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VIP Only (Taiwanese Series)

Taiwan has historically given some really memorable BL shows. Unfortunately this show is so predictable and boring and simple and basic, that it doesn't offer even one single thing that is new. In fact, it uses almost every cliche of this genre, doesn't even pretend to rehash it and give an interesting spin or anything like this. The only positive thing I can think of one of the leads is kinds good looking. But other than that, this 10 episode, 22 minute each series about a soothing romance between an author and a chef just doesn't click.

Liu Li is an author who goes by the pseudonym Morris. He has two successful books published but is struggling to write the third one. Base don his experiences, the first book is about Liu Li secretly pining over a teaching assistant at the university. The second story is about him getting rejected and coping with the heartbreak. On a plus side he enjoys going to this new restaurant in his building that specialized in beef noodle soup. He becomes a regular customer there buts til unable to write anything new. The owner/cook of the place is called Boss by everyone. Before you know they start. Talking, get friendly and soon a romantic relationship starts to develop, but before either of them could confess their feelings, Liu Li's former assistant comes back into the picture. This leads to Boos getting into a jealousy mode. He doesn't confess o the author but goes enough hints so that author can take a decision. Of course, sanity prevails, he confesses his love to the chef and they are happy together. There is inconsequential side dram of the Boss's mother and how the author comes to the rescue but it make no sense or reasoning in the longer scheme of things.

Every episode of this show starts with some sort of inspiration quote. They are philosophical, maybe cheesy and inspirational but only if quotes like these could make a good show. The show tries to stay positive and give happy vibes, but sadly it is so bland and boring to say the least. It is formulaic and predictable right from get go and it lacks any kind of excitement or rush as a viewer. Despite developing a mutual attraction, the leads won't define their relationship. They pretend to be confused and need clarification on their partner's feelings. These guys flirt, go on dates, and even share a kiss. Duh, it's obvious you like each other! I was so bored and I couldn't at one point even bother anymore. As mentioned, the smoldering looks of the actor playing Boss is the only saving grace of this film. Sadly he still needs to improve as an actor. The guy playing the author was strictly average. I would totally blame etch screenplay and th story and the makers ability to put any kind of spicy in this otherwise series supposedly set around a restaurant setting. The only way to watch the show is probably on double speed, because trust me there is absolutely nothing about this dull and boring show that you will miss. Not even its many missed and forced gags. (3.5/10)


Sailor Maan said…
A disapointment for me too. As much as their growing love story was ok (but not great), the sudden change of mind where they wouldn't confess was annoying at best, ridiculous imo.
The beginning was a light and easy watch, the last episodes were annoying with bad tropes and irrationnal decisions and acting.
Litlle saving grace moment was seeing cameos from "you are mine" BL (slightly better but not unforgettable either). And Boss actor was cute, hope to see him again (except in the sister series)
Golu said…
Actor playing Boss was def cute. Id say he was more hot than cute. lol Would not mind seeing him again soon.

I have to say that I do admire your ability to remember the BL shows and their couples. I barely remember these for a week after I am done watching them.
Sailor Maan said…
I'm cheating :p Because 1) I had just watched "You are mine" and 2) sometimes when I see a face that looks familiar, I go check on mydramalist to find where I had seen him.

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