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Randy And The Mob

This film was supposed to be a low budget comedy with mob plots. It could have been interesting but there was something that was missing from the film. Maybe I will figure that out by the time i have finished writing this review. I would also like to mention that this is not primarily a gay cinema. There is an important gay couple and an important character but that itself does not make this film qualified for gay cinema but I can still review it here. 

A good old boy from the middle-class suburbs of Atlanta becomes indebted to the mob. Randy is about as American as baseball and apple pie. Randy's wife is a clinically depressed baton teacher who also suffers from a painful case of carpal tunnel syndrome, and his identical twin brother, Cecil, is openly homosexual. When Randy runs into financial trouble, he seeks a quick fix by borrowing money from some local mobsters. Unfortunately for Randy, all his businesses are still making very little money. Franco, a loan shark for the mob, wants to collect the mob's money, but Randy can't deliver, and Randy is now in deep trouble. However, the mob has a plan to use Randy's business to move some of their goods. Franco sends the mob enforcer, Tino, to run the operations. Tino begins to make all the businesses very profitable. There is only one problem; Franco must drive down to the small Georgia town to collect the mob's money. The movie ends with how ultimately Randy ends up bridging the differences with hi gay twin brother and return the mob's money. 

Firstly, what was Tino's deal. Why did he keep behaving like he was a robot. I still dont get it. Randy acted pretty well as twin brothers in completely contrasting characters. The movie and the story was funny to an extent thanks to the southern stereotyping. Actress playing Randy's wife also did a decent job of a clinically depressed patient. I just dont feel like writing anymore because i cant really think of any more positive points for the film. I just wish the screenplay was a little sharper and explained better things that were going on. I have a feeling that lot more people might find this film funny, which I did too but not to a great extent. (4.5/10)


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