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Mignon (Korean Anime Series)

Now this one was a pleasant surprise. I am probably one of the few who haven't seen many anime and I still have few reservations about them, but this gritty and sexy BL anime was really good. One of the main reasons besides a crisp story and screenplays that it wasn't unnecessarily stretched. In 12 episodes of about 5 minutes each, it says what it really wants to say with intrigue, anticipation, and brooding emotions. It also teases palpable sexual tension, leading to a racy sexual encounter in the finale.

Mignon is young, tall and very handsome cage fighter who is completely controlled by his coach. All he has heard in life is that he is good for nothing. A compassionate doctor who attend to the physical injuries is the only person who has ever shown any kindness to the young boxer and no wonder Mignon has started to have feelings for the doctor. But one night Mignon sees the doctor drinking blood and conforming that he is indeed a vampire. This shocking revelation has Mignon initially scared and worried but he is in so much love with the doctor, that he decides to fight hard so he can procure blood for the doctor. This unsaid arrangement works for both, where all Mignon asks of the doctor is to continue to attend him. One day his coach rigs a match so Mignon can lose and make more money but when Mignon realizes that the coach os there to watch the match, he cannot lose.  The mafia is now after Mignon and attacks him. He goes to doctor and warns him that mafia will come after him too and ask him to run. Both of them make for a run but doctor soon realizes that Mignon may not live. The doctor sucks his blood and converts him also into a vampire. The dup will now take time to get used to this new situation , but Mignon who always has his heart up his sleeve continues to flirt and sdeuce the doctor who eventually gives in leading to a very sexy, full on physical sex between the two. This new vampire relationship would just be the beginning.

The story of this series is so exciting and the way it has been executed is just amazing. There is never a dull moment and it offers many twists and turns as the protagonists navigate troubling circumstances. There is danger, blood, fight and gore. But despite the chaos, there is a sensitive romance with palpable sexual tension, and what a finale. As of the twist after first episode wasn't enough, the 11 episode PG series takes a complete turn and gives us a sex-filled finale, which even though it is an anime, will still rile you up. Trust me!! There is so much I wanna write about the last episode, but I also don't wanna spoil the fun. The storyteller understands how to construct a compelling narrative. The early episodes introduce dramatic tension, quickly grabbing the audience's attention and setting their expectations. I am not much to know the details of anime, but the craft here is impeccable.. form the sweat, to the water dropping form tap, to the fights, blood drinks and eventual sex; it is all done with a panache. The love story is also handled well. Mignon is a sympathetic protagonist with an endearing personality. His love interest, the sensitive and brooding doctor, balances their dynamics. The compatible couple will warm to you with their chemistry.  On a flip side, it would have beneficial to know a little more details about their backgrounds. The ending is a bit mysterious and also open ended at the same time with a possibility to make a sequel if there is a demand. For now, a sizzling romance, a wonderful anime craft, a master story and a bot knockout make this BL anime a strongly recommended watch. (8/10)


Sailor Maan said…
Welcome to the world of anime! (I'm bragging but I barely watch any anymore actually, and it's only thanks to you I could discover this one...).
I feel it's the first time I actually see an anime faithful to the paper version manga/manhwa of sexy yaoi titles. Because yes, one of the fun sides of yaoi manga are the very explicit sex scenes. Or so a friend of a friend told me... Anyway, I don't know if we should be conserering having a problem, but that scene turned us on completely.
Apart from that, I loved the aestetics. Especially that vampire transformation (... and that sex scene whoops). However... the animation is just catastrophic. I'm not asking for "Attack on titan" of "Demon slayer" level, but I don't think I've seen something that bad in ages, it was just a torture for me.
Golu said…
I also question myself sometimes when I find sex scene in anime strangely a turn on. :)

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