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A Breeze Of Love (Korean Series)

This was really a simple easy breezy show without too much of drama forced in for no reason. But having said that maybe it was just too simple. It briefly reminded me of 'Color Rush' for its basic plot. Nonetheless, since this was recommended to m, I watched and I should say that even though this may not be the greatest Korean BL show, it was an easy simple watch. A show that slightly warms your heart. At 8 episodes of about 17 minutes each, it's a quick watch too.

Dong Wook has returned to school after a year of absence but anyone who invites him to hangout is rejected very rudely. Lee Do Hyun, is the basketball team captain who is looking for a new team member to win the upcoming tournament. At insistence of the only friend that Dong Wook knows, he decides to join the team but Lee Do Hyun dismisses him completely. It seems they have s history. In many bits and pieces, we are told that Dong Wook has insomnia issues and Do Hyun is the only person in whose presence, he can fall asleep. Turns out that 5 years back, these 2 were closest of friends but suddenly Dong Wook left since he could not confront his feelings for Do Hyun, but he never told him. So naturally the latter is mad at DOng Wook. They make a bet and so Dong Wook ends up moving in with Do Hyun for sometime and we see that slowly they both start to get along and even the old charm and love seems to come back. Just when they both think that they are back in love, Do Hyun finds out that maybe Dong Wook is close to him only so that he could sleep better. Dong Wook eventually clarifies the whole situation and finally tells him why he left school suddenly and how he had always loved Do Hyun and wants to be with him, leading to a happy ending.

Since the early episodes do tell that these two protagonists have some history, we as audience are curious to know what really happened. Many scenes convey an understated melancholic vibe. But actually the reason just turns out to be a damb squib. There should have been something more powerful. But besides that I did enjoy Dong Wook's resilience to make sire to come closer to Do Hyun, who keeps his distance because of past experiences. In conversations, it showcases intimate close-up shots of the actors' faces, highlighting their earnest gazes and enigmatic expressions. Also I have to say that visually the series is very pleasant. I am not sure the reason, but maybe the summery color palette of the show or two very good looking leads (although it did take me almost 3 episodes to differentiate them. They both looked so similar). The plot is otherwise simple and executed quite fast in almost 2 hour time. There is a sub plot of a friend who has a crush on Do Hyun but it's never really developed. The girl side kick was fun o watch. Overall an easy watch. Go with minimal expectations. (6/10)


Sailor Maan said…
An easy and pretty good watch. I like it when Korea make lovable shows in such short formats (I think I prefer good short series that leave you wanting for more rather than bad long series that make you wish you never started them ^^;)
What I liked the most was the parallel between the 2 guys. Dong Wook keeps coming back after being constantly rejected by a furious Do Yun, but he is so determinated to be part of Do Yun's life. And on the other side we have Do Yyun that tries his best to stay angry at Dong Wook. And yet he can't help but falling madly in love all over again. You can see in his eyes and attitude he fears so much being hurt again and yet can't fight it. This character really striked me.
The girl friend was really funny.
I kept thinking about other similar shows that I thought were arguably better and still had such a good time with this one.

Aside from that : Golu I wish you the best for this year 2024!! With a LOT of great things for you and your loved ones. Then of course a lot of good gay shows and fantastic trips round the globe :)
Golu said…
Thank you and wishing you a very happy 2024 and your family. Talking of fantastic trips, I am so happy that I just visited my 125th country last week. My goals of trying to visit every country are still very very far, but at least between traveling and watching gay films, while also being a full time IT consultant job, the plates are full; but hey !! who's complaining!!

Looking forward to a lot more good gay content, great discussions here and love and health for all of us.
Sailor Maan said…
125 countries, this is so incredible!
I call myself a traveler and not sure I reach 40. The best part is we always have a lot left to explore! And incredible memories (as well as a more open mind I believe).

About gay series, "One room Angel" is a UFO you'll probably want to watch. Rather poor on the romance but the whole thing is unique.
And I should warn you about thai "Absolute zero". Great plot but the extreme slowness killed me at times. Like it takes 5s everytime one has to answer, sets a beautiful atmosphere at first on some situation, but overused it quickly became unbearable for me. Some liked it a lot though.

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