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Be My Favorite (Thai Series)

I had no idea that this show was a lot about time travel as well besides being a BL story. The plot of the series portrays the life of a man in a mid-life crisis who failed to live up to his potential despite his hard work. He travels back in time with this notion of what his life should have been and tries to make changes by being more open and outgoing, saving lives, and putting himself out there. In doing so, he realizes that life is not always as we think it should have been. With 12 episodes each of about 45 minutes, this is a signifiant investment of time. Although, on a brighter side, the no doesn't spend time on unnecessary side plots. It stays very focused on therein protagonist and what he is going through, which is a welcome change from useless sidebars that a lot of Thai shows have.

University student Kawi is a shy boy, no friends, little money and low self esteem. He develops a secret crush on a girl in his class Pear, who is the only one who shows him some compassion and talks to him, but he is shy to confess his feelings. A secret admirer game is being played and Kawi buys a shiny crystal ball as a gift for Pear but since he is late to come for the event, so another popular male student Pisaeng fills the gap and says that he was Pear's secret admirer. Twelve years later, now 30, Kawi is discontent in life, unhappy with job, his father is dead and now received a wedding invitation of Pear and Pisaeng's wedding. Enter a mystery man who fixes his crystal ball that he brought 12 years ago. Kawi discovers the crystal ball has magical properties, allowing him to travel between the past and present. Furthermore, his actions in the past will directly impact his future. Kawi is excited about using this second chance to win the girl of his dreams. This is here different scenarios are played between past and future. He first tries to win Pear bu that doesn't work. He then finds out that Pisaeng has secret crush n him and loves him but he doesn't reciprocate and his future is still not happy. He finally decides that he needs to do right by everyone and as expected the happy scenario is when both Kawi and Pisaeng acknowledge and reciprocate their love for one another, are true to themselves and honest with Pear and move life forward. There are a lot of events that happen between different time travels, that give our main protagonist an opportunity to find and explore his true love and his purpose in life, and how between him, Pisaeng and Pear, each of their lives will eventually turn out.

Despite its non-linear storyline, the series’ script storytelling is clear and easy to follow. The script gives enough exposition at the start of the series and continuously reveals vital information beat by beat most effectively, and the story never drags. Despite the time-travelling plotline, the story is relatable since it is a lot more about the character's personal growth rather than a sci-fi series. As a character though I didn't like Kawi that much. He has childish tantrums, does nothing much to improve his life and constantly whining how the world has wronged him. Thankfully, Pisaeng is a likeable lead who maintains a calm demeanor. He neutralizes Kawi's irritating qualities during their scenes. Actually most people will end up liking Pisaeng because he gets an interesting character arc, right form confronting his sexuality to embracing himself and going after his love for Kawi in every single scenario that Kawi tries to turn back using the crystal ball. Despite their different personalities, these two mesh well and get along. I actually also appreciated that a good amount of focus has also been given to Pear's character. In every scenario that plays out, these three individuals are the most impacted and kiwi has to figure out a choice which will not only make him happy but will lead to a positive outcome to others as well. Although, one thing bothered me was why was this coupe actually together. We know Pisaeng loved Kawi, but it felt that Kawi ends up loving him back only after he has eliminated all the other scenarios and it felt this is his only option left. I could be wrong, but it felt like that to me.

Overall the show has some good qualities but it does get tiring after a few back and forth time travels across 12 years especially since neither of the characters have any physical change whatsoever and look exactly the same in every time period. The message of living in the present and choosing to live a life you don't wish to go back and "fix" was well conveyed and overall it does a decent job of lessons on love, life, friendship, family etc. (7/10)


Sailor Maan said…
A time travel fantasy BL, where do I sign please!! That first episode hooked me right from the start, with that kiss of drunk Pisaeng. Then I mostly liked the evolution of characters. Pisaeng coming to terms with his sexuality and daring to face it, while it took a lot more from Kawi. Kawi is indeed detestable at first, but his evolution was great too. They also have supportive friends and communication. And it shows the consequence of your actions and attitude. However I have to agree I kindda had the same feeling he finally choses Pisaeng when it seems he has no other options left. Which a little bit of a let down, romance wise.
However that last episodes more than made up for it. Their romance over time, with those little everyday attentions, is exactly my kind of drug. My version of "happily ever after" and I can never get enough of that kind of scenes.
Also the twist when Pisaeng has to decide if he uses the magic ball broke my heart. I took it as basically "if you could traveol back in time to save your true love's life, at the risk of losing your relationship with him (because it can never be the same), what would you do". Made me think of "The butterfly effect" movie and its bittersweet ending. Anyway, it led to my answer I can't save him, else it's my daughter I'd lose, thus my broken heart. I know, I'm overthinking it way too much lol
Anyway, it was a highly addictive series for me
Golu said…
Time travel shows can get quite addictive if u r into those. There is a new series on Netflix called "Bodies" It pretty darn good. Not gay at all. well a little bit maybe!!

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