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In Bed (Hebrew)

Sex, Drugs, partying, love and anguishing the aftermath of a shooting on the pride parade day. This is how one can try to attempt describe what the film is about. I am not sure if there was an attempt tp tell a concrete story here, but it feels like the makers were going for a realistic depiction of the reality of use if excessive drugs within gay community. the feeling of being high, reaching for fantasy, the distortion of reality, and loss of control; are all here with the kind of ending that you leave you confused between reality and imagination.

The story, yes there is a little, is basic. Guy and his best girl-friend Joy are all set and ready to enjoy the pride parade, when their bliss is abruptly put to an end by a deadly shooting. Fleeing the scene into the safety of Guy’s home, they take in a fellow pride parader, Dan, who seems in shock and is crying on the stairs of Guy's building. They calm him up , let the drugs wear off and Dan decides to leave. Afraid to go out, and glued to TV to find out of the shooter was caught, Joy and Guy keep doing drugs after drugs, get high and talk about this shooter with a light paranoia kicking in. She eventually leaves after a failed attempt to have sex with Guy. Guy then finds Dan on Grindr and invites him over. Almost 45 minutes of the film are about their attraction for one another, they both encouraging each other for more drugs and sex which continues all night. When Joy shows up in the morning, she is high too and in no position to help. With the gunman still at large and stories about continuing incidents, the atmosphere becomes increasingly tense, leading to a weird, almost scary chemistry between these three primary characters.

The film nicely captures the uncertainty and fear rippling through the characters, especially as seen through Guy's substance-filled nerves. He is under heavy influence of all kinds of drugs, is dealing with werird paranoia of possibly having seen the shooter, his family situation etc. Events spiral unexpectedly, taking some dark twists and turns when neither Joy or Dan (both also super high on drugs). This is accompanied by sexy romantic interaction, both physical and in soul-baring conversations between Guy and Joy first and later between Dan and Guy. Both these pairs have electrifying chemistry but is it because of drugs or something else. The intimate and claustrophobic setting is perfect for exploring the fear and anxiety associated with the gay community existing in places where hate crimes and homophobia are commonplace. Also all these characters go from being strong to emotionally vulnerable almost broken individuals. Guy is dealing with family issues, Dan has his own secrets of hiding sexuality, while Joy is melded blend of strength and weakness, as well as a fierce loyalty. The film is a dramatic thriller with ample skin show and both the leading actors not shying away from spending almost all the time shirtless and also walking around naked. Actor playing Guy is super hot and actually does great acting of a person with underlying insecurities within a young man who enjoys his aimless life but knows there should be more to it. Dan is interesting too because as audience, you are also never sure of he is someone you should be careful of, is he trouble or is he just what he is. The premise touches on some big topics, from the ubiquity of drugs and sex in the gay scene to the threat of violent bigotry. But it's the edgy relationships that make the film involving, especially Guy's feeling that nobody cares what happens to him. Sadly, even though it's interetspngto watch, it feels like an opportunity missed and this could have been more. (6/10)


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