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Young Royals: Season 3 (Swedish Series)

Almost everyone's favorite show, the third and final season of  Young Royals just finished with a bittersweet farewell, packed full of emotion, scandal, and unexpected twists. Although there are many painful goodbyes, it’s a refreshing change for a queer show to conclude on its own terms—no sudden cancellation or rushed conclusion. I think the edn was predictable but the show uses enough twists, sweet and tense moments and a finale which is both emotional , tense yet very much justified. Like previous season, this time also we had 6 epodes and I could not wait to see where Wille and Simon are headed in their relationship.

The private school has to now deal with aftermath of Crown prince's speech the end of season two where he comes out as gay. Simon and Wille still have to reel with the aftermath of their leaked video. While we get moments of joy and fun between the two leads, there’s still drama or tension. Homophobia is rife as Simon contends with online abuse as journalists snoop for a scoop on the young couple. Wilhelm is encouraged by Simon to use his platform to advocate for LGBTQ+ issues as Wilhelm struggles with whether being a royal is something he wants at all. It’s also made clear by the end of the season’s fifth episode that the differences between Wilhelm and Simon, who comes from a more working-class background, could ultimately get in the way of their relationship, which even leads to a temporary breakup. At the center of it all we also have Sara, who was the reason the news of August's involvement comes out and then we have August, who is dealing with his own issues, doing everything that he can possibly, but as someone whom crown prince will never forgive. Tensions arise when there are threats that can lead to school closure thereby jeopardizing the graduation os third year students (August's class). There are a lot of parallel stories going on but they all get nicely ted up together in a very warming finale. 

The show also deals with some interesting topics of the importance of monarchy in today's society and what it means. We have seen that Wilhelm was never interested in being the king but was forced to become crown prince after Erik's death. The queen still has not come out of grief, and in one of the most important sequences of this season, Wille finally lashes out all of his inner anger and frustration towards his parents. All this happens while Simon is trying to figure out how to be there for Wille in all this while not losing his whole identity. The two actors give nuanced and moving performances as two teens in love yet constantly being pulled apart. The chemistry is apparent every time they share the screen and is charming to watch. You can relate to them both and it's hard to side with one's ideas over the other's. They are both right from the perspective of the world they come from. And then we have August, who I started to like as a character from the last season. The actor, who is smashingly handsome, gives a touching portrayal of a teen constrained by the toxic culture around him, at home and school, but who longs to be better and for something else, an option presented to him in the form of Sara.

The show released 5 episodes together with the finale episode releasing a week later and I thought that was a brilliant strategy. Even when there is the hint of break-up; the series finale episode just beautifully brings it all together. The duo can't stop loving each other. The onus is on Wilhelm now who is struggling between his heart and his head. Of course, it ends with him choosing his heart—and though it was predictable, his denouncement of his royal title and commitment to being with Simon is still a rousing moment. With Wilhelm chasing after Simon and the pair kissing through tears of happiness, the Young Royals grants these characters a royally good goodbye. I will have the most beautiful memories of this show and will cherish them beautifully. The realism of this show, the teenage love, confusion, friendship, responsibilities etc are so well done and shown, it is almost perfect. (9/10)


Sailor Maan said…
I want to say I liked it but despite all the obvious good things, I just couldn't.
On the good parts, I think all that touches Whilhelm was briliantly done. His growth was fomidable, up to the finale where he takes control and do what will make him happy. Even if it means giving the crown to the guy he probably hates the most in the world at the moment. As a viewer I'm still pissed evil August gets the crown, Willy is more adult than I am lol. They also deal greatly with bullying on social media, and it's still as devastating as ever.
Then comes Simon. Where I liked him less in season2, I just can't stand him now. He is either horribly self centered or just plain stupid. Or maybe both. Posting a song about revolution, then a picture with a flag against monarchy, then whining not understanding what's wrong, seriously? And dumping your boyfriend on his birthday after he had the biggest clash with his parents just makes you the biggest asshole ever. What's worse is that the guy never evolves.
I think my main problem was the general atmosphere. Like all characters were under depression. It's heavy, apathic, and boring to watch their sad faces over and over. The principle about teen series is a mix between youth mistakes, insecurities, bad decisions, counterbalanced by youth vibrant energy and positivity. Something that Skam or others did wonderfully. Here they are just sad and depressed and gloomy all the time. Too much of a good thing can kill it. It did it here for me.
Golu said…
On paper, even though I would agree with everything you have said, but I still enjoyed this show very much. Talking of Simon, YES ! 100% his actions throughout this season wherever questionable and bad. In fact my closest friend here doesn't like Simon's character at all.
What I am glad about it is that they have ended the show. Some series should just end at the right time before stretching it for no reason.

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