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Gay Short Films : 31

The Ducks’ Migration (USA/Chile)
Two close family friends, Jeremy and Alphonse, spend a few weeks together in Brooklyn. Jeremy is confused about his love for his friend but doesn’t know how to react while obsessed with the ducks in the Prospect Park lake and finishing a school paper about their migration. Alphonse likes to ride bicycles and does not want to leave town. The ducks inevitably leave, Alphonse goes back to Paris, and Jeremy stays in his house. But thep process teaches everyone something, mostly Jeremy.

Mom I'm Gay (Argentina)
A man's failed attempts at coming out to his mom make a for a very short but hilarious viewing with all excuses he gives to her.

Furry Boys (Spain)
2 boys who wear fur of animals are trying to make love for a promo. Really short short.

Gorilla (Australia)
On a camping trip with his boyfriend, Joel questions when the universe will end. His boyfriend, Sean, plays a game, having Joel close his eyes and pick a random word from a book as his answer. The word is 'gorilla'. The next day, a mysterious woman arrives at their secluded campsite and Joel comes across a sinister gorilla mask in her bag. He hates her instantly but things change soon. When she dances at night with the gorilla mask on, Joel feels free and joins her leaving Sean totally bewildered on what’s going on.

2 sea divers meet more gays when water current drifts them. BAD !!

Ratas (Spain)
Nico and Paul were together. Nico is moving out after many fights and now Paul is with a girl Nani. Nico and Nani hate each other at first sight. There are many things that separate Nani and Nico but a giant kitchen knife will make them realise that they have a strong bond in common: neither of them will stop at nothing to get Paul. Because love and sex are red. The extent that each of them will go to hurt the other person to have the ultimate claim of Paul is worth watching. This short film was fucking amazing and the guy Paul was so damn hot. I think the concept was innovative and directed and acted really well.

Wall (Spain)
Two young lovers meet against a city soundscape. The Spanish on the wall reads ‘I don’t want you any more’, and 'why are you a coward’.

The Invention(UK)
Brad is jobless, insomniac, alcoholic and probably in closet. Kevin is a research student working on a strange machine. After a chance encounter with Kevin on the street, things change for Brad. In his new job at a student;’s facility , he meets Kevin again. As Kevin approaches him for help, he can forsee that the outcome of this encounter will lead to his seduction. Brad now needs to decide between his old ways or man up and accept that he is gay. Is this all real or just a dream? Good acting but frankly a very confusing short film for me.

It's A Boy (Netherlands)
Teenage crush on each other while one of them is waiting forces sister in labour.

Death Of Gay Cliche (Portugal)
A happy gay couple and 2 strangers who tear them apart separately.

Teens like Phil (USA)
Phil, a shy, insecure teenager is struggling to come to terms with his sexuality. At his elite private school, Phil is picked on by his former friend and love interest, Adam. Adam frequently lashes out with violence against Phil and enjoys humiliating him in the locker room. As the bullying intensifies, both at school and at home, the back story of Phil and Adam’s ill-fated relationship is revealed, leading to a horrific final assault. This is apparently based on true incident and is indeed a shame such teenagers in todays day and age still have to deal with homophobic hatred.

The Course (Cuba)
A fellow transgender prostitute teaches her colleague on how to seduce men to sleep with them.

One Third The Terror (USA)
One Third the Terror is a beautifully shot comic spoof of the horror classic, Trilogy of Terror. Karen, a lonely transwoman with unfulfilled desires sets up a romantic evening with a blow-up midget sex doll. When the doll goes missing the evening takes a terrifying turn. She is raped and then delivers a midget with the help of her nosy neighbour. The acting by the lead actor is quite interesting and good.

You're Cute for a Black Guy. 
A docufilm exploring the real reality of race and racism that runs rampant in the black gay community. Answering few questions and comments that they experience, this helps to broaden the discussions of what it looks like to be a gay man in 2015.

Boner Breakfast
2 friends having breakfast and one cannot getup to fetch ketchup because he has morning wood.


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