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Sublime (Spanish)

Sublime is a moving drama about two teenage friends navigating teen years, nearing adulthood , full of age appropriate angst, offering a modern ideal of masculinity. We all have probably been through a phase at the same time in life when we had this inexplicable crush on someone we knew. However, if that happens to be on one of your closest friends, even as adults, we barely know how to navigate those feelings, but it's much harder when one is a teenager and inexperienced with such feelings in general. And this Argentinian film tries to show us exactly that. A decent coming-of-age film.

15-16 year old Manuel, called Manu by everyone, and Felipe have been the best of friends since they were kids. They are a part of a music band and are virtually inseparable. They both have girlfriends and Manu has reached a point where he is ready to have sex with his girlfriend, which is encouraged by Felipe. But Manu still awkward about the whole thing. He has a feeling that his feelings for Felipe are changing. It's getting intense and inconvenient and it puzzles him. As expected, he is not verbally articulate of this age to express what his feelings are all about. Most nights he dreams about Felipe where they are lying next to each other with looks of longing, tenderness and a possibility of kiss. Even hen he mentioned to his father that Felipe troubles him, his father just asks him to talk to him, no further discussions. Enter a new girl, whom Felipe falls for and wants to get it on with her and asks Manu's help to setup make it happen. Manu's bubble eventually bursts and he confesses to Felipe that he is in love with him. Felipe doesn't know what and how to react. I mean, they are both teens. What happens thereafter, how these two boys very very maturely handle the situation where they are both gonna be true friends, despite Manu loving Felipe, who knows that he cannot reciprocate the feelings. An ending with a very beautiful kiss between the two boys sort of seals that this friendship is for the keeps.

The film connected with me at most levels. It is a bit poetic and lyrical in nature and could definitely test patience of some people. The rollercoaster emotions of adolescence are perfectly captured in this film and I have to ay that the child actor playing the role of Manu is absolutely amazing. There are moments where Manu is starting to realize what's really happening to him and as an audience you see that coming. The film is not prescriptive about sexuality and we don’t get the sense that Manu will only be attracted to boys from now on, just that he’s overwhelmed by his attraction to this particular boy, and that’s eclipsing everything else. And I personally know of a few people who have been attracted to this one specific person and not just whole gender. The eventual outburst where Manu can't take it anymore is understated yet powerful. He feels more and more cheated on by Felipe's growing attraction to this girl and eventually Manu just has to confess his own feelings. He does that and just leaves without waiting for a response. The one interesting thing is that the film and people around do not judge Manu by this acceptance. Neither his father, nor his ex-girlfriend who are both very supportive. While the film moves on extremely slow at places especially with scenes of those band practices, it's the performances by the two boys, especially Manu, where the strength of the film lies in. Their chemistry with each other and even the other kids in band and school is very refreshing. Some of their dialogues even feel improvised and funny.  This provides a terrific sense of closeness, while highlighting the distance that is growing due to Manu's secret. So where the story goes is hugely involving, vividly catching a teen's sense that the things he's going through are earth-shattering. Not many films have captured such feelings (The recent film Close comes to mind) of a teenage struggling to understand what really is going on with him. And all of this pays off as the beautifully played final sequence becomes a hopeful message about today's youth with that elusive and powerful, friendly yet loving kiss. (7/10)


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