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Bake Me Please (Thai Series)

I think I mentioned before that food based BL shows are the new genre that I have found enjoying myself, so with a title like this, I was looking forward to it. And honestly the first two episodes were rock solid. The character introductions were nice, their chemistry was good and the way they go from enemies to friends to possible lovers was done really right. Their sweet and delightful flirting has a touch of sentimentality. But as happens with most nice things, the makers had to mess it all up by creating conflicts that were so forced and just so ridiculous. Also why focus on a toxic trait of one of the leads making him so dislikable, I don't understand. Anyway, on a positive note, the series is only 6 episodes each lasting almost 50-55 minutes long.

Peach is a baker who sells homemade cakes with his grandmother at low price to keep customers happy. He dreams of running his own restaurant someday. At the same time we meet a bakery Temptations, who head chef Shin makes his specialty cake and sells only 20 pieces every day, along with other items as well. So naturally the bakery does well. But the chef has attitude and doesn't talk nicely to anyone. Around this time, Peach's friend Atom arrives with a job offer. Atom invites him to work as an assistant at his older brother's bakery. He can learn from Shin, a talented patissier.  Atom, a recent graduate, will also begin working at the family business as an employee. Initially they both get rejected by Shin but when Peach challenges him on testing his bakery skills, he gives in and agrees to Peach being his assistant, but the constant belittling of every effort really infuriates both Peach and Atom. One day Peach find out that the secret customer who buys all their cakes every month to distribute Amon orphan kids is none other than Shin, and the reason is that it was Peach's grandmother's cakes that used to comfort him when he lived there. Peach starts to understand Shin's pov and after some drama they do start to loosen up and in fact start dating. Grandma is happy to know about it but Shin still prefers to not let people at work know. A stupid conflict gets thrown in when suddenly, Atom's elder brother, and the bakery's partner confesses his love to Shin. This is around the same time when an ex chef of this bakery tres to pursue Peach but he sees him only as a friend. Shin acts very immaturely to the whole situation and despite repeated attempts made by Peach to clear up the situation between them, Shin continues to act as an asshole. Peach leaves the job, and soon the customers start slowing down. This is when the ones reach out to Peach for help and Shin also realizes that eventually it is love that matters.

As mentioned early, when the show started I thought I am finally going to get to see something interesting. Even though the situations and scenes were cliched, but the delightful camaraderie between all characters was fun to watch. I appreciated the fact that how through simple stories we are told why shin possibly behaves the way he does and eventually Peach understands his Pov and the whole things brings them both closer as friends and lovers. But the clunky conflicts out of nowhere made no sense at all and it just annoyed me very much. From dumb misunderstandings to petty reactions, each scene is needlessly infuriating. Worst of all, Shin's character development regresses as he behaves disrespectfully and becomes a toxic lover. It tries to salvage itself by the end, but by this time the damage is already done.

Let's talk about actors here. Peach is so cute and man that dazzling smile. The actor infuses the role with dignity, and warmth and cheerfulness. In the opposite is Shin, who though, does have a towering personality but his character is all over the place. His moodiness and trying to insult almost everyone in his path is just unacceptable. What I surprisingly enjoyed were all scenes that had Peach's friend Atom in it. His characters is supposed to be goofy but the way he interacts with peach is extremely natural. There are only a handful of scenes with him but I think this is the closest I have seen in BL shows where a character acts hi age and is goofy and not formal all the time. I liked that. But guess what, the real should have the show in this one is the endearing grandmother. She is heart and soul of the show who imparts wisdom to her grandson is her own ways through various gestures. her presence offers a constant supply of sweetness. Sadly, even her presence cannot salvage how the show goes a strong nosedive in last 2 episodes.  How I wish! The show had continues enforcing its positive vibes and feel good optimism and that would have made this show so much better. For now, we have to live with this. (5.5/10)


Sailor Maan said…
I see you have the same analysis lol. Typical thai BL with charming leads (Peach's smile!!), nice support, your standard enemies to lover done right at the start, only to be spoiled by stupid and unecessary drama. I agree Shin character evolved in the wrong way, which kindda ruined the show.
The special episode was all sweet and sugar though.
Sorry I couldn't post recently, I was all enjoying Thailand (and Cambodia) for real XD. I was so proud I could use some of those thai words I learned watching BLs haha
Golu said…
your trip sounds fun man. Those two are both amazing countries. In fact I was in Japan in Feb for 2 weeks and loved all the places I visited.
PS: I emailed miisu and still no response :(
Sailor Maan said…
Yay you finally made it to Japan! I also think it's a fantastic place (... and now I want to go back there again lol).
Our trip was definitely a great one. First one with our 4 years old little girl in a far away non occidental country (read : not Europe, Canada or US). It was a test she passed brilliantly, excited she was about all the new things even when it implied a lot of walking, visiting and climbing. We take it as a free pass to travel wildly again XD! Maybe south east Asia is special though, they love kids so much she was basically treated like a star there. And she definitely enjoyed the attention lol.

I'm so sad we have no news from Miisu as well :(
Golu said…
That's fantastic. Maybe she will become a traveler like you guys.
Japan is definitely amazing. I hope all is ok with Miisu

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