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Pit Babe (Thai Series)

Only if sleek production value could make a good series, this show would have been up there. But this show is all over the place. The convoluted narrative in the second half of the show takes it to whole another level, except the level only goes down. It started ok with fast race cars, steamy love making scenes (even though the premise was very far fetched), but still three episodes into it, and I sort of knew that this is a show I am not going to like very much. And ended that happened. Also with episodes lasting almost 50-60 minutes each, it does take up a long long time to sit through the show. 

Babe also known as Pit Babe is a famous race car driver who can see, hear, smell, taste, and touch with remarkable intensity. This ability gives him a competitive advantage during races since he can react to the track and his opponents quickly. He has a winning streak with many championships. Him and his group of friends work together as the pit crew including Way, his best friend from childhood who has a secret crush on Babe. Babe is player and likes to sleep around. Enter Charlie, a fanboy who wants to borrow one of his car. Babe asks him to sleep with him and would agree only if he is satisfied. Before you know tithe two are having a steamy affair, because it turns out that Charlie has all qualities Babe needs in his sex mate to be successful. And then the crash comes. A villain comes into picture, an uncle of sorts who man who nurtures and eventually makes money of kids who have special powers like Babe. Turns out Charlie is also her eon some weird mission to keep an eye on Babe but also protect him. He gets into illegal business of race cars with sheer intention of bringing Babe down. And from here the show gos completely downhill. There are all kinds of weird twists and turns, people changing side, almost everyone having some incredible super powers. I dont even know how to go one from here. The show becomes just too much to handle from here suddenly turning from a BL steamy love affair show between a racer and his fan to this weird family feud blah human trafficking slash over the top story genre. Not that it was great to begin with in the first place.

Tehs how begins with a bang straight away. Within first 20-30 minutes we are introduced to Babe with fun story and also the fanboy Charlie. By the end of first episode the two are having a steamy passionate sex scene. Each episode brings new conflicts, compelling drama, and psychological warfare. But still somehow the show was just not engaging enough for me. Rather than being amused, thrilled and excited with every twist that was being thrown, I was getting more and more frustrated by the absurdity of the whole thing and situation. The actor playing Babe is hot, although same cannot be said about his acting which could use some work. But as a lead who is supposed to be vulnerable yet arrogant and hot, physically he does fit the part. Charlie is strictly ok. There are quite a few sexual scenes, but none of them really excited me. In fact they seemed forced. And as I mentioned before, the second half just take a nosedive. Ever since the villain joins the race car business and his motivation and everyone's back story and how it comes to a culmination is all so laughable. The narrative spirals into senseless chaos, and I just could not wait for the show to end. It is a shame when as audience you really dont care about what is happening in front of your eyes. This is clearly an indication of a bad show. Then we have all these side couples, who, by now we know that most BL series have this habit of keeping a main couple and three four side couples to keep teenage audience happy, but even in this, none of them was exciting enough.

Thei show has too much going on with almost nothing moving at the same time. Trying to deal with topics like mafia, human trafficking , trauma, racing, family issues, playboys; you name it and it is all there. This show is a mess, and I maybe one of the few ones to dislike it since I can easily guess people getting all swayed by the posh production and hot steamy sex. But at the core, it is a big mess and wasting almost 13 hours just seems unpardonable. In fact, even writing this review here feels such a sheer waste of time. (3/10)


Sailor Maan said…
For sure it won't be everyone cup of tea... Well it was mine! Honestly I got hooked for almost the 3/4 of the show. I loved the mystery behind characters motivations and schemes. The car race competition was just an excuse, I really liked the human trade concept behind that, and discovering the omegaverse concept. However I can't deny I got extremely disapointed by the last 2-3 episodes. it just got "too much". Too much betrayal, too much failed rescue attempt, too much poor fighting and gunfights, and a poor resolution of the whole thing. Looks like the too much part came way before that for you Golu haha.
About the omegaverse thing, I always like finding out how people created a whole universe with special rules and features. Whether I end up liking it or not. It won't be my favourite here but I still wanted to know more (the concept of the omega men capable of being pregnant for example).
As for the steamy scenes, I so much liked how Charlie changed personality as a top. Like he has this nasty look, totally different from his puppy usual self. And the way he comes with sentences like "I'm surprised you can still walk" killed me everytime XD.
And a side hilarious note for me, they made the video clip of the intro song that they want like a hardcore Kpop video. It's like they have the moves, the attitude, the looks, they have the song, except they have like zero dancing skills or choregraphy (which is the main selling point in Kpop imo). I couldn't stop from laughing.
Golu said…
I am not surprised at all that you liked the show. As I mentioned, I think most people will like it. For me I was just mentally off. Also guess what I saw most of this show in flight, so this may have something to do with that .. lol

"I'm surprised you can still walk" - was definitely funny and the way it is said. :)
Sailor Maan said…
Haha sure watching a show during a flight is not the best way to enjoy it. I did the same and watched some BL in the plane, maybe that's the reason I found them boring as hell? ... Yep no they were just boring no matter what.
Golu said…
I agree. With so many Asian BL shows being churned out like a factory assembly, it's really hard to keep up on what's good, whats not. Worse is I cant even remember if I have already seen a particular show or not. I always have to refer back to my blog

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