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Crazy Handsome Rich (Thai Series)

There are bad series and then there are terrible ones. As you can imagine, this hodge hodge of a series falls into the latter category. With a title like this, I have to admit that I was actually quite looking forward to watching this one, but this show is almost impossible to enjoy, how much ever you try your best to not overthink anything. The plot is just nonsensical, the jokes are outrightly bad, the romance is forced and hardly exists; essentially almost everything about this is a disaster. But you know, I always look at the bright side. This show was only 6 episodes (although it did scare us at the end saying there maybe a sequel coming up), but still each episode was about 40-45 minutes.

Luv works as a vegetable vendor who is an orphan and lives with an uncle who looks after him. The uncle's son is Inn, who is good friends with Luv and also romantically likes him, although Luv is unknown to that. Enter Butler Soon, who is a butler for a wealthy family an this younger brother is about to start as a butler at same place since Sorn has to be out for some personal work. When his brother backs out at the last minute, Sorn requests Luv to pretend to be his brother and become a butler. Luv agrees to the job despite no experience due to high salary. Also recently Luv had visited a future teller who had given him a key and said that it will unlock him to meet his life soul mate and make a rich future for him. Back to the rig family, he meets the three brothers and his eyes catch the middle brother Thad who returns the favor and likes him. Since all three brother wears locket with a lock, Luv wonders if one of them is key his soulmate. The one rule of the house is that no women are allowed which Luv finds weird. Eventually we are told a family story on how the mother pf these boys cheated on their father and left home. But the truth is far from this. This follows 2-3 episodes of ridiculous drama, where more secrets are revealed and it turns out that it is Luv who is true heir of all the wealth that these 3 brothers have been protecting. Somewhere in between, we also witness Inn's longing for Luv , while clearly Luv and Thad have fallen for each other.

A BL drama about butlers is a unique concept, offering many storytelling possibilities. But I am sorry to say that this show has one of the most awful scripts that I have seen. The series wants to be a cheeky comedy, but it tells obnoxiously unfunny jokes. It uses goofy humour to cover blatantly illogical plot holes. Their outrageous family past is more absurd than a soap opera. Don't expect any reasonable explanations from the vague, confusing narrative. Plus there is a huge list of wrong and harmful stereotypes this show uses in the name of trying to be funny (including mocking disability). Even the romance in the show is forced. There is absolutely no explanation given on why the attraction between two guys. Thad has a weird personality and behaves like a cartoonish caricature. He isn't an appealing love interest. Meanwhile Luv just wants a soulmate. A better ending would have been if Inn ended up with Luv. From the complicated twists to the incoherent character motivations, the last couple of episodes are non-sensical at best with full on soap opera-ish melodrama for no reason. This show has almost no redeeming quality about itself. There is absolutely no excuse to be making a trash BL show like this in today's time. Stay away as far as possible. (2/10)


Miisu said…
I'm so sorry for being busy with school stuff, that's the sole reason for not warning you in time. I share your opinion from the bottom of my heart - this thing was so thin, shaky and full of question marks that I don't know how it passed the check-up before production.

I liked some of the locations, though. The market, for example. And the storyline of the butlers is indeed rather new and unexplored so far - and I'm even more dissatisfied because of how royally wasted it was here. Ugh, damn.

However, it gave me a laugh-scare (if that's a thing). When Luv went to see the fortune teller and her name was revealed, I laughed until hiccups. Well' I don't label myself as fortune teller or psychic ( = the fortune teller sees your future, the witch changes it), but that was the first time I saw a card interpreter share the first name with me :D Surreal, with a cherry on top :D
Golu said…
Hey, when you have trash shows like this, even a tiny ray of hope like the one u refer to makes us feel a little closer to it. And a character like thats haring name with you.. is amazing !! unique but fun!!
Sailor Maan said…
Haha I couldn't even finish the 1st episode. Boy their previous series was bad but this looks even more promisingly awful. Thank you Golu for your abnegation, Now I know I didn't miss anything :p
Let me pay you back on the "to evade list": Naughty babe and Venus in the sky. To watch naughty babe you would also have to watch the terrible Cutie Pie S1 and 2, so let's just happily skip all of them together, Yay!
Golu said…
oh thats really god to know. Adding them to my "no watch" list asap

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