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Minato's Laundromat: Season 2 (Japanese Series)

Season one of this cute love story was one of the shows that I really really enjoyed. So naturally I was anxiously looking forward to two of my favorite characters in the BL genre. Season two doesn't disappoint and it continue the romance between Minato and Shin. This time the series also focuses significantly on the other couple as well (more on that later), but the primary focus is still on Minato's self-conscious and inability to acknowledge how much he also loves Shin. The twist towards the end is debatable, but still at 12 episodes of about 23 minutes each, I still very much enjoyed the season, despite it not really having too much to actually say.

Season 1 ended with Shin and Minato finally being a couple. Shin has now started medical school and they have been together for three months. Shin is still the boisterous young boy who constantly flirts with Minato to get him out of his shell, but from Minato's POV the age difference still bothers him. As Minato is about to celebrate his 29th birthday, Shin makes a bold move and requests moving in with Minato giving the excuse of his parents remodeling their house. Minato reluctantly allows Shin to live in his apartment. However, he sets strict boundaries and ensures they sleep in separate rooms. Shin is still delighted with this arrangement. This still gives Shin enough opportunity to spend time with Minato. When Minato's grandparents visit him, they tell him that the place needs to be setup with new lodging and hence the duo need to move to a residential house. Minato is concerned about sharing a house with his boyfriend. Shin insists he wants to sleep in the same bedroom as him. However, Minato reiterates the boundaries between them. Of course, while all this is happening, the playful bantering between the couple continues at every given opportunity, each showing their love in their own way. There is ample focus given on theater couple as well. Shin's friend Asuka is relating high school because of poor grades and is now kinda seeing the older boyfriend Shu. Asuka wants to flirt and goof off when they are together. However, Shu takes these lessons seriously. He believes in his boyfriend and wants him to improve his academic grades. Through the course of the show we see how this couple also grown together with each other and also how the two couples support each other in expressing their love. There's a major twist in the 10th episode, so a spoiler alert coming up. Shin has an accident and he remembers everything but somehow forgets all about Minato. It is now left to Minato to make sure he returns all the love that Shin used to give him to bring his love back in life with all the memories, which of course, eventually does happen.

Let's address the elephant in the room and not talk about it again. The unnecessary twist at the end was so not needed and it totally spoiled the overall mood and vibe of the show. So far, everything was real, cheerful, charming and fun. When a show has so much going for it, they really did not have to go for unnecessary gimmicks like that. I am sure more than 90% lovers of the show will agree with that. Now, with that out of the way let's go back to reviewing some of the nicer things. Just like previous season, the playful scenarios primarily involving Shin profusely professing his love to Minato and Minato's inability to accept and even acknowledge love is still fun to watch. he characters often get involved in silly misunderstandings due to their overactive imaginations, leading to hilarious responses. Although they behave immaturely, their childish mischief is endearing. Episode after episode there is upbeat humor. One thing that I noticed is that indirectly, this show gives a lot of importance to the power of communication. Every time other o two couples have any misunderstanding, they talk about it rather than making assumptions and clearing it all out, thereby, making sure their relationship stays close on track. As much as the wring is sharp, cheeky and spot in, it is the endearing and crackling chemistry and the performance of its two leads that elevate the show. Both infuse their characters with so much charisma and personality. With his exaggerated expressions to neurotic reactions, Minato channels his energy into hilarious performances. Shin still has the most beautiful loving smile, gazes at his love interest affectionately, and delivers emotional lines with heartfelt sincerity. This talented star gives an authentic portrayal of innocence and infatuation. I really really enjoy how this series shows, a younger and a more confident boy taking charge of the relationship and just going after the love of his life with full focus and energy. As Shin flirts with him, Minato gets flustered and denies his obvious attraction hysterically. These exchanges can be amusing. Although, after a certain point, Minato's constant refusal to even kiss Shin makes no sense.

I was also happy to see that th other couple of Asuka and Shu have also been given ample footage and opportunity to rise and shine with their love story. While as a couple they have their own journey, but they are also instrumental in brings Shin and Minato together when tragedy strikes. Even though, overall the series doesn't have much to say and it does feel like more of an extended continuation of the first season, but thanks to the charm and playfulness of the leads, it is still very much a delight to watch. It did remind me that being true to your feelings with yourself and your partner is the key to any healthy relationship. (7.5/10)


Sailor Maan said…
Thank you for the review, I feel I completely missed the charm of the series. Because I saddly didn't really enjoy it...
The energy and charm is still here, but Minato's refusal to act as boyfriends, even when they are intimate, bored me to no extent. It quickly moved from cute to unbearably sappy. Maybe my tolerance to cheesy situation is (finally) reaching its limit? After 3 months dating, not wanting to barely kiss is beyond my understanding. Even for japanese culture.
And the memory loss is the icing on the cake. Although I was happy because it gave a super moving and endearing last episode. And I'm happy the secondary couple was given some more depth too.

I'm sorry, I just came back and I'm late on so many of your reviews!! Not even talking about watching your recommandations...
Golu said…
Welcome back. I was wondering where my supporters have deserted me.
And I do hear you. It does get annoying to not want to kiss even after dating for these many months. It is not fun, but I think I was still in the high of the original show.
There is a lot of trash out there hen it comes to BL and I don't even know how to keep up

Please throw some recommendations this way
Sailor Maan said…
I was close(r) to you actually, spending holidays with our surrogate in Canada! And its incredible colours in Autumn :) But it was a tight schedule, with little wifi time.

Speaking about bad BL, you can stay away from Be mine superstar, and Hidden agenda. And probably House of stars. At best they were useful for passing time during the flights for canada...
Love in translation has a really bad first and last episodes, but the adorable fluff in between makes it worth a watch imo. And just 8 episodes.
My personnal weatherman was good too. Just crazy japanses style lol.
I'm currently watching Only friends and this one is definitely good. More gay than BL (we'll see if I still think the same once I watch a real gay series like "All you need" you recommended haha)
Golu said…
I am in middle of two of these shows right now and so far they are ok. Let's see what else is coming up. I have a holiday coming around thanksgiving time, so really looking forward to that.

glad to hear you enjoyed Canada. I need to make my way there sometime.

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