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Alex Strangelove

Of late we have been having a surge of coming out films, especially with more focus on teenage romance. Something that was a focus few years back. With mainstream films like Love, Simon; this genre is getting more popularity again. Netflix's film takes this genre forward and brings to us a tender coming-of-age story and the film is not without flaws. That doesn't take away the charm and smile that this film brings to your face.

Alex Truelove is a nerd who is too much into animals. He is the kind of guy who is not a jock but popular enough and friends with everyone, to even become class president. And he wonders if any girl ever would find him cool enough to ever be friends with him, forget dating. Enter Claire, who is as much of an animal nerd as him and they both instantly hit off. They go from friends to dating but to Claire's frustration, they have not gone all the way. But Alex doesn't care. He is not ready and doesn't think much about it. Soon we realize why. He meets Elliott at a party and they both instantly hit it off. There is a very strong mutual attraction that confuses Alex further. Though his friends tell him multiple times that they live in a world where they except him for whoever he is, even if gay; Alex never feels comfortable coming out. But thats more because he himself is not sure. A final break-up with Claire and childhood memories flaring back where he was once beaten as a kid for checking out guys, he finally admits to being gay. Claire then helps to bring Elliott and Alex together. After initial hesitation, Alex finally gives in and kisses his truelove.

Even though Alex is struggling with experimenting and eventually accepting his sexuality, thankfully the film focuses on showing the progress that we a a society have done. As his buddy Dell points out, their school is relatively open-minded when it comes to sexual orientation and gender identity. And Alex comes out as a genuine person, geeky but very comfortable with himself. The film is not trying to be too ambitious. The motive is to make a feel good teenage romance. The tender scenes between Elliott and Alex have been done really well. Elliott, who is openly gay senses something within Alex but he also understands having been kicked out of his father's house for being gay, as to why Alex might be holding back. I loved the fact that the film never gets over the top and over dramatic and is kept very real. Claire's character blends very well and is important to the narrative in shaping who Alex really is. All the actors playing their roles do a fantastic job. But like I mentioned earlier, the film offers nothing new. It’s best as an honest, progressive idea of a high school in 2018, but it comes with a fair amount of charm. Being a teenager is not easy. No matter how much the social environment around alternative sexuality shifts and clears, determining your own identity is never as easy as checking a box. And this film has a tender approach to show this.

Its a good charming, sometimes a silly film but its quite a distance from even coming close to the feel good factor of recently released Love Simon. Still, its not bad by any means because it does bring a smile to your face. (7/10)


luigi43 said…
Both "Love , Simon " and this one are heart warming : and my preference goes to .... Alex Strangelove!
First is a plain , common story without the budget of the big "brother" much intimate would say. And because of it lovable like the issue of a lesser god.
BTW I wish I would go back to the high school to understand if the acceptance for gay fellows is like descripted in both movies!
Golu said…
Oh wow! Interesting ti hear that you prefer this film over Simon. For some reason, that film connected with me more , personally.

I would not ever wanna go back to high school. Its over rated.. lol
Sailor Maan said…
I was looking forward to seeing your review since I loved this movie a lot. Sooo sweet...
Reminds me so much of my experience back then, it's not even funny. Although I hardly believe my girlfriend (or any girlfriend for the matter) would have set me up with the boy I had a crush on the next day I told her I was gay lol.
The kiss scene is magic with all his friends being happy for him (and with this beautiful song)
Luigi I wonder exactly the same thing, is it really THAT easy now?
I prefered Love Simon though (even bought the book and its sequel...) but my husband prefered this one so I guess that's 2 points each, equality haha!
luigi43 said…
Has anyone a time machine ? We can organize a charter ;-))))
Golu said…
i am loving this discussion. I totally forgot to mention that in my review but Sailor Maan, you are absolutely spot on with the kissing scene. I had a smile on my face to see all the classmates being happy for the kid.

Not sure, if its that easy now. But a lot depends on what part of the world you live in, what ethnic background you come from and what baggage you bring with that etc etc.
I cannot believe I had not heard of this one before. Thanks to your blog, and the comments, I had a really good time. Thank you. To me, love Simon is better, then harry then alex strangelove. I could watch something like this everyday. Please don't hesitate to suggest other rom coms I may not have heard of!
Golu said…
As you can probably see from my blog, my all time fav romantic film has been "Big Eden", only gay film that I have seen at least 4-5 times and something about me still connects with every single time. Most people dont think it deserves the high praises that I give it, but what i can say!! We all have our guilty pleasures. :)

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