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Love For Love's Sake (Korean Series)

To be honest, I am a little confused after watching this series. Well, let me say that the premise of the show is extremely interesting. It's like approaching romance and falling in love but within the concept and boundaries of the rules set by a video game. So as much as I enjoyed the actual love and romance itself, the overall concept of how and why this happens and eventually how it ends has left me very very confused. This 8 episode Korean drama of episodes ranging around 35 minutes each, is a fun premise albeit a bit harrowing for someone like me.

IT starts with two friends meeting at a bar where one of them says that his romantic novel is being converted to a video game. The other guy Myung Ha feels that one of the people from the novel Yeo Woon deserves happiness in life. In a twist of vents Myun Ha finds himself waking up in a past world where he is back to being a 19 year old high school student. He sees a virtual message stating the game has started. His goal is to complete the missions (primary being making Yeo Woon happy) in the allotted time. After much confusion, Myung Ha realizes he's in a simulation of his friend's video game. He finds Yeo Woon who is dealing with his grandma's death and befriends him. He literally forces his friendship onto him and they start hanging out more often despite original reservations from Yeo Woon. Myun Ha is able to see the other guys affection level to know how he is doing. In a new goal, Myung Ha now has to make tis kid fall in love with him which is not as difficult as it seems Complication arise, when another student from the same school finds himself attracted to Myun Ha and wants to be with him all the time, but Myun Ha is totally focussed on bringing Yeo Woon out f his emotional slump to make him happy and fall for him. This is where it got confusing for me. The timeline of the game is ending soon, Myun Ha finds himself deleted but somehow some people remember him. How? Why? Then he kills himself (apparently he never learned anything!) and he is sent back into the game. I am still not sure of that and even the ending where he is sent back to the game. So what is it that really happened, I am not sure. 

Let's start with positives. As I mentioned before, The series is beautifully shot and the acting by everyone is extremely good. Myun Ha's child like infectious energy is easy to catch on to. You root for him when he does everything in his power to make Yeo Woon happy  and eventually fall in love. HIs charm and energy suits perfect for the character. Yeo Woon was ok as an actor , but his character development is good. Each episode focuses on his healing while he regains hope. IMO the other character, who, I wished got more screen time was this other guy in the picture. He had his own trauma and backstory and can easily make for a show for himself. The unique premise of the Myung Ha navigating the video game through interesting scenarios was fun to watch. He overcomes each challenge with a roguish charm, making me grin due to his cheeky antics. The slow development of friendship to romance is nicely done and worth watching. Unfortunately, the plots feel rushed toward the end. Around Episode 6, the narrative starts buckling under the weight of its overambitious plot. Too many random events occur without enough development, and this is where my gripe is. It completely left me confused as to what really is going on. The last few episodes are preoccupied with error messages, deadlines, and forced dilemmas, which all feel like contrived melodrama. The death scene, his re - entry into game with a new mission and how does that co-relate with the original author of the book. Was he someone from the game? All these questions have still left me baffled. So as much as I really enjoyed the actual love romance and the show for almost first 6 episodes, hoping to get clarity towards the end, the opposite happened and the show left me even more confused. Full marks for a very novel idea and conceptualization but needs huge improvement on the end and clarifying what it really was about. (6/10)


Sailor Maan said…
Hahaha to think I just left a comment wishing for yoru help on this one. Thank god I'm not the only one completely lost here!
I love the idea of being transmigrated into a video game, Isekai style. With those input boxes and map showing where you need to go etc. They got the whole attention of my geek heart. Then the energetic charm of Myung Ha is contagious, and the evolution of depressed Yeo Woon into a more determined, social and happy self was great.
However the evolution of the relation left me wondering a lot of times. Were they supposed to be in a relationship, was it just a try, why is the 3rd one so attracted to Myung Ha. Really I constantly felt I was missing something, characters kept changing attitude.
Then the ending was really confusing as well. But wonderful at the same time. The way I see it, the whole thing was by saving Yo Woon, Myung Ha actually saves himself. And that was the plan from the "game master" all along. By the time Myung Ha realizes it it's too late but he understood it so he is given a second chance. Maybe?
So not sure of what happened : did Myung Ha get a second life? did he end up in the game? did the game merge into reality? or was it just a manifestation of afterlife (heaven or hell) after he took his own life?
I'm pretty sure I'll give it another watch, to try to understand what I missed. I actually like that kind of series/movies where the beauty is in the details and a second watch changes everything. I think I'll also have other people explain the ending on the internet. So that second watch is really worth it lol.
Golu said…
I feel you maybe right. I guess overall the point always was how to better life of Myung Ha and taking another protagonist as an alternate, it was show how he gets better as a person. But a simple man like me totally couldn't see that coming.

I do understand how when you understand things fully and go for a second viewing, suddenly things make more sense and you end up enjoying so much more; but then my brain says that if someone has to actually explain you what is going on, is it really worth in the first place. lol

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