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After School (Taiwanese)

Let's start by saying that this is NOT a gay themed film. If anything, this falls more in the category of coming-of-age movie about students and friendship with a very significant focus on the LGBTQ+ aspect of people, life and things and hence it deserves to be reviewed here. It tries to deal with various spectrums, what is love etc and evokes a sense of nostalgia, capturing the whimsical adventures of youth. It may not be trying to say anything new per se, but I think the way the screenplay is set and the interactions between the friends is shown, I found myself quite enjoying the film.

The setting is a cram school in 1994 where not so brilliant students are coached to pass the university entrance exams. We meet friends Cheng Heng and Cheng Hsiang, who are just treble makers and do not focus on studies. Cheng Heng wants to study film making but his family is opposed. The friends live together since Change Hsiang comes from a very poor background and Heng's family essentially treats him like their own son. They are also close to the son of the director of the school Ho Shang, who is very shy and occasionally is bullied. Then there isa girl in the mix whom Cheng Heng likes very much. A new substitute teacher arrives in school who is very different from everyone else. He doesn't impose his authority on his students. Instead, he brings refreshingly progressive views to the classroom. He is open about sex education and encourages his students to think liberally. Teacher is also a budding filmmaker. Due to their similar interests, Cheng Heng feels a kinship with him. We witness various shenanigans between all these individuals and this is what makes the core of the film. But doing the course we find out that the teacher is gay and is teaching just to save money to go abroad. While the students hang out with the teacher, slowly Cheng Hsiang comes to realize that he is actually in love with his best friend, who unfortunately doesn't reciprocate his feelings. After a brief misunderstanding, the two talk it out and patch up and decide to be lifelong friends. Cheng Heng finally also proposes to the girl. Meanwhile Ho Sang has been dealing with his secret of wanting to dress like a girl and be one. Through the support of the teacher, how each of these students come of age and be their authentic self. The film starts and ends in current times where they have all grown up, exactly how they wanted to be and they are meeting each other to celebrate their teacher's life who taught them to Love, like you've never been hurt and Live, like today is your last.

There is something very positive and reassuring about watching this film. The way it shows and captures the nostalgia of growing up in 90s is funny and adventurous to watch. Many of us relive the moments when the protagonists play pranks, indulge in playful banters, wild shenanigans. It al reminds you how carefree our youth pre internet and social media age was. Friendships were for keeps. The chemistry between Cheng Heng and Cheng Hsiang is so so believable and real. They act goofy and silly but are true friends forever there for each other. From schoolboy banter to rowdy mischief, their easygoing rapport amuses me. I like how comfortable they are with each other,. It feels like this may have been a semi-autobiography for the director, but I am not sure since he sort of gives a tribute to his real life mentor. It does feels like a sincere tribute to his him also focusing and honoring the LGBTQ+ themes that defined the teacher's career. I appreciate the movie's sentimental value and social advocacy. I appreciated how the themes of gay man's love for straight friend was handled maturely (even though I believe that this is not the easiest), and also how the trans themes were explored.

For people expecting a gay love story or anything will be disappointed. It's at best a story of bromance between two of its actors but again done really well. We do get to see just one kiss but thats it. The story in itself is nothing new. It feels like an attempt by the director to honor his mentor, which he does a good job of. I am a sucker for positivity and the film does that with sincerity and cheerfulness. If you keep expectations minimum, you may find the film decent enough to give it a go. (6/10)


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