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Sasaki and Miyano: Graduation (Japanese)

BL animes are starting to get the recognition that they deserve. I am also one of those people who initially didn't think much of these and was rather just dismissive. Having seen a few by now, I can say, they do give. You the same butterflies as any BL series of teenage love gives you. I quite enjoyed the simple teenage love story of Sasaki and Miyano when I saw it, so naturally when I saw the film version come out, I was quite curious to see how the makers will take the story forward. This excellent sequel contains the same genuine charm and compassionate spirit as the original.

In the series we saw how Sasaki and Miyano eventually became a couple while they are both in high school and also told their friends about their relationship. Sasaki is a year older than Miyano. Currently a high school senior, Sasaki is about to graduate. He is busy preparing for university entrance exams. Miyano does his best to provide moral support. Their usual high school life is changing; they’re getting closer and wanting to explore more intimacy and affection, and they have to make the decision whether or not to tell their families about their relationship. Intimacy is on their minds, especially Sasaki, whose physical desires are starting to grow. The film also explores how they both eventually come out. To their families and they receive the support that we can all use. Still an example of healthy communication, we see the couple navigate their budding intimate attraction and learn what boundaries they have. On aside bar, the film starts with another couple Hirano and Kagiura, that lasts almost 10 minutes which made me wonder if I am watching the right film. I am sure this couple deserves a larger story or maybe there is some connection thatches couple shares with Sasaki and Miyano, but it thoroughly left me confused for first 10 minutes and especially since then this couple was completely gone for the rest of this film.

The innocence of the characters in the original series and the way they talk about everything were the top reason that I loved the show and those qualities are kept intact in this film that lasts just around an hour. The sweet high school love story continues to be charming and genuine. The kindness, love, care and respect that both Sasaki and Miyano show for each other is something to learn from. Not even the best of couples can be so communicative as this pair is. If you think with your brain, the film doesn't offer anything new or novel. It just shows us how this newly dating couple navigates through their relationship, especially since their physical desires grow. The story handles this topic tastefully, showing decorum without seeming sleazy. After some lighthearted flirting, the couple's passion unleashes in an exhilarating encounter. Their shy kissing scenes will remind you of your first crush and probably some stolen kisses that you must have had with him/her. But watch it with your heart and the innocence of this dup will captivate you yet again. There are also sequins of coming out to the families and the show handles the as well with respect, maturity, grace and sensitivity. Everything about this animation may be romanticized, but to see two boys coming out to their families and finding acceptance, well, that joy is a relief that young queer teens deserve to see shown in media. The film has a happy ending and we won't take anything else. On the flip side, the film ends too quick. Some of the themes of coming out and intimacy could easily have been explored in greater depths. And of course the confusing first ten minutes or so.

This nice little film is a fantastic story of young love and a healthy exploration of growing in a relationship that continues from a beautiful journey that started with the series. And as with the series, even in the film, it uses floating shapes to convey emotions. If you enjoyed the series, chances are you will equally enjoy this film too. (7/10)


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