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My Only 12% (Thai Series)

I know I am a little late in watching this, but My Only 12% is a warm, tender coming-of-age tale. The thoughtfully crafted narrative explores many meaningful themes, including adolescence, first love, and family bonds. It is heartfelt sentimental show. Even though the love story begins almost when the kids ate in early teens, there were a lot of factors about this show that kept me glued to this one. You feel connected with the leads, you root for them and thankfully the show stays away from unnecessary drama. It is one of the more realistic natural Thai BL series in recent time. The show is 14 episodes of about 40-45 minutes.

14-15 year old Eiw lives with his single mother and an older brother and sister. A sensitive boy, Eiw has delicate emotions and often feels self-conscious about himself limiting to only two close friends in school. But his most important friend is Cake, his neighbor, with whom he almost grew up and they are the closest of friends (someone we all need to have in life). Eiw hangs out at his house, takes the bus to school every morning, and shares family meals. They're even comfortable sleeping in the same bed together. Cake gives the best cuddles, especially when Eiw needs comfort at night. Eww prefers to not hang out with Cake in school to avoid being in his shadow and also to make sure no one makes fun of Cake to hang out with a meek Eiw. Also secretly Eiw is in love with Cake, but he hasn't said anything because at this tender age, you are not even sure of your own sexuality, so when briefly Cake gets a girlfriend, a slight. Tension happens between the two, but the duo make it work somehow. Cake is always always there for Eiw. Things change when Cake's family have to move to US for a few years. The two decide to spend each and every minute together. Time flies and thankfully they stay in touch over emails and chats, with Eiw still pining for Cake. Cake also realizes how much he misses Eiw. When Cake comes back, they are now both in first year of university. Eiw is a lot more confident guy and has more friends which makes Cake feel he is not needed anymore. This makes Cake's feelings for Eiw even stronger and he realizes that he in fat loves Eiw.  After some minute dramatic conversations, the duo confess their love for one another and in the last 3-4 episodes we just get to see their beautiful emotional love growing each and every day, with the child inside them still alive and them continuing to be closest friends. There are some family members stories as well which make you believe in the righteousness of this pair.

What I love about this show is the dynamics between all of the cast, the dialog the playfulness and the characters themselves. Most of the characters are lovable, supportive and very natural as I mentioned before. I really enjoyed the playfulness that Cake and his three friends do with one another and it feels so real, exactly what high school students would do. Even Cake's chemistry with Eiw is so real. As soon as he is with Eiw, a sensitive and more caring side of him emerges. Even though Eiw always makes sure that Cake has eaten something, wakes him up for school etc, it is Cake who is always there for Eiw too. When Eiw realizes how his feelings are strong for Cake and when he comes out to his sister, that was a very emotional scene, showing how even today, it is not easier for manytelnagers to accept their sexuality just because of the fear of unknown.  Going back to the chemistry of the leads, the show does take time to invest showing us their bond which is necessary. The series explores various aspects of Eiw's unrequited love, from his hopeless confusion to his tormented longing. He goes on a deep, meaningful coming-of-age journey that unfolds exquisitely. Despite being separated by distance, they still manage to stay connected. Alsocan we take a moment and talk about those hugs that Cake gives to Eiw. Those open inviting arms that ask Eiw to his him and sometimes sleepover is done with such sincerity that it melts your heart.

As actors both of these actors almost fit to T for their roles. Eiw wears his heart on his sleeves and challenges the notion that displaying fragility is a weakness. The actor brings sweetness and childlike innocence to an emotionally honest performance dealing with some complex thoughts and feelings. Cake on the other hand, is your usual, naughty yet very very charming by and you can see why Eiw would fall for him. He is there for his friends and family and has a sensitive side which he never shows to anyone. Together they are crackling. Although I do have to say that the romance only begins in last 4-5 episodes. The early journey focuses mostly on their friendship, but even when they becomes "lovers", their bond as friends still stay intact and I loved that about the show. Now the big question of why the title? When the show starts , Eiw tells us "There is only a 12% possibility of having a successful first love.". Will he be successful with his first love. By the time show ends, we see not only is he successful but they are both thriving. I really enjoyed this show. (7.5/10)


Sailor Maan said…
Oh what a sweet nightmare it was... Honestly I had been postponing watching this one forever for 2 reasons.
First the mini shorts that always make me feel like I'm watching inappropriate when they sexualize it. But here it was not the case, they really show teens in a beautiful way.
Second is the actor playing Eiw (Earth). He always portrays those kind of whiny annoying weaklings who ends up crying in the worst horrible way possible. Well looks like I had seen nothing... 10min into episode one and I knew I would hate him for the rest of the show. And I didn't even know about the crying festival that would come after. With that stupid voice. Even when Cake kisses him on the cheek he goes pouting and whining. Honestly I don't even have words of how much I hated him, a pure nightmare. No, Eiw is not cute, he is just the most annoying irritating character EVER!!!
I ended up fast forwarding most of the show, to the point I don't even know if I should consider I watched it.
The rest was great though. Cake is fantastic. I really hope to see his actor again.
The group of friends and family were amazing too.
As for the "no unecessary drama"... *cough* the death of the mother *cough*. Where that dear self centered Eiw is the only one crying, like his brother and sister count for nothing.
I wish I could say I understand why people liked the series, but honestly I don't. I hated it, I hated it, I hated it.
Golu, thank you (and sorry) for letting me pour my anger here lol (phew, I feel better now!)
Golu said…
lol... aww sorry you didn't like it..
See,, this again reiterates that even though we may agree topmost shows in terms of likes and dislikes; we still manage to find a few ones with polarizing feedback. And it is always fun to see that.

The mother drama dn the fact that the sister and elder brother meant almost nothing is a good observation, I agree. It was almost as if, we need to care only about Eiw and everyone else can go take a hike.

Also, how did I forget that this is the same actor who always does these whiny crying roles. I must have blocked him out, but regardless I enjoyed this teeny tiny teen love story (if u can call it that).

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