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Bishonen Aka Mei shao nian zhi lian (Cantonese) [Beauty]

This film has been on my watchlist for a long time but then I kept on postponing this viewing for some reason or the other. No specific reason, it someone didn’t seem interesting enough to watch it. I mean it was set in late 90s, so I just had to be a in a different mindset before I saw this film. Thankfully its a rainy day and I thought, maybe today is the day. Touted as the ill-fated romance where the past of a few individuals connect with each other in the present makes the crux of the film.

Jet is an extremely charming and handsome hustler who knows his strengths and plays by it. One day he notices a young couple Sam & Kana and somehow their closeness gives him a sense of warmth and he takes a liking for Sam. When Jet tells about this to his closest friend Ching, he tries to help him by putting an ad in newspaper. A chance encounter again with Sam changes things. It turns out Sam is a police officer and they both instantly hit it off. They become extremely close friends and Jet becomes a regular fixture in Sam’s house as the close friend. One day when Ching sees Sam, he address him as Fai and confides in their other friend how Fai was his first love. He shares the story of how Fai (Sam) and him used to work in the same company, became closest friends and lovers and its because of him, that Ching is in the hustling business. But unaware to Ching. Fai has had an affair with pop star K.S. Jet is completely unaware of these things and has very strong feelings for Sam. He is in love but he seen no reciprocation from him. When Ching sees the two together, he thinks that Jet stole his lover and Sam runs away fearing that his secret will be out. Jet follows him and tells him that they all have secrets and it doesn’t really matter. Finally when the two guys give into their passion, someone enters and sees them. Sam believes that it was his father and that he would be very disappointed in him. Unable to face his father’s disappointment, Sam kills himself. Jet lives on as a hustler and receives a letter knowing that Sam loved him.

I think the story was very interesting and how some of the major characters were interconnected, but a lot of things seemed too convenient. Agreed that Ching first sold his body five years ago to help Fai (Sam) financially so that Fai could help K.S. , but then why would he need to continue? He had a good job. When Fai was such a ‘good’ boy, why would he use his good friend Ching for money to help his then love K.S. Also what was Kana's role. She kept coming in and out aa couple of times, even appearing prominently in the film's poster but I think the whole character could be removed and would not have done any damage to the film. Jet’s feelings for Sam were real and so were his but by this time, Sam just wanted to do only the right things by the book. He could not bear to disappoint anyone and hence after both Ching and K.S. were gone from his life, he becomes a cop and even though he loves Jet, he doesn’t act on his feelings. I found this whole aspect quite interesting and realistic. Sometimes you have to choose between doing the right thing vs what your heart wants you to do. Jet and Sam were both absolutely gorgeous handsome men. Especially Jet. I can only imagine his popularity in Hong Kong after this film. The film is not very polished and there is no obvious sex scenes, but it still in its own ways tries to show that every human has the right to love and be loved. Sadly, for our protagonist Sam, it was a choice between love and family honor.

In some ways it is a film about a lost love and a missed opportunity for a deep and lasting love over fleeting sexual encounters and the superficiality of many gay/bi relationships. The film doesn't exploit gay sex by showing needless amounts of it nor does it reduce it along the way. Its not the greatest film but it was a very decent attempt given the time it came out and the impression it leaves. (6/10)


luigi43 said…
One of the first "getting in touch" with Asian themed movie I had.
I hoped it could be a good starting for further gay movies but still can say it's not my cup of tea.
luigi43 said…
BTW ,still looking for the film " everything is free"
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