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Summer Love - Luke and Olly (Australian Episode)

Summer Love is an Australian ensemble comedy series showcasing an 8 part anthology. The series sees eight very different sets of people rent the same beachside holiday house through the theme of love. Episode 5 of the show is about the gay couple Luke and Olly, who confront societal expectations of being gay men versus what they actually want as a happy couple. Even though the episode is just 0 minutes, I feel it was funny, and charming and worthy enough of its own post.

Luke and Olly are going to a beach house to celebrate their one year anniversary, an event organized by older and richer Luke. Olly has got some kind of romantic dinner planned with a chicken hidden in an esky. Many funny incidents give us a hint of the wealth and maturity gap between the two guys including meeting a gay couple, a rich fancy beach house rental. Thinking of spicing things up, unknown to Olly, Luke has arranged for a guy for threesome from an app. The scene gets very funny, yet awkward and eventually they start to try out for threesome. Both Luke and Olly realize that they are not ok with seeing their boyfriend kiss another hot man. Olly freaks out and runs to the beach where the couple leads to an argument. In the meantime there is a fire in the apartment thanks to Olly's failed attempt at making the chicken dish. Luke calls him immature an meanwhile Olly was planning to propose. They ar both shocked at turn of events and realize they should probably split. Eventually, the next day they end up talking heart to heart and get back to being the same loving and funny couple that the episode began with.

This was a solid 30 minute episode showcasing the extreme stereotype of gay relationship through two extremely handsome and good actors Olly and Luke. They both had great chemistry and oh my god, the humor was spot on. The dialogues, the situations, the actions; almost every shot was funny while also trying to tell a meaningful love story. I appreciated that Luke and Olly directly addressed this through their dialogue, as well as their attempt at a threesome and Olly’s attempt to propose, only to decide on a happy medium as a happy, stable, unmarried couple. The dialogues were sharp, racy, funny, different and so many one liners. I cracked up at the end when they say “Married with dogs, or orgies, is that really our only options?”. There are many more such scenes like when the third guy leaves the house telling them how it was his worst threesome, or the scene where we see that Olly has no idea how to cook chicken; an many more such. Dare I say that the Australian accent was hot and charming at the same time. And for a change, I didn't need subtitles since local slangs were not used. I do strongly recommend to watch this short sweet episode. It definitely lifted my spirits. (8/10)


Miisu said…
Well, you're right - this episode provided quite a few good laugh moments, sort of like a well orchestrated French farce. Although the main point for me was probably "if it ain't broken, don't try to fix it." The acting and dialogue was really spot on and reasonably paced, not too slow or fast or Thai-traditionally-disconnected. A fresh and energizing slice of life.

And it reminded me my own statement: everyone has at least one chicken story :D Luke and Olly had a pretty... er... explosive one, that's for sure. One of mine is from 1990s, when grandma was visiting us in town and my female parent decided to make her specialty dish, a mayonnaise basted whole chicken in a brown paper bag. Turned out fine, as usual. The three of us had most of it for dinner, but some meat was left on the bones and the parent planned to use the leftovers for a soup. Grandma went back to the country for two weeks and one day we realized that hey, she'll be back today. I was packing stuff for school, the parent had already left and suddenly I heard a loud rapping on the balcony (our apartment was on the ground floor). The parent, panting like a dog: "Throw that darn carcass of the chicken away before grandma comes! She'll get a heart attack when she sees that two-week-old skeleton!"

Or another one with my bestie. We have always loved using quotes from mutually liked books whenever there's an opportunity for that. When her late husband was still with us, he went to their summer cottage and left her home alone (not counting the cat). She said that she won't be alone, she'll invite me for a sleepover. A perfect place for the husband to ask "and you'll do what - eat chicken and watch TV?". (That was from the book "Wiplala" where an engineer Mr Peters forbid his wife to eat chicken and watch TV. When he suddenly disappears (Wiplala turns him into a dog), Mrs Peters eats chicken and watches TV every night. So "eating chicken and watching TV" was a synonym of something forbidden in our inside speech.) We planned the weekend really well, bought all the foodstuffs and planned all the important stuff that needed to be done. When we were sitting in the living room watching a classic movie, my friend suddenly burst out laughing. When I asked what's funny, she simply pointed her finger to the table and the wall - and then we were both laughing until hiccups. We were literally eating chicken and watching TV :D
Golu said…
These stories cracked me up. Wow!!
And yeah, we all probably have some or the other chicken story.
Miisu said…
Well, how so very nice of you to switch on my curiosity so it's jumpy and jittery like a little squirrel - and then just leave it there :D Your chicken stories, pls - ? Asking nicely etc :D Just prove my theory that everyone has at least one, and make my day :D
Golu said…
sorry to disappoint u my friend.. but I don't really have any funny chicken stories to share or maybe they are not PG enough to be shared ..
u will never know :p
Golu said…
Sailor bro's comment not showing up for some odd reason:

