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Last Twilight (Thai Series)

This Thai BL love series also came highly recommended and I was looking forward to. To be honest, the story and chemistry was fairly engaging for almost 9 episodes (although attire it did feel like being unnecessarily stretched). Our two leads, who are very different characters were healing each other and growing together towards a better life. But, as it happens a lot of time, the makers gets. Too excited for whatever reason and they completely botch up the whole thing towards the end. The show should ideally have ended at the 9th episode. But the makes likely thought they have a winner on hands and instead they mess it up, at least for me. I felt cheated. The show is 12 episodes, and each episode is almost an hour or longer in duration.

We meet our protagonists. Day is a badminton player who loses his sight and can only see about 20%. He is bitter about the whole thing and spends his days locked up in his room. Then we have Mhok, ho comes from a different world. He is quick to pick up fights, but when he lost his sister to an accident, he is determined to get her car back by paying off the loan. Destiny brings them together when Mhok gets hired as a caretaker for Day, since his mother and brother are busy. Mom looks at this as an interim job to just earn enough. After a fe pintail hiccups and the duo not getting along, slowly both Day and Mhok start getting used to one another. Mhok makes Day realize that he is normal and is still able to do everyday things and slowly helps him become self sufficient. These include arranging his things, eating, going out shopping, meeting friends etc. And in contrast, working with Day, he also slowly realizes that this life is so much better than the rowdy life he had. So a few episodes focus on these two getting along. A mandatory love triangle is thrown, when we see that Day's ex badminton player comes into picture. Apparently him and Day used to like each other but things have changed now. Slowly both Mhok and Day realize that their relationship is no more than just that of a caretaker. Also Day is obsessed with this book called "Last Twilight" since apparently the book is all about hope. So their outings also include a trip to the town where the author wrote the book. Evtnually Day loses his sight completely and since the mother is not happy with Mhok taking Day around, he quits his job as caretaker and they officially become boyfriends. When an eye donation happens, Day gets surgery but the surgery fails. Day tries to pick up things and Mhok even takes him on a trip where Mhok has gotten an opportunity to enhance his cooking skills as a chef. When Day finds out that Monk is getting an opportunity to go abroad for work but has refused because of Day, he breaks up with him. 3 years later th two meet again at Day's brother's wedding and the romance is rekindled.

The story about hope and love and accepting one another for who we are is actually a nice and warm concept. emphasizes the challenge of being in a relationship, rather than the obstacles in getting together. From how they portrayed Day and Mhok, it feels more of a character-driven story than plot-driven. In fact, in terms of plot it is very thin. It is almost the usual boy meets boy story, fall in love, a love triangle happen, they both have issues, eventually they fall back in love, then one of them decides to break u p for a silly reason, years fly and then they are back together. By now, we have seen this outline in Thai BL shows plenty of times, but this show gives an interesting touch with the choice of character it makes. You can see very easily how Mhok and Day’s clashes actually bring out honesty and clarity for each other, and the theme of acceptance and treating people with disabilities as equals are both really powerful. So while the love and growth was happening, we do get t o see many warm scenes and they make your heart full. But then in last three episodes, it was just meandering and twists for just no reason. I actually would have liked to see the show end when they become boyfriends. The whole situation of Day breaking up with Mhok made no sense from a story perspective. I mean, I do understand where he was coming from, but wtf! Can't you chat and talk like mature individuals for God's sake. And then randomly in last 15 minutes, another time jump happens where Day gets his eyesight back. I feel really disingenuous to the disability theme to show that he needed his eyesight back for it to be considered a happy ending. Part of this is also just because it all happened so fast it felt thrown in. We also have parallel track of Mhok's ex girlfriend turned best friend and her eventually finding love in Day's brother.

There are positives in the show but also negatives at the same time.  The show is thankfully devoid of any jealous exes, girls throwing themselves on a guy who is clearly not into them, and stupid misunderstandings (I mean there is one stupid break-up, but you know what I mean). However, none of this is ground-breaking anymore. Other BL series have also moved past the negative portrayal of women and the other toxic tropes that were part of older BLs. This show took a simple story and had a unique representation from a differently abled person's POV. I am hoping that the makers will continue to take more feedback and get even better. The challenge now is to have a plot that can hold the viewers' attention until the end. (6.5/10)


Sailor Maan said…
I feel bad I may have oversold it to you, sorry... Yet I won't change I feel this is one of the most beautiful BL series ever made for me. Emotions straight to the heart. Characters growth and relationship is so on point. Both main and secondary. I can't count the numbers of time I got my heart flutter (and my eyes wet, when not litteraly crying...). Every character ring so true. From the brother's guilt, to the former partner who wants to do his best and ends up hurting Day the most in the clumsiest way (hell is paved with good intentions as they say...), to the worried yet lucid mother, the best female friend facing betrayal, the blind community... And I'm not talking about Day and Mork of course. The teasing, the healing, leading to that memorable "last twilight" scene. Their chemistry is just too good to ignore.
Then we get to the ending where I have a very different opinion. First about the missed operation that was greatly dealt with imo. Maybe because my dad kindda had the same bad experience a year ago, so I could definitely feel it here. The break up is indeed more debatable. I would have loved Day explained his fears in something like "you want me to bear your fears, please bear mine". Yet I also understand Day in a way. I think we all have that little something we value more than anything else in a relationship (freedom, faithfulness, trust, etc you name it). Losing it would break "something" that is not easily mended. The fact of being considered normal or at least talk about solutions was that single most important thing for Day. That's how I felt it at least. Then they are both young and impulsive too...
The cinematograhy was beautiful too, perfectly completing the shared emotions.
I could talk on and on about this series, the truth is just writing about it will make me go and watch it again. The directot P'Aof made another little gem for me :)
Golu said…
hey. u have written some very beautiful words here, for a second I almost wished I saw it that way.. lol
I do see your view point and agree to a lot of it. But I also feel that as humans, there are different aspects that just connect with us emotionally and it sounds like the one did for you and that is fantastic. It's like I always say that "Big Eden" film connects with me big time but almost everyone says that it is just an average film. Personal experiences drawing parallels to the world of cinema also does make a difference IMO.

Also, pease please continue. to suggest and recommend whatever you are seeing and what to avoid. As you know there is a sea out there and it's just har d to keep up.

PS: I almost forgot about the brother's guilt part. Thanks for reminding about it and yes, it was indeed handled well.
Sailor Maan said…
Totaly agree. That's why I feel bad I gave you too high expectations. I know I should stay more neutral but got way too excited...

About recommandations the japanese "Sahara Sensei to Toki kun" was really funny (especially for a manga fan like me).
Thai "Pit babe" got me hooked, after a first ok episode the story develops unexpectedly well through nearly most of it. Pretty unique as it's the first time I learned about omegaverse type BL (still don't understand all of it from the series though). But it might not be everyone's cup of tea.
Korean "Love for love's sake" is also a fantasy good one. Can't say if I really liked it or not. I'll be looking forward reading your review on this one, I feel I missed some things, maybe you'll help me out lol.
Thai "Bake me please" is your regular thai BL with charming leads and support, and a lot of drama for nothing lol. Just 6 episodes + 1 special.
Taiwanese "Kiseki dear to me" was nice. I see you've been dissapointed as well by VIP only ^^;
Oh and the very short "Happy ending" was such a pleasant surprise!
"The sign" looks really promising, but I've just started it.
About the (bad) ones I didn't like or stopped after 1 or 2 episodes : Playboyy, The middelman's love, My universe, Night dream. Maybe they'll turn out good later, but I won't try...
Golu said…
noted about all these shows. Lets see what catches my fancy now :)

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