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Gay Short Films : 110

17 (USA)
A 17-year-old boy struggling to find intimacy at school or at home seeks it through a gay hook-up app. A profound beautiful crafted film, reflecting, in precise, fair, honest manner the steps of a teenager for what he feels as happiness after a moment in high school yard. Simple short 11 minute film.

Hippopotamus (USA)
Left alone to caretake a gay nude resort closed for the season, a man finds himself confronted by what he can see and what he can't. When everything is visible, when nothing is hidden, it's not just what you see - but what sees you, too. Weird yet sexy.

Steam! - The Musical (USA)
A contemporary Western about the conductor of a tourist steam train who thinks he’s going to find excitement ditching his boyfriend for an outlaw… but of course, the reality is something much different. I wanted to like this film but somehow didn't connect with me.

Dominant Species (USA)
A group of alien energies come to Earth and inhabit male human forms. Under the guidance of an unseen mentor they learn how to be "male" in order to be able to successfully impregnate women. This film is weird AF. Also, the film is marketed as a queer film and somehow I fail to see the relevance.

Beyond The Green Mountain (China)
Leaf, 16, lives with his grandparents in a beautiful fishing village by the east China sea. His childhood friend suddenly returns to the village for the summer. The two boys have not seen each other but they immediately reconnects. They wander around the tea plantations, beaches, and roofs of the village watching sunsets, talking, and letting time pass by. Their connections grow deeper each day till one day they kiss. Can their youthful minds figure out how to deal with their youthful hearts?

L'anniversario (Italy) [The Anniversary)
Rosa celebrates the anniversary of her engagement with Roberto. While she waits for him for dinner, she spends the afternoon in the pool with her younger brother Angelo, who is also having an affair with him. They begin to comment on a news story happened a few days earlier: the body of a boy found in a field a few km from the city, and somehow the murder/affair could become public. Roberto arrives before they expected: the glances between the three become enigmatic and restless. I feel like the film needs little more elaboration.

Séptimo (Sweden) [Beast]
Vincent has a secret that forces him to stay away from the people he loves. But when he meets Gustav, love strikes Vincent like a stake to the heart. As their love grows, so does his fear of letting his secret destroy their burgeoning relationship. It's the age old werewolf story in the gay context.

Beside You (Thailand Mini series)
This 3 part min series each of about 12 minutes is absolutely ridiculous. A gay couple lives together with thier cat. They decide to break up and the guy left behind wonders if he will find true love. Lo Behold, th next day his cat turns into hum and the two fall in love. Super low budget, with a 10% plot and almost 905 focus on various product placements. Just bad.

Aikane (USA)
A valiant island warrior, wounded in battle against foreign invaders, falls into a mysterious underwater world. When the octopus who rescued him transforms into a handsome young man, they fall in love and an epic adventure begins. An Animation gay love story set in Hawaii from back in the day. This was great fun short film to watch.

Finnemans (Netherlands) [The Finnster]
15-year-old Finn's life is relatively uncomplicated until he one day comes home to find his father Roelof in his mom's dress. Following Roelof's confession that he wants to become a woman, Finn struggles with feelings of shame, love and loyalty, as he examines his father's identity and his own. The film is almost 50 minute and really needs to be trimmed to be under 30. An interesting watch, that focuses on how the kid reacts to a transitioning parent.

A short documentary about film makers voyeurism to a sexy man over 24 hours over which he shakes his ass, undress on couch, take a shower, play around, do his rehearsals. Maker sees sun bursting on the skin. A dialogue free, clearly showing a man's obsession tribute to another man's beauty.

Guy Next Door (India)
What happens when the demons of the virtual world becomes real? On a lazy Sunday evening, Aditya is reading a book when he gets a chat message from an ID called "guy next door". What happens next is quite unexpected. A creepy film, that could hav been slightly better.

Chacho (Ukraine)
Yanush grew up in a conservative Romani community in a small Ukrainian town. He is about to get married, just what his parents want. However, Yanush is gay and he is in love with another young man, Pasha. Together they decide to sneak away from the wedding and leave town, but can Yanush really do it?

Shehnaiiya (India) [The Clarinets]
A young man from the suburbs comes to the city for some shopping. He misses the last train to home and roams about. Suddenly he meets another man, who offers refuge for the night. Over the course of night, both men will navigate through their feelings and the struggle to do the right by themselves and their family. A decent film in Bengali language.

The Red Tree (Documentary) (Italy)
A powerful and poetic short film that tells the little known history of Italian gay men being arrested and exiled to a remote island during Mussolini’s Fascist regime. An elderly man returns to a remote island of the coast of Italy where 60 years before during the Fascist era he was imprisoned with hundreds of other men for being homosexual.


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