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Puoi Baciare lo Sposo (Italian) [My Big Gay Italian Wedding]

I absolutely loved this film. When a film manages to keep a constant smile and feel-good emotions inside you throughout its runtime, it already has done its job to a large extent. And to top that, me laughing out loud in a couple of scenes was just icing on the cake. It takes a lot to make me lose my inhibitions and loud out loud, so in that department, this film was a total winner. Yes, this is not a path-breaking cinema, but with right mix of comedy, emotions, family and drama, this film is something that everyone would like and enjoy to watch. Oh! and did I say how beautiful the town of Civita is.

Antonio is in a very happy relationship with his boyfriend of three years Paolo. Just before visiting his hometown for Easter, Antonio proposes Paolo. Antonio has a female roommate who he is good friends with and they just get a new room mate , an older man who has discovered his happiness for cross-dressing. The 4 of these travel together as a group now to celebrate easter with Antonio's family. Antonio has to come out to his parents as well as announce the engagement, and Paolo and his mother haven't spoken in years because of his sexuality. Once Antonio announces, his parents react very differently. His mother goes into acceptance and planning mode with her conditions, primarily being that Paolo's mother has to be present at the wedding and that her husband has to officiate the wedding. Antonio's father, on the other hand, who also happens to be the mayor of the town, does not understand and refuses to support this idea of wedding. To add to confusion, we also have Antonio's ex-girlfriend come in every now and then, who refuses to let go off Antonio and wants him back at any cost. Of course, brief moments of confusions happen but ultimately love wins everything.

The story above may seem serious but really everything plays out with a very light joyous atmosphere and there is no one single moment where I felt bored or not smiling. The film is right amount of comedy and feel-good without overdoing either of those things. I cracked up when Antonio's father explains why he doesn't like musicals and why musicals don't make sense. And then to have the movie end with a total musical number was a master stroke. The beauty of the town of Civita adds to the charm of the overall story. The two men have excellent chemistry. Right from when Antonio tells us how he met Paolo and how their relationship developed to this moment of wedding, we as audience feel an instant connection with them both. They have their differences and opinions and this is what makes their relationship more real. The two actors have done an incredible job here. In fact, every single actor is a masterstroke. The conflict of Antonio's parents presents two very different sides of spectrum and adds more to humor and drama. I wish there was more story to cross dressing roommate and the girl but they do add in some good light moments in the narrative. And the crazy ex-girlfriend, although annoying, added more fun. My favorite for some reason would be the father and his character. There was something human and charming about his character of loving his son, accepting him being gay but somehow the whole idea of wedding is too much for him in his family in the small town. I loved the fact that nothing situation was overdramatized just for the sake of it. Not even the climax, which could have gone so wrong but ending the film with a song and dance musical number leaves viewers on a high which was exactly whats needed from a film like this.

There is absolutely no way that this film will not out a smile to your face and show a positive side to same-sex marriage between two people who wholly adore each other. Although the issues are quite serious, there are many humorous moments, and this romantic comedy will leave you on a high. (8/10)


luigi43 said…
Am I too sciovinist , being italian , if I write it has been the most humorous themed movie produced in my ( former now) Country ?
Golu said…
no you wont be.. because its the truth. It was really nice funny movie and lot of fun to watch
In my opinion, come non detto and mine vaganti are the best ones. This one was pretty good too I liked it a lot.
Golu said…
Oh yeah, Absolutely!! Those 2 films have absolutely no competition at all.

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