Sailor Maan has left a new comment on your post "Summer Love - Luke and Olly (Australian Episode)":

Haha it was so funny! Those witty dialogues!! I goes too quickly to empathize with the characters (break up and rekinled in a snap of a finger) but that's beyond the point, because it's mainly here to be hilarious. And it is.
It just caught me off gard in the beginning with the way gays were pictured. I was like "oh my, am I living in my very own Disney world or am I really supposed to be the annoying gay couple or the "your birthday gift is a threesome without discussing it with you first because we're fun people".Then I felt stupid I didn't recognize extreme stereotypes at first sight ^^
The message it wants to deliver was really nice though (inbetween those "2 options" haha)
As a great cook, I can totally picture myself in Olly trying to cook his chicken (or anything) lmao. With the same results. As you said, we all have our own disastrous chicken stories XD
Sailor Maan said…
Miisu, since you asked so nicely...
Let's say the first time I (tried to) cook for my husband, we reached that secret agreement that I would be the kitechen help (peeling, cutting, mashing etc..), and he would do the real cooking XD. The meal was "good on the inside" (horribly smelly on the outside, and I'm not mentionning the looks...)
Agreement is still on 18 years latter lmao!
My family used to say I'm doing "poetry" when cooking. I apparently mix things in a way only I can understand. But it turns out fine! (sometimes... XD)
Miisu said…
@Sailor Maan Thank you, that woke up my imagination and it started painting pictures in very vivid color scheme :D You already have a ringtone in my head*, but now (the poetry in the kitchen) I'm seriously considering adopting you :D If I want to have seven brothers, I've got to start somewhere, right :D

On a little bit more serious tone - you've obviously fallen off the same planet I came from (or grandma before me) :) I've been disappointed in so many cookbook recipes in my life that it's become a habit of mine to change them before I start. Like remove certain ingredients and replace with something... poetic :D Or just come up with something of my own. As long as I add the right words, even the craziest creations get eaten by the audience. You already know my "simple coffee", but ever tried an ice cream milkshake with tomato juice and sweet chili sauce or adding dark chocolate to the minced meat sauce (otherwise a gray and boring classic here)? The eaters are still alive and well :D My best this-is-too-weird combination turned out to be an actual potion, to my complete surprise: Ballantines with apple juice removes the writer's block :)

My friend showed me a clip by B. Dylan Hollis on YouTube and every time he recreates a recipe from some old cookbook and it ends up being something beyond weird (and breaking his blender once), I feel so sorry for him :D Some of the 1980s recipes could definitely use a poetic touch.

*The ringtone: Their "Jolene" and "Good Man Down" are good, too.
Sailor Maan said…
I'm flattered you have a music for me hahaha!! (nice one I like it ;)
And I'm flattered you want to adopt me. My husband might have a laugh saying "be carefull what you wish for, he is delivered with his 26000 mangas, good luck to you" XD
He would also probably say I have other weird passions like watching asian BL, but we both know you don't mind XD
Miisu said…
Well, I'm not sure who's got the last laugh in this, but having a witch for a sister means every floor covered in herbs in various drying stage on sheets of brown paper for the whole summer, so walking around is kinda complicated :D (And what gets done with those herbs during winter time... the less you know, the better you sleep.) This particular witch collects Christmas novels and loves books in general, so there's an acute need for more shelves and all is well. Every other year she spends hours watching football matches, screaming for Czech Republic and Italy and swearing all hell on England's team, talks to stray cats on the street, considers any garment with Guns n'Roses logo on it sexy lingerie and takes her espresso with chili flakes :D And you can always rhyme your poetry in my kitchen - or do you prefer vers libre? Otherwise - if anyone even dares to look at you with a hint of something evil, I'll curse them to a place so remote that even Google can't find them. I've got your back, always. Blessed be :)
Golu said…
"Blessed be" - reminded me of Handmaid's Tale. Have you guys seen the show? "Praise Be" "May the lord open" etc etc
Miisu said…
No from me - I haven't seen Handmaid's Tale, thought it would be full of my triggers. "Blessed be" is one of the easiest wrap-up phrases to fortify a thought or a spell and make it end in good tones. Have you seen "Charmed"? The three sisters said it quite a few times. I usually use the "so it is said, so it is done, so it shall be" :)
Sailor Maan said…
Haven't seen Handmaid's tale either sorry... So many things so little time!!!
Golu said…
Exactly my sentiments: so many things, so little time.

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