticizing everything about this young hot looking men. Sexual compatibility is just not the point and thats ok, (only sometimes)

